
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · ตะวันออก
40 Chs

Tragedy in Section 23

Five steel spears flew out from the northeast corner and accurately pierced the bodies of the five insects. Immediately afterwards, the same number of steel spears flew up again from the same direction, and once again nailed the same number of insects to the ground.

"It's the third team, the third team that escaped. They came back to save us!" Behind Tianxiang, a hunter who seemed quite nervous at first shouted happily. Soon, a sense of excitement and excitement filled the entire team. Tianxiang wasted no time in leading all the team members around the area where the lice swarm was, and joined the third team from the side. Taking the extra throwing spears from their hands, he threw them with all his strength towards the insect swarm that had been attracted by Ye Zhanfeng's team.

There are not many bugs anymore. Although the gathering level can barely be regarded as a "swarm", compared with before, they have long lost the huge and mighty momentum. To put it bluntly, the current black louse swarm is just a nest of poor worms that suffered heavy casualties under the ferocious attacks of hunters. Although the remaining black lice gathered in swarms, they were still frantically launching a final attack on their enemies. But such attacks are obviously no longer feared by people.

Because, the few bugs running at the front were quite surprised to see that the humans who had been running away in panic now stood up from their hiding places uncharacteristically, holding the last spears in their hands, shouting, and shouting at themselves Rushed over.

Several consecutive rounds of spear attacks have already reduced most of the remaining insects. Although the remaining black lice still firmly dominate the number, even if they are divided among individuals, there are only two or three per person. Perhaps when a person is faced with five black lice at the same time, it will be somewhat confusing, and he must pay a heavy price to eliminate them all. Even when faced with ten or more black lice, the only option is to run away. But no matter what, no matter how weak the hunter is, he can easily kill two black lice when faced with them alone.

After all, no matter how disgusting and terrifying this bug looks, it is just an insect that feeds on grass. Their food source has already determined their character, and they are destined not to be as violent and ferocious as carnivorous insects.

The swarming melee was very simple, and Tianxiang felt like he was just stabbing the ground with a spear. Then he strung the poked insects on the top of the steel spear one after another. It feels like harvesting what you deserve on a hunting ground.

One hundred and thirty-two black lice, not a single one was caught, and all became the prey of this hunting team.

"Tell me, at the beginning, who disobeyed the order and shot that shot without permission?" When all the prey were gathered together, and the hunters gathered from all around. Tianxiang suddenly frowned and asked sideways towards Xia Dong, whose face was full of joy and excitement.

The voice of the question was so loud that not only Xia Dong, but all the hunters could hear it clearly.

"...It's...it's me!" After hesitating for a long time, the squad leader, with a look of panic in his eyes, finally admitted his behavior.

"Bang--", a powerful fist hit Xia Dong's thin-looking face quite accurately. The muscles that had been hit hard suddenly swelled, and a huge lump formed on the injured man's cheek.

"Why didn't you listen to my order? Did I not speak clearly enough in advance? Or did you not understand what I meant?" Tianxiang's words clearly contained uncontrollable anger.

"...I...I...I just saw that you didn't take action for a long time...so...so..." Xia Dong's voice was obviously timid. However, the resistance that any man would have after suffering an inexplicable attack also immediately appeared in him. After gently rubbing the swelling on his face, he suddenly roared in a low voice.

"I...although I was wrong to do this, didn't we kill all the bugs in the same way? Although the process was a bit dangerous, we still killed them. What's more, if it wasn't me, Bring people back in time, I'm afraid you'll have been bitten to death by those bugs!"

"You bastard!" Several hunters around Tianxiang could no longer bear this kind of sophistry, and rushed forward, pushing Xia Dong to the ground. They were all in the same team as Tianxiang, so naturally they knew the whole story better than anyone else. What's more, facing the new patriarch with such a rude attitude is simply an offensive behavior.

"Wait a minute!" Tianxiang shouted sharply to stop everyone's behavior. He pulled Xia Dong up from the ground with a stern expression, and said with a bit of sarcasm: "I know you are not convinced. Yes, we people were indeed rescued because of your rescue. But have you ever thought about it? If not Because you were good at making decisions at that time. If it weren't for you not obeying orders, would such a dangerous situation have happened? Just because of your impulse, all of us were almost killed here. As for rescue, hum ! If it weren't for the attack we launched on the bugs, I'm afraid you would have been bitten by bugs so hard that you couldn't even find a single intact spot."

