
The Lie of The Rhyme

We've all heard it.

At one point or another.

In our lives,

We've heard it.

"Sticks and stones can break my bones,

But words will never hurt me."

Was it meant to teach kids not to get hurt by words? Because it doesn't work.

All throughout his childhood,

Others threw words at him,

Knowing very well,

That he couldn't



So, they landed on his


Waking bruises up as they fell to the floor,

Just seconds after hitting his body.

The words,

Always floating,

Always following him,

Kept opening up the doors to bruise him.

The words started to black out everything else.

Emo bitch. Worthless. Ugly. Fat. Useless. Unloved. Monster. Psycho. DIE. Twitch. Stupid. Nothing. Hopeless. Fuck up. Unwanted.


And over

And over

And over again

For three years,

They threw their words like bricks at him,

Hoping to break hus bones.

Hoping to break...


One day,

Hefound a way to shut it all out.

It started with little scratches.

Little scars that no one could see.

No one but him.

It got so much worse.

Every night,

He would leave a thousand paint marks on his skin,

Covering up the bruises that words can leave.

He started to believe the words.

He started to hope and pray that a car would hit him,

Or that a mad man would just randomly shoot him.

He didn't care if he died.

Any life after this one HAD to be better than hell of his own.

Maybe that's why he picked up starving himself.

He knew the statistics.

He knew how many died because of it.


He wanted some kind of control over his own life.

And he found two:

Painting his skin with the paint that came from a razor blade;


Not eating to the point that the only weight he saw was

One hundred and fifteen.

If he cut his skin enough times,

He'd be worth it.

If he weighed enough,

He'd be handsome.

It has been SIX YEARS

Since it all started and he still doesn't believe that he is handsome

He still doesn't believe that he is worth it.

He wants to,

But everytime he tries,

The bricks come back.

Hitting his scared skin,

Reminding him that that he never will be.

So yeah, sticks and stones can break one's bones, but words will hurt them.