
Doomsday Chat Group [RE-UPLOAD]

When Kenji was reincarnated into this seemingly normal and parallel version of Japan, he thought it was just another version of the Japan he once lived in. Now, he has come to learn that the supernatural are more than just pieces of fiction here. Now finding his fate intertwined with a mysterious chat group that has linked not only his future, but the future of others as well. Kenji is about to show the supernatural side of this world just how terrifying a human can really be! After all, when you're not only armed with the help of the chat group but also the adaptive abilities of one of DC's strongest villains, not many things out there would want to stand in your way.

ShatteredTranquil · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

The Five Foremost Yakshas

As Kenji walked alongside Pervases who was merely having casual conversation with him, the sight was a bit strange to both Kojou and Neptune since Kenji was speaking with a bird. Other than that, the other Yaksha and the other chat group members were still looking at Kenji with slightly stunned expressions.

It hadn't been long after that battle, and the image of Kenji hurling a massive spear and killing over a hundred of those demons was still ingrained in their minds. Pervases, for the most part, seemed to have pushed away all that surprise and was now having casual conversation with the person in question.

Even though those demons were on the lower end of power, the Yakshas were still surprised to see these supposedly normal mortal being capable of easily defeating them. Aside from Ganyu, which they could sense adeptal energy from, the others seemed just like normal humans.

It wasn't just their impressive display when it came to power, but also the fact that Kenji was capable of utilising elemental powers. More specifically, the power of light. It was a well-known fact that humans were incapable of such feats, only the likes of some adepti and the gods were known to possess such power.

Even then, the number of people able to manipulate light could be counted on both hands from what they knew. This did make the Yakshas curious about whether or not the other two humans, Kojou and Neptune, were also able to utilise elemental powers.

Anyway, as they were all walking, the Yakshas had inquired about Ganyu's name. Kenji had already anticipated this kind of thing happening, so he suggested Ganyu to try and make up a fake name or to think of something herself that wouldn't risk suspicion.

They were dealing with time travel here, and they didn't know what would happen if the people of this era were to find out the situation between both this time's Ganyu and the modern one. It could really be a messy situation to deal with.

Now that he thought about it, perhaps he should have suggested Ganyu buy a cloak to hide herself or something. While it wouldn't solve the issue completely, it would at least do so to a certain degree. Well, it was too late to regret anything now.

"A nameless adeptus?" Pervases spoke as he turned his head back to look towards Ganyu who was walking beside both Kojou and Neptune. "Surely you were given a name at birth... whatever the case, perhaps Lord Morax shall bestow a name upon you himself."

The other chat group members all glanced at Ganyu, all of them saw her just smile nervously after hearing those words. She did tell them prior to all this about Rex Lapis, also known as Morax, and her history with the Geo Archon.

"Are we almost there, Pervases?" Neptune suddenly complained as she had her head resting backwards, looking up towards the sky. "We've been walking for hours... my legs are starting to turn into pudding themselves!"

"Neptune, it's been an hour..."

"It isn't long now, we should be arriving any time now." Pervases chuckled as he heard the question. Despite how skilfully he had seen the girl fight before, she was indeed as childish as she appeared. "The area that Bosacius has set up camp should be just around this area."


It was as Pervases had stated, it didn't take any longer than twenty minutes before the group had arrived at the supposed camp. It wasn't anything amazing, just a simple few campfires setup, along with other Yakshas resting around the area, which was surrounded by some bamboo that was growing high into the sky.

As the group walked through the camp, the Yakshas that were in their group greeted the others who casted curious glances towards the chat group members. As the Yakshas all dispersed, Pervases told the chat group members to follow him.

Soon enough, the group soon saw a large humanoid figure sitting in front of a large burning campfire. The person had their back turned towards them, so they couldn't really get a good look at their appearance. Though, even so, they could tell this person was incredibly fucking jacked.

However, the one thing that really stood out...