Everyone said nothing, but stood there silently looking at Xia Dong, who was half lying on the ground with red and swollen cheeks. They all understood that the patriarch was right. If it weren't for his quick response, everyone would have been bitten to death by black lice, let alone the prey. Therefore, no matter how harshly he punished Xia Dong, no one would raise any objection to it. What's more, contradicting the majesty of the patriarch in public is a terrible mistake in itself.

"Pack your things and go back first with some of the prey. The old man and the woman should be impatient." To everyone's surprise, Tianxiang had no intention of punishing Xia Dong. After just glancing at him briefly, he turned around and pulled out a steel spear with four black lice on it from the ground, put it on his shoulder, and strode towards the camp.

Since the clan leader relied on his words, others naturally had no choice but to follow suit.

More than a hundred bugs, that's a huge fortune. The black lice grown by Mi Xu are quite heavy, and the weight of one has reached about ten kilograms. Judging from the existing people, it is obviously impossible to transport all the insect corpses back at once. However, the unexpected harvest made everyone feel happy and excited. As the clan leader, Tianxiang showed strength that surprised everyone. At that moment, a few guys who thought they were powerful began to string up the same four bugs from the ground in the same manner. Then he swung it backwards and placed it heavily on his shoulders.

In this way, nearly half of more than a hundred heavy black lice were carried away by these strong guys.

The journey home was obviously easier than when we came. Even though he was carrying something weighing over a hundred kilograms, no one said a word. The joy brought by abundant prey has completely filled people's chests, and imagining the surprises and surprises waiting for their relatives at home to greet them makes these young hunters even more excited. For a moment, infinite strength seemed to surge into his body. Even Xia Dong, who was punched hard because of his mistake, was completely infected by this warm atmosphere. He happily picked up a steel spear full of insects from the ground and happily joined the moving team.

Tianxiang walked very fast, which was certainly due to the movement of Tai Chi in his body. More importantly, it was because he wanted to see his sister's cute smiling face earlier. But for some unknown reason, Tianxiang felt an inexplicable uneasiness as he got closer to the camp.

Reality soon confirmed Tianxiang's inner throbbing. Just when the hunting team returned to the camp, everyone was shocked by the tragic scene in front of them.

The camp, which was originally a place with a bonfire, was in a mess. The daily necessities that were originally arranged in an orderly manner, classified and ready to be transported away at any time, were now turned into a mess. Broken pieces of cloth and utensils were scattered everywhere. However, it was nothing compared to the shocking bright red liquid flowing all over the ground.

Blood, that's human blood. It is the blood flowing from the bodies of those who stayed in the camp. Because, right next to the blood, were broken corpses.

"Who? Who did it?" A tall, stout man yelled angrily with tears streaming down his face as he bent down and hugged a female corpse that had no arms and legs. Tianxiang remembered that the old female corpse should be his mother.

No one answered. Not just him, except Tianxiang and Ye Zhanfeng. All the young hunters rushed into the pile of corpses and rummaged frantically. They are looking for their relatives. Great sadness suddenly enveloped the camp where the entire tribe lived.

Tianxiang didn't move, but that didn't mean he didn't have anger in his heart. Although from the beginning, he had a keen sense that Tianrou, Liu Rui, and some people he knew well were not lying among the corpses. But no matter what, this is its own ethnic group. No ruler can see the subjects under his jurisdiction being massacred inexplicably without feeling sadness, anger, and the desire for revenge occupying his entire brain.

"Wait! There seem to be survivors!" Fortunately, Tianxiang's thoughts were clearly aware of the slight movement coming from a rather hidden corner of the camp. Judging from the specific energy fluctuations, it should be a living person.

It was a mezzanine between two very close walls. The small gaps in it have been completely filled by panicked and frightened old people. Although these people were in rags and unarmed, they were still alive. It was only when they saw the hidden covering above their heads being lifted up, revealing familiar faces, that they seemed to have gained support, and they all burst into sad cries.

