
don't know might update later

crazy_son · ภาพยนตร์
2 Chs

meh still don't have a title

[status: dead

name: (Hamza khan)

level:1 (0/100)

overall physical capability: 0 (don't have a body)

overall mental capability: 1.7 (smart boi)

overall magical capability: 0 (didn't have mana in previous universe and body)

average for non magical human beings: 1


beatboxing lvl 6

dancing lvl 4

cooking lvl 5

lying lvl 9

martial arts (basically his mediocre fighting ability) lvl 4

singing lvl 6

driving (everyone rides bikes in pakistan even kids as young as 11) lvl 7

writing lvl 2



'.....that last one was uncalled for, i was just curious how writing something felt after reading so many novels OKAY!'

[would you like me to remove that skill from the list of skills that are to be integrated in your new body]

'NO! you know how much time it took me to be able to write as i good as i was able to, even if it is only lvl 2 i want IT!'


"sheesh, now what do i do? hey lucy do you have any idea how i can get out of here'

[yes, we can transmigrate to some new borns body in your previous or alternate universe or some other universe that is nearby because we can't go to a very far away universe like this, weak and without energy. we can also choose a dead persons body too, i can't push a soul out of someone right now without mana]

'....oh so, I can go to a nearby universe? ok, i think if universes are arranged by how much alike they are, I only have a few fictional universes i can go to that i know of... but they are all apocalypse type worlds... ah~ fuck it, lucy tell me if we can go to resident evil and what timeline we can go to if yes'

[we can reach resident evil but it will be a little early in the timeline from when the 'plot' starts... like 2 years from raccoon city incident...]

'hmmm... so i can't stop the virus from spreading and shit like that....like i was interested in doing that in the first place, but it would have been better if I didn't have too live in the apocalyptic world... '

'meh... at least I have a head start, I also wanted to bash zombie brains my whole lives... fuck it lets go there....lucy transport us to the resident evil world!!!'

[okay I will start the process now,

teleporting to "resident evil' universe. 10% completed 24% completed 49% completed 69% completed 100% completed]

[we have arrived in the 'resident evil' universe but we can't get out now until you have gotten strong enough because we have binded our souls the amount of energy I can tap into, store, collect and use is depended on you bc you are the dominant soul, so try and get powerful quick if you want to get out quick :)]

[also I have found a suitable body for our soul and to our luck it is near raccoon city, in the rural area, we can start integrating with it if you want]

"...you know, you should have told .e that before but I know what are going to say 'you didn't ask' bullshit so I ain't even gonna get mad...now just start integration, ok"

[yes, host I will start right now]

as she said that we started to accelerate towards the ground, it was beautiful, I haven't see anything like this before in person, only in videos as time passes after a few minutes I started to see a city but we weren't going there we were going into the forest outside the city, we stopped right besides a good looking young man's body from observation he would be about one year younger than me, appearance wise he was into some kind of sport and came to the forest to hike...

from the looks of it the boy had died after a animal attacked him I can't tell what it was maybe a wolf or a bear...

after a minute of just staring at the corpse we slowly started to go into the boy, it was jarring at first thinking that I was technically stealing a corpse but I got myself under control after I started thinking of this like the body was unclaimed so it wasn't anyones so I can take it...

after sometime that felt like about 10 minutes I could start feeling 'my' limbs and then came the pain... I could feel hundreds of tiny scratches all over my body and some big cuts over my neck and chest, it was like I was laying on nails while someone whipped my back, in that small time I also started to get memories of this body's previous owner... that was just as painful as described in the novels maybe even more but just when I was about to fall over and pass out I started feeling relief and the pain started to go away, that was the best feeling I could have ever imagined it felt warm and fluffy as if I was laying in my mothers embrace but it was just a momentary feeling it wore of immediately after the pain...

[host, you have received your system provided skills, 'not quite gamer's mind' , 'not really gamer's body' , 'observe me if you can' and pain nullification and due to aquiring a body host also gets his hp and mp meter... if host wants he can now observe his status again to see changes.]

" no, thank you I can imagine how my status will look like and I kind of have a head ache now after all those memories were planted in me.... give me some time to adjust and suppress his feels..."

from the memories I have I can see that this bodies name is lex he is a student, plays rugby and that he was actually going camping with his mother and father when a wolf pack attacked them, the pack looked like it was hungry... his mother and father died but he managed to run away with many injuries... he ran and ran about two kilometers but he couldn't run any more after so many injuries and blood loss and died after an hour or two of suffering muthafucka was in so much pain before he died... it is really hard to imagine how he felt... it looks like they lived in raccoon city and his mother and father were loaded... they had a cosmetic company shares... so I won't have to worry about a house and money I won't even have to worry about interaction with people who know me... this is seriously a really good situation for me.

I just have to get out of here and act heart broken for a while other than that everything is gucci and I have stop my system regen for a while to actually seem like a normal human or else I might attract attention from umbrella foundation definitely don't want that...

hmmmm I will do that, first get out of the forest and get help, then I will think about school and my training regiment to get out of this world, definitely don't want to be here forever even if I like it...