"Holy nep! That dude has four arms!" Neptune jaw dropped. The others, aside from Ganyu, were surprised as they could see a second pair of arms sprouting out from the male's body. "That's totally wicked! I'm totally jealous!"


"Hm? Ah, Pervases!" The muscular adeptus in front of them turned his head to look at them upon hearing his name. Once he saw Pervases, the male immediately stood up from the log he was seated upon and quickly walked on over to them. "I'm glad to see you safe and sound, with the number of demons increasing each and every day, I was worried."

"I'm grateful for your concern." Pervases chuckled slightly before turning his head and gestured one of his wings towards the chat group members. Bosacius turned his head slightly look at them. "It's mainly thanks to these four, if they had not arrived, I'm uncertain whether or not I could have returned."

"Truly?" Bosacius voiced with clear interest as he glanced his eyes over each and every one of them. His gaze did linger a bit on Ganyu as an eyebrow rose when he looked at her, obviously taking notice of the horns on her head. "A group of mortals and a half-adeptus? You don't look too strong, but doubt Pervases would lie about something like that."

The chat group members relaxed when they saw the male give them a friendly grin, though it was kind of weird when he extended all four of his arms towards them. They understood the message as they each took hold of one hand and shook.

"It's nice to meet you all, my name is Bosacius. One of the Yakshas serving under Lord Morax." Bosacius introduced himself with a large amount of pride, especially when saying the last part. "As people who assisted my brothers and sisters, may I know your names?"

"Kenji Kusanagi, nice to meet you."

"The name's Neptune!"

"Kojou Akatsuki."

"What about you, halfling?" Bosacius asked curiously when he noticed Ganyu remaining silent. Pervases then leaned in towards Bosacius before whispering something, earning a surprised blink from the male. "A nameless adeptus? That's interesting. In any case, all of you, please take a seat! Any friend of Pervases is a friend of mine!"

Bosacius gestured them towards the logs surrounding the fire, they just nodded in thanks before each taking a seat around the fire. Pervases decided to remain standing, due to his form, beside Bosacius who sat down back on the log he was on previously.

"Fascinating, a mortal capable of manipulating elemental powers! The power of light no less!" Bosacius voiced with interest as he looked towards Kenji. "Normally, I would think such words are preposterous. However, with the way Pervases speaks of you, I cannot help but believe it."

Pervases chuckled before adding. "The others were just as incredible, Bosacius."

"Yep, we nepped them up real good!"

"Hahaha~! I see!" Bosacius laughed wholeheartedly at the statement. "The others shall be returning soon, then we'll make our way back to the harbor. Hopefully, Lord Morax has returned as well. He'll be very interested in meeting all of you."

"Speaking of the others, Pervases did tell us about the other Yakshas fighting elsewhere." Kenji spoke up next as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Did you perhaps already clear out all of the remaining demons that were present within this area?"

"Not too long before your group arrived." Bosacius nodded his head as he responded. "I'm sure the others are also finished as well on their sides. In fact, there they are now!"

Bosacius smiled as the group blinked before turning their heads towards where Bosacius was looking, and when they did, they saw four figures walking out from amongst the bamboo forest stakes. Behind them followed numerous other Yakshas.

The first four really stood out compared to the other Yakshas, just like how Bosacius did with his four arms. The chat group members also noticed that the four in front donned masks that were very similar to those of oni masks.

"Bosacius, we're back!" The one that yelled out was the female Yaksha with fiery dark orange hair, along with donning an outfit that suited very well with said hairstyle. The other three followed behind her towards them. "Who are these people?"

"Some new friends that had assisted Pervases!"

"Truly?" The tall male Yaksha with long brown and yellow hair was the one who voiced this, a look of interest crossing the male's face underneath his mask. They all watched as the masks on the Yakshas faces disappeared as their faces underneath were revealed. "How interesting..."

Just like with Bosacius, the chat group members all introduced themselves to the Yakshas. The four did give Ganyu looks just like Bosacius did when they heard she didn't have a name, though accepted it. As the other surrounding Yakshas got to work to pack everything they had to get ready to leave, the group talked with one another.