Tianrou was okay, she was holding on to the corner of Liu Rui's clothes with a look of fear on her face. It wasn't until he saw his brother's appearance that he threw himself into Tianxiang's arms and cried "Wow--".

Thirteen people. This is the number that Tianxiang calculated later, and it is also the number of all the survivors hiding in the wall, including Tianrou. This means that after the hunting team left, more than half of the camp residents who originally numbered more than a hundred people have turned into corpses or disappeared.

"Who did it?" Before everyone's emotions calmed down completely, Tianxiang asked the surviving old man Liu Rui in a terrifyingly calm tone.

"Gesa is Gesa's tribe." The old man angrily touched a bruised area on his left shoulder and said bitterly: "A hunting tribe living in the area near us. Not long after you left, their people They attacked our camp. At that time, we had no time to fight back. We could only take these people and hide in this hidden place. As for the remaining people, they were completely robbed or killed by them."

"Why? Do you have any grudge against them?" Tianxiang's tone was still so cold.

"Hate? Haha! Who would a group like us, who are almost all old, weak, sick and disabled, have a grudge against? To say that there is grudge, it is at best those of us who are about to die of old age and are unwilling to do what others say. It's just food." The old man said miserably: "Didn't you see those corpses with only torsos and no limbs? That was their masterpiece. The attackers killed them and feasted on their meat. As for those who were kidnapped Human beings, I believe, will also be looked after as their flesh and serve as the best food when prey is scarce."

"Where's the gun? Where's the gun I gave you? Why don't you use it?"

"The gun..." At this point, a look of shame suddenly appeared on Liu Rui's face: "I, I treat it like a treasure and put it in a dry cave... After all, it is a legacy of the ancients. Bring down the powerful weapons...precious things...I think, I want...to save them for later and use them slowly..."

"You are really old!" Tianxiang's words were full of blame and emotion. Xuan Ji said in the same cold and irresistible tone: "Go, bring the gun and give it to me!"

The cries continued in the camp, and the deep sadness that permeated them cast an inexplicable melancholy over everyone's hearts. There are fewer people, and the days to come will probably be even more difficult.

"Stop crying!" With these simple words, Tianxiang jumped up and stood in front of all those who were rummaging through the pile of corpses for the remains of their loved ones, and shouted: "There is no use crying at the dead. If you really If you feel sad, really sad, then you should seek revenge on those who caused all this pain. Cut their throats with your own hands and seek justice for those who have died."

"Chief! Tell me! What should I do?" A female hunter holding a headless corpse strode up to Tianxiang with tears in her arms, picked up a steel spear from the ground that shook off the prey, and swung it with all her strength. He waved and responded loudly to Tianxiang's words. Following her lead, all the members of the hunting team also stood in front of the new clan leader with angry expressions. Behind them are all the remaining survivors. However, compared with just now, although their faces were still sad, there were still wet tears in the corners of their eyes. However, a new emotion, following the patriarch's words, completely penetrated their bodies and filled their brains.

revenge! I want revenge!

"There don't need to be too many people going. As with the previous arrangement, women, children, and the elderly will all stay. Others, follow me."

Tianxiang's voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear clearly. This young clan leader has already proven through his actual actions in previous hunts that he is worthy of his responsibilities. No one dared to question his words. No one dared to challenge him. Soon, after sorting out the order and bringing all the weapons, all the people participating in the hunt headed towards their goal of revenge. He soon disappeared from the sight of the old people staying in the camp.

Gesa's group is not far away, only a few kilometers away from the existing camp. However, they are powerful. There are as many as 200 strong male hunters alone. If you add in the women and the elderly who are responsible for daily life management, the number has exceeded 300. However, judging from this point alone, this guy named Geza should actually be regarded as a person who sympathizes with the weak to some extent. After all, in the dark world, few ethnic group managers would be willing to provide protection for a group of old people and children. Not to mention using precious food to support it.

But no matter what, these are not reasons to use other people's bodies to satisfy one's own appetites. Just because his relatives are starving, he kills other people's parents and uses their meat to feed his own parents. Such behavior is no different from those bugs that feed on humans.