
Doomsday Base Building

It was early in the afternoon. Dark as pitch-black, and the land was damped with silence. Only the cold breeze whispered amidst the calm and soundless skies. Though below it was a small settlement burning in crimson flames. Decimated beyond relief with rubbles everywhere. Cold corpses were strewn throughout the settlement, with some bodies ripped apart into bloodied pieces. Puddles of velvet blood formed, and chunks of flesh dangled along the concrete walls in gory ways. It was a horrifying sight, but this was the reality in the world of Terra.  Near the building where the former leader of the settlement resided was a young man leaning on the concrete wall. There were no emotions on his face as he held a revolver tightly under his fingers. His name was Duke Shepherd. Before the end, he was but a humble college student.  Duke was the only remaining survivor in the small settlement after it was overrun by an aberrant flood. He initially wanted to rest eternally using the revolver when he gazed upon what was left. But he couldn't find the strength to do so. Despite the unending tragedies and suffering... He wanted to live.  | Initializing... |  "Huh?"  | Connecting to the Bio-Apparatus... Bio-Apparatus connected! | | Activating Doomsday Base Building Protocol... Protocol activated! | | Enlisting Unit #01 Codename: Director... Unit Enlisted! | | Congratulations on the Protocol Activation, Director Duke Shepherd! | | Let us start building, shall we? |  ―――――― | Genre: Apocalypse, Kingdom-Building, Army-Building, Zombies, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Horror, Violence, Military |

Savant_Paragon · ไซไฟ
48 Chs

Cerberus Personnel: Cerberus Ground Force(CGF)

Inside the Director's office was Duke calmly reading through a file. The title of the paper was Cerberus Ground Forces. It was about the detailed changes and investment of the CGF.

"It took some time to build up the Cerberus Ground Force, and extremely expensive. But I guess it's worth it." 

Duke mumbled with a smile on his face. The descriptions in the file were clear and straightforward, which was the work of the Administrator, Aurora.

The Director couldn't imagine doing the entirety of the logistical network by himself. It would be too much, especially with his lack of knowledge. 

'I guess I was lucky when I got her as my first special unit.'

Duke didn't regret not getting an offensive unit since the focus of the Protocol was the Doomsday Base Building. In itself, he needed to stop warring and start building his base.

Nevertheless, several things happen after the meeting of the high echelons at the apex of the headquarters, the Strategic Command. 

The Cerberus underwent an inherent change, with some written on the file.

As Duke had ordered before, Cerberus Personnel were given the chance and opportunity to name themselves. If they did name themselves, they would have to register it for the name to become official. 

The names were registered in the database, which was thoroughly protected along with other vital and confidential data of the Cerberus. 

It didn't take an entire day for all 756 units to be recorded in the database.

And that's right, the personnel increased from 689 to 756 units.

The story began with the restructuring of the Cerberus Military Structure. It took a lot of time and effort, but fortunately, it wasn't too hard. 

Most of it was because the Administrator, Aurora, pulled an impressive all-nighter that made the logistical network adapt to the restructuring like a warm blanket. 

This was what made Duke extremely thankful to her. He even offered a day of vacation, but the lady rejected it. After all, according to her, being with him was already satisfying. 

Duke didn't know how she managed to say such words with a calm face. And to be honest, Aurora's words tugged his heartstrings. 

Anyhow, the restructuring went without a hitch. 

But with the advent of the restructuring came the creation of the 1st and 2nd Stormtrooper Company under the Cerberus Infantry Division. 

Following it was the emergence of the 1st Rapid-Support Company in the helms of the Cerberus Mechanized Division.

Through various analyses from multiple Officers and Aurora, companies in the Cerberus Infantry Division, or CID, were allocated HMMWV Vanguards and H10 Armored Trucks.

The exact numbers were 30 HMMWV Vanguards and 12 H10 Armored Trucks evenly distributed to the two Stormtrooper Companies. 

Duke wasn't too bothered by the procurement of these vehicles since they weren't too expensive for him. Especially when these vehicles were purchased during the short remaining timeframe of the 50% discount.

