
CP? You're all furries!

The morning arrived, and Robin, eager to explore more of Water 7, donned her typical attire: a black, low-cut, V-necked shirt paired with blue trousers and brown high-heeled boots. A pink or purple sash adorned her waist, and she still wore the black face mask to conceal her identity.

Offering Kasper the chance to join her, she was met with his cryptic refusal, citing plans of his own. With a sense of independence and newfound freedom, Robin ventured into the bustling streets, stopping at a clothing store to expand her wardrobe, preparing for any climate she might encounter.

Afterward, she left the store, purchasing some fresh and piping hot skewers for herself and Kasper. As she made her way through an alleyway, a flicker of Haki alerted her to potential danger. There were two figures—one behind her and another at the alley's exit.

Preparing herself for a possible attack, she flared her Armament Haki, surrounding herself with an aura in case of a surprise assault. "Well, well, well, The Devil Child; Nico Robin. It wasn't a smart idea to come to Water 7... you know this place is teeming with Marines, right?" a condescending voice resounded behind her.

Turning, she faced the speaker. "Cipher Pol," she muttered, recognizing the man in their trademark clothing. The agents wore black suits with black ties and sunglasses, exuding a sleek and professional appearance.

"Bingo! You've been on the run for a long time, little miss, but your luck has seemingly run out now that we were assigned this mission," the man sneered. "Rob Lucci at your service," he said with a slight bow.

Robin, still wary of the threat behind her, unleashed the power of her Devil Fruit, the Hana Hana no Mi. Multiple hands sprouted from the agents shoulders, swiftly seizing the unsuspecting Cipher Pol agents neck. With a forceful pull, she snapped his head sideways, ending his life in an instant.

"Bastard!" Lucci's enraged cry echoed through the alley as he charged towards Robin. The aura of the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, surrounded him as his body morphed into a powerful leopard-human hybrid, muscles bulging with raw strength.

With lightning speed, Lucci closed the distance, his arm infused with Armament Haki, ready to deliver a devastating blow. The air crackled with the force behind his punch as it hurtled towards Robin's face, a moment of impending danger.

Robin's Observation Haki surged, alerting her to the imminent threat. With split-second timing, she ducked beneath the lethal strike, feeling the sheer pressure of the blow pushing her back. Adjusting her stance with practiced agility, she prepared for the relentless assault to come.

As Robin stared down Lucci, steeling herself for his next move, his figure began to blur with incredible speed.

{Shave}—a technique of superhuman martial arts employed by Cipher Pol agents. Lucci vanished from Robin's sight, leaving only a fleeting afterimage in his wake.

Sensing the imminent danger, Robin's Haki screamed alarms in her mind. She whirled around, but it was too late. Behind her, Lucci's deadly claws gleamed in the dim light of the alley, poised to strike.

In a split second, Robin's instincts kicked into overdrive. With no time to spare, she propelled herself forward with all her might, narrowly evading Lucci's lethal assault.

But just as Lucci prepared for his next strike, a familiar voice cut through the tension like a blade.

"I think that's enough, Mr. Kitty Cat," the voice declared, resonating with an air of authority and familiarity.

"WHO?!" Lucci's voice cracked with a hint of fear as he recoiled from the unexpected presence, his senses thrown off balance by the intrusion.

Within the murky shadows of the alley, every footstep emanated a commanding presence, resonating with deafening power.

"You know, it's not very polite to disturb someone's sleep," Kasper's voice cut through the darkness, dripping with a sinister edge. His words dripped with a chilling nonchalance, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around them.

"You made quite the ruckus last night, loud enough to wake the dead. Oh, and as for your little entourage," he continued, gesturing casually to the fallen Cipher Pol agents neatly in a pile behind him, "they've taken a trip to visit their ancestors."

Kasper emerged from the shadows, his figure imposing and bathed in a crimson hue. Blood stained his hands, his vibrant, star-shaped pupils bore into Lucci with an unsettling intensity, casting an ominous shadow over the alleyway.

"You're Saitama, the man who defeated the Marine vessel?!" Lucci exclaimed, his gaze darting between Kasper and the fallen bodies of his comrades, each bearing strike marks akin to the impact of a cannon.

Kasper remained unperturbed by Lucci's recognition, his demeanor radiating an aura of unyielding power. With a knowing smile, he simply nodded in confirmation.

"Bingo. Unfortunately, no prize for the kitty cat," Kasper retorted with a sardonic grin. "Hey, I know you guys boast about your Superhuman Martial Arts a lot... let me try it!"

With a gradual fade, Kasper vanished into the shadows, utilizing {Shave} to enhance his speed. In an instant, he materialized before Lucci, his fist propelled towards the agent's chest with thunderous force. A deafening *CRACK* echoed through the alley as Lucci was sent hurtling towards the wall behind him, the impact reverberating through the air with bone-jarring intensity.

"This is shit, so many unnecessary steps before launching yourself... hey, you can't be knocked out just by that, right? Get up!" Kasper's sarcastic tone sliced through the tension as he yelled towards Lucci.

