
Is this the Titanic?

*10,000m below sea level: Unnamed Ship*

Kasper perched on the prow of the ship, his eyes squeezed shut in intense concentration. Sunlight was a distant memory here, replaced by the faint, bioluminescent glow emanating from the depths. Their vessel, a marvel, resembled a transparent bubble gliding through the inky abyss. Every few minutes, a subtle tremor would rack Kasper's body, followed by a deep exhale as he regained control.

He was their shield, their silent guardian against the monstrous denizens of the deep–the Sea Kings. These leviathans, drawn by the ship's warmth, mistook it for easy prey. But as they breached the 500-meter mark, a wave of invisible force would slam into them. It wasn't a physical attack, but a crushing pressure, a manifestation of Kasper's Conqueror's Haki–a raw, untamed power that radiated malice and pure, untamed will. The Sea Kings, overwhelmed by a terror they couldn't comprehend, would thrash and convulse before falling limp, unconscious hulks sinking back into the abyss.

Yes, his role was to protect the ship, but it was more than that. This constant exertion, this 24/7 channeling of his Haki, fueled his growth. With every Sea King subdued, Kasper felt his own power burgeoning, his connection to this extraordinary ability deepening. It was a baptism by fire, his adaptation and insane growth speed bringing his Haki to a higher level with each moment.

Between moments of focus, Kasper pondered his next steps. He'd been using his Haki constantly, weaving it into everyday tasks, and he could feel himself approaching mastery in each type. He hadn't tested them much in real fights, but his sheer willpower and overpowered wishes bypassed most training hurdles. The Gravity Ring on his hand, ever-present, kept upping the pressure, mirroring the ocean's own crushing force. His body adapted, growing stronger with every second.

This continued for many hours as their ship swam further into the depths of the ocean.


The clatter of dishes subsided, replaced by the soft pad of Robin's feet on the metal deck. She'd just finished fixing a meal for one. Glancing towards the bow, she saw Kasper's silhouette etched against the bioluminescent glow of the deep. Her steps faltered, a hesitant rhythm as she approached him.

Uncharacteristically, Robin reached out, her arms encircling his neck in a sudden embrace. It wasn't a gesture she made lightly. Ten years ago they'd met. It would be a lie to say she didn't feel something for him. Their bond had roots that stretched back to their harrowing first encounter. He'd been a whirlwind then, rescuing her from a fate of death. Now, a decade later, he was her anchor–the one constant in the ever-shifting current of her life.

He hadn't abandoned her, not after pulling her from the hands of Crocodile. He'd taken her in, fed her, protected her. The signs, subtle though they were, weren't lost on her. The way his gaze lingered a beat too long on her face, the gruff compliment after a challenging training session and much more.

Today, Robin stopped ignoring the truth simmering beneath the surface. It was time for a little honesty, with him and with herself.

The surprise on Kasper's face was genuine. Not at Robin's presence–he could sense her approach with his Haki–but at the unexpected embrace. "Robin?" he rasped, his voice rough from the strain of maintaining his power.

She didn't answer at first, only squeezing tighter. "Just this," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper against his broad back. After a moment, she pulled back enough to look up at him, eyes shimmering in the faint bioluminescence. "Thank you, Kasper. I know I can't repay you yet. I'm not strong enough. But I want you to know…" She paused, searching for the right words.

"I'll be here, beside you. Always. You act like everything's easy, but I see how you plan two steps for every one of mine. You make sure I'm safe even when you're fighting for your life. So, Kasper," she continued, her voice gaining strength, "consider me your first 'mate'. As long as you'll have me, I'm not going anywhere."

Silence settled between them, thick with unspoken emotions. The faint hum of the ocean thrummed in the background, a counterpoint to the pounding of Kasper's heart. Robin's words hung in the air, a declaration that shattered the unspoken boundaries of their relationship. Now, the only question that remained was how he would respond.