At any rate, he used 4,800 Source Points to supply the two CID companies with their armored vehicles. Though, he felt it was worth it.

The next one was the acquisition of armored vehicles for the 1st Rapid-Support Company of the Cerberus Mechanized Division. 

Truthfully, he didn't have to spend much Source Points in this company. Duke only took the original armored vehicles he acquired recently during the liberation and allocated them to the company.

These armored vehicles were the 20 HMMWV Vanguards, 10 H10 Armored Trucks, 2 H20 Transport Trucks, 10 Panther APCs, and 10 Hammer IFVs. 

Quite a lot for a single company, but it was under the presumption for them to work together with the 1st and 2nd Stormtrooper Companies.

After all, the Rapid-Support Company will manage the rapid deployment of ground forces on the battlefield. So, they needed all the armored vehicles they could get. 

Following the conclusion of the Cerberus Military Structure was the beginning of the birth of the new division, the Cerberus Armored Division.

At first... And what an ordinary man would usually think when purchasing vehicles for the armored division, Duke wanted to buy the CAD some MBTs.

But after wasting some of his brain cells thinking about it. He didn't find the MBTs to be practical in their current circumstances. 

All the aberrants, whether ordinary or tyrants, couldn't resist the penetration of the Cerberus arsenal. So, there was no need to seek for more penetration power.

Instead, what Duke needed the most was an armored vehicle with a high area-of-effect capability. 

Since having an MBT was too much and didn't seem practical in their current situation. It prompted Duke to purchase something else.

This was none other than the HA2 Jaguar Self-Propelled Artillery.

Merely reading through the specs given by the Protocol was enough to impress Duke deeply.

➤| HA2 Jaguar Self-Propelled Artillery(Military): The HA2 Jaguar is a 250 mm turreted self-propelled howitzer of the Cerberus Military. It is a 10x10 heavy and mobile vehicle produced to shell and shift positions in mere minutes. The armored artillery is rapidly deployable and can be operated in any climatic conditions. Its ammunition varies from high-explosives to shrapnel-based shells. It has an artillery range of 50 kilometers and can fire 6 rounds per minute. With a top speed of 70 kilometers per hour, the Jaguar has an operating range of 400 kilometers. The crew requirement is 4 personnel. (Cost: 400 Source Points[50% Discount]) |

He remembered it clearly in his head. And it was enough to end his hesitation in acquiring the vehicle despite its high price.

Duke bought about 20 HA2 Jaguar Self-Propelled Artilleries. And it burned through his wallet like liquid acid. It made him realize the difference between a high price and a very high price. 

The artilleries belonged to the latter. Jaguars were extremely expensive as one, even with the 50% discount, already cost Duke 400 Source Points.

So, in simpler terms, the purchase cost the Director 8,000 Source Points. Merely remembering it was enough to make Duke want to cough blood.

But nonetheless, it also resulted in the birth of the 1st Ground-Support Artillery Company of the Cerberus Armored Division. 

With them, there was no need to fight the hordes of abominations directly. Duke could point at any spot and make it disappear from the map.

Thinking of these bad boys shelling and pounding the hordes for hours made Duke ecstatic. 

Though, this wasn't the time for that.

After all...

Duke took out another file on his desk and read its title with his jet-black irises. He didn't plan on acquiring things about it, but it happened. 

He weighed the cost and opportunity for a dozen minutes. And he reached one conclusion. He needed to purchase it while it was cheap.

After all, he didn't have the capabilities to build it, so there was no lowering the price for these vehicles. 

Since the 50% Discount was still open, why waver?

"And I don't even regret spending half of what remained to acquire it."

There was no regret on Duke's face. While his precious wallet burned down into ashes of despair, he gained the heavens in its stead.

The edges of his lips rose as he muttered the title with unwavering pride.

"Cerberus Air Force." 

For those who want to see the picture of the vehicles, you can go to the Auxiliary Volume for more info.

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