Upon hearing Kasper's taunt, Lucci gritted his teeth and pushed himself up, albeit shakily. Blood stained his mouth from the brutal attack, but his resolve remained unbroken, fueled by a determination to continue the fight despite the odds stacked against him.

"You... how do you know how to use the skill?!" Lucci's voice trembled with a mix of rage and disbelief as he bared his fangs in defiance.

"Let's just say that my eyes are special, and I wasted my time reading that move," Kasper replied cryptically, his words dripping with disdain for Lucci's technique.

With a swift motion, Kasper launched himself towards Lucci, his movements calculated and precise. Despite his formidable reputation, Kasper had intentionally lowered his strength to match that of the Cipher Pol agent, eager to test the renowned combat abilities he had read so much about. Yet, as the clash unfolded, he found himself sorely disappointed.

Lucci braced himself for the impending onslaught, his body tensing as he prepared to face Kasper head-on. With lightning-fast reflexes, he began to move at increasing speeds, attempting to evade the incoming assault.

Stepping left and right with fluid grace, Lucci weaved between Kasper's punches and kicks, his movements a blur as he tried to anticipate and counter each strike. But no matter how agile he was, Kasper's attacks seemed to effortlessly find their mark.

Just when Lucci thought he had dodged a blow, it was replaced with a sudden elbow to the face, a devastating kick to the stomach, or a precise palm strike to his chin. Each strike landed with pinpoint accuracy, sending shockwaves of pain reverberating through Lucci's body.

Despite his best efforts, Lucci found himself overwhelmed by Kasper's relentless assault, his defenses gradually crumbling under the relentless barrage of blows. 

As the battle raged on, Kasper seized the opportunity to further refine his skills, honing his Ultra Instinct and Haki abilities to a razor-sharp edge. With each exchange, he found himself effortlessly tapping into these powers, realizing that he could wield them with minimal stamina drain.

With a focused intensity, Kasper aimed to elevate the density of his Armament Haki with every strike. Each punch and kick became imbued with an intensified force, striking with greater precision and impact than before. The energy surrounding him crackled with newfound potency, as his Haki condensed into an impenetrable shield of defense.

As the boundaries between his Ultra Instinct and Observation Haki began to blur, Kasper felt a seamless fusion taking place within him. The melding of these abilities allowed him to perceive the slightest movements of his opponent with uncanny accuracy, anticipating Lucci's every move before it even occurred.

With each passing moment, Kasper's dominance in the fight became increasingly apparent. He could sense the apprehension emanating from Lucci, a palpable aura of fear mingled with the agent's bloodlust. It was a testament to Kasper's growing power and mastery.


[Ultra Instinct (Mortal) proficiency has increased.]

[Armament Haki proficiency has increased through enlightenment and relentless application in combat.]

Taking a brief respite, Kasper paused to reflect on the notifications he had just received. 'Hoo... seems like this was a fruitful fight. Guess Cipher Pol is good for grinding some levels,' he mused, a hint of satisfaction coloring his thoughts.

Lucci, teetering on the edge of consciousness, struggled to grasp the reality of the brutal fight unfolding before him. What he had expected to be a simple mission to capture Nico Robin had spiraled into a chaotic showdown against an opponent of unparalleled ferocity.

Lost in the haze of his thoughts, Lucci was jolted back to the present as Kasper's voice pierced through the chaos once more.

"Well, this was fun, but I don't want to be accused of animal abuse anymore, so bye-bye!" Kasper's voice rang out with a nonchalant tone, his expression betraying a hint of amusement.

With a casual flick of his thumb, index, and middle finger, Kasper unleashed his devastating technique: {Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist}. The air around him seemed to warp and twist, forming razor-sharp circular whirlwinds that sliced through the atmosphere with deadly precision.

Manipulating the air currents with expert control, Kasper directed the swirling circular blades towards Lucci's body. Each gust carried varying degrees of force, slicing through the air with the ferocity of a raging storm.

Lucci's form was engulfed by the cyclone of blades, his body torn asunder by the relentless onslaught. The whirlwind cut through him with surgical precision, blasting each piece of his body away, akin to the rings of ages on a tree.

When the tempest finally subsided, Lucci's body lay in pieces.

Kasper turned away from the now meat-tornado that was Lucci's body, walking towards Robin with purpose. "This should serve as an example of what could happen from now on. I'm going to train you even harder once we leave; they won't stop until either you or they are dead."

Robin, still reeling from the brutal fight she had just witnessed, nodded in response. 'I need to get stronger, I can't keep doing this,' she thought, her resolve strengthening with each passing moment.

"Come, let's go. It's been a long day, and we should probably leave tomorrow before they send more and piss me off," Kasper said, turning towards their temporary residence and striding away.


As night fell and dawn approached, Robin and Kasper found themselves boarding their ship, resupplied and ready to set sail for their next destination. "So you're saying there's a weapon of mass destruction hidden there and no one is still aware of it?" Robin inquired, her curiosity piqued by Kasper's revelations.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that. Imagine being able to control all the sealife in the oceans? That's pretty world-busting if I say so myself," Kasper replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he gazed towards the vast expanse of the ocean. "Let's head off, time to meet some fish-people!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable as they set sail.
