
Shenron: Grant me Wishes! (1/2)

The porcelain throne no longer held Kasper's focus. Now, his brow furrowed in concentration, the fiery ordeal a fading memory overshadowed by the fantastical possibilities before him. "Five wishes, anything I can imagine..." he mused, a whirlwind of anime and novels swirling in his head. "This is going to be a tough one."

Traveling to different worlds, epic battles – it all seemed thrilling. But first things first, he needed a body capable of handling such adventures. Time travel added another layer of complexity. "Can I tailor the wishes to my exact specifications?" he asked, turning to God.

A mischievous glint sparked in God's golden eyes. "Absolutely, get as specific as you want. But remember," he warned, "every wish has fine print."

"That makes it harder, but so much more rewarding," Kasper grinned, rising to his feet. As if conjured by thought, a comfortable chair materialized beside him. "I think I'm ready."

"This is your chance, something no one else has ever had! Make it fun," God boomed, barely containing his excitement. "Let's hear those wishes!"

Kasper took a deep breath. "First, I want limitless evolution and adaptability. Specifically, the ability to absorb bloodlines or DNA to push my body's limits, without drawbacks thanks to the adaptability. Think Doomsday, but with a human base form."

God considered this with a smirk. "Granted, but there's a catch. Imagine falling into the ocean. Normally, you'd drown. But your body would adapt. Over time, you might breathe underwater or withstand the pressure. The more challenges you face, the stronger you become."

"Perfect!" Kasper exclaimed. "So even if a power is too strong, I can adapt?"

"It depends. A god's power might still be too much. Your body would, well, explode into a very messy mist," God said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"No god-mode buffet, huh? Okay, then for my second wish: Instant Mastery of any skill, power, or technique."

"Granted, but not quite instant. Think of it as turbocharged training. While everyone else trains normally, you'll be learning with a 10,000% bonus. But you still have to put in the effort."

"Building my own skills sounds good," Kasper conceded. "Third wish: a system, but with some modifications. No system slave here!" he declared proudly.

"I hear you. Infinite inventory, all the bells and whistles, a shop selling anything from anime or light novels. But to get those items, you have to complete achievements – defeating enemies, mastering skills, creating something new. Makes sense?" God asked.

"Exactly!" Kasper said, relieved God understood his vision. "And no sentience in the system, please! No snarky AI judging my every move."

"No need for another explosion," God chuckled, likely picturing the previous bathroom ordeal. "Let's hear those last two wishes. Make them count!"

Hey everyone,

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Have a lovely day!

itsDhicreators' thoughts