Kasper's mind reeled. Robin's sudden vulnerability threw him for a loop. He'd always seen her as a pillar of stoicism, a quiet strength that complemented his own bravado. Sure, he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, a yearning simmering beneath the surface. But a part of him, perhaps a foolish part, had harbored the belief that eventually, he'd be the one to bridge the unspoken gap, to confess his own feelings after a carefully planned (and likely disastrous) gesture.

A soft cough escaped his lips as he cleared his throat. "Robin," he began, his voice thick with a sudden rush of emotions, "there's nothing you need to repay. You…" He hesitated, searching for the right words, the weight of the situation settling on him. "If you're truly serious," he finally managed, a reluctant smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "then having you by my side… that wouldn't be a burden. It would be…" He trailed off, searching for a word more profound than the simple 'privilege' that seemed so inadequate.

Their eyes met, a silent conversation unfolding in the depths of their gazes. The air crackled with unspoken desires, a tangled web of what they felt and what they feared to say. A primal urge, raw and unfiltered, roared in Kasper's head. 'It's Robin, dammit,' a voice screamed in his thoughts, a voice laced with a healthy dose of incredulity. 'She's practically confessing her feelings! Don't be a fool, Kasper!'

As if guided by an invisible hand, Kasper's head dipped forward, a slow, almost hesitant tilt. Robin, her eyes wide with a mix of trepidation and hope, mirrored his movement. The unspoken hung heavy in the air, a question mark waiting to be punctuated.

Their lips hovered, a charged particle waiting for the final spark. Then, as if struck by a bolt of unseen lightning, Kasper met Robin halfway. The first touch was a whisper, a tentative exploration of this newfound intimacy. Against his lips, he felt the softest sensation he could imagine, a contrast to the rough world they navigated. It was a revelation, a sweetness he hadn't allowed himself to dream of.

The kiss deepened, a hesitant dance turning into a fervent embrace. Tension bled away, replaced by a raw hunger. Their lips moved in sync, a language far more eloquent than words. Heads tilted, seeking every angle, every curve. Kasper's hand gripped Robin's body, a possessive claim that mirrored the burgeoning possessiveness in his heart. It wasn't just a kiss; it was a promise, a vow whispered on heated breath.

Minutes bled into one another as their kiss deepened, a slow burn erupting into a raging inferno. When they finally broke apart, it was with a gasp, both gasping for air as much as they were trying to hold on to the echo of the kiss. Robin, eyes glazed and face flushed, leaned against Kasper's chest, seeking both his warmth and the calming rhythm of his heart.

Kasper, his body a taut coil of energy, held her close, the lingering sensation of Robin's lips a brand seared into his own. A tremor ran through him, a mix of exhilaration and a newfound protectiveness.

Kasper blinked. "Well, shit," he muttered, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. It wasn't the most eloquent response, but for Kasper, it was as close to poetry as he got.

Robin, her cheeks flushed a rosy pink, peeked up at him. A hesitant smile bloomed on her face, then blossomed into a full-blown smirk. "Seems you stole my first kiss, Captain Kasper," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes. "Guess that makes me your responsibility now, huh?"

Before Kasper could stammer out a reply, she swatted him playfully on the chest and darted away, a light skip in her step despite her flustered blush. Her laughter echoed down the metal corridor as she disappeared into the relative privacy of her quarters, leaving Kasper with a heart pounding a wild rhythm against his ribs.

Kasper chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest as he turned back to the bow. A sheepish grin tugged at his lips. "Well, shit," he muttered again, this time with a hint of awe. 

Settling back into his position, Kasper resumed his vigil. But even as his gaze swept across the inky depths, a wider grin stretched across his face. The ocean, once a monotonous enemy, now seemed to shimmer with possibility. "Looks like I have a girlfriend," he murmured to himself, a new warmth settling in his chest. "And damn," he added, a low rumble escaping his throat, "it's NICO FUCKING ROBIN."


So we needed some romance, and I decided it was time to move it up a little bit. I hope you enjoy this chapter, as this is a first for this type of writing.

Much love <3)< strong>