Their conversations were simple, they just had a casual conversation with very basic topics. When asked some risky questions, Kenji made sure to answer as best as he could while remaining not suspicious as possible. He wasn't just going to tell them they came from another world, that'd be really damn stupid.

During the conversations, the chat group members got to know each of the five foremost Yakshas better. Bosacius was obviously very friendly, and he seemed to be the most respected out of all the Yakshas here. Which they eventually learned was because he was the very first Yaksha.

Next up was the female with fiery-hair, her name was Indarias. Just like how her appearance and apparently fire elemental abilities, she also had an energetic and fiery attitude. She easily got along with the chat group members.

Next on the list was the tall male with long hair, his name was Menogias. Unlike Indarias, he was much calmer and spoke in a more relaxed and polite manner. Menogias got along mostly with Kenji and Kojou, Ganyu was a debatable since she didn't talk too much. Neptune was a bit too energetic for Menogias to have proper conversation.

The other female, the one with deep royal blue hair with lighter highlights in certain sections, was named Bonanus. She was kind of like Menogias, she was friendly just like Indarias but much calmer and reserved. While not nearly as quiet as Ganyu, she wasn't a chatterbox.

The final member, the one that was currently seated while leaning against the bamboo not too far away, was named Alatus. From what the others told them, he was also sometimes called Xiao, due to that being the name given to him by Rex Lapis.

Unlike the other Yakshas, Xiao didn't converse nearly as much, only responding in short sentences whenever he was addressed, though not all the time. While they wouldn't necessarily say Xiao was friends with them, he wasn't against them either.

"Aww, you're so adorable, Sister Neptune!" Bonanus gushed as she hugged Neptune from behind, the purple-head panicking as the claws were very close to her face. The other watched in amusement as this happened. "I could just hug you forever~."

The group weren't entirely certain whether or not Bonanus's claws were genetic, or were just attachable weapons. If it was the former, than they would have to be a bit weary around her. Neptune knew this very well considering her current position.

"Woah woah woah! Watch the claws!" Neptune panicked as she kicked her legs up and down, her face pale as blank paper as she stared at the claws on Bonanus's hands with shaking eyes. "I like hugs. But, if you hug me any closer I'll become a nep shish-kebab!"

"Serves you right."

"Shut thy mouth, Kojou!"

"Hahaha~! Your group truly is interesting, Kenji!" Bosacius laughed aloud, his words directed at Kenji who merely grinned before shrugging his shoulders. He wasn't going to refute those words, the chat group members really were their own unique bunch of people.

"You alright there? You look a bit distant..."

"E-Eh? Oh, I'm fine..." Ganyu snapped out of her thoughts as she responded to Kenji's question. Kenji blinked and frowned a bit towards her, Ganyu noticed this and sighed. "It's just... I'm finding it a bit difficult to fit in here. I've never really been apart of such a close group before..."

"Feel like an outcast or something?" Kenji asked as Ganyu merely nodded in response. "Well, don't be. We all consider you a friend, so don't feel like you don't belong here."

"He's right there, you don't need to distance yourself!" Indarias grinned as she overheard the conversation. She then teasingly gestured towards Xiao, who had his eyes closed as he continued leaning against the bamboo nearby. "Plus, we already have someone to fit that role! Alatus the loner, look at him over there!"

Xiao opened his eyes and gave Indarias a blank look before closing his eyes again.

"As you can see!"

"I-I see..." Ganyu giggled a bit seeing this. "Thank you for having me then."

"Did I hear the word loner? I didn't know Noire was here..." Neptune stopped her shouting as soon as she heard Indarias speaking. Though, she soon switched back immediately to her panicked state. "W-Woah, I told you to be careful with those claws! If I have to, I will go HDD to escape!"

Kenji just closed his eyes and chuckled as he watched the group interacting. 'This is going to be a long and interesting quest...'