
Nothing small

Donna noble and the doctor have just visited Galvash 7 and Donna is arguing a point towards the doctor on the merits of what she bought in the market

"You cant take that to earth donna it might have sore sort of fungus on it" explained the doctor "you just cant"

"youre only jellious i got the last one you ninny, becides what so wrong with it"

"whats wrong" asked the doctor then without putting his side accross donna inturupted him

"oh common its just a jewlery box with a ruby ontop"

the doctors left eyebrow went up a full foot off his head

"open the box" he said in a know it all tone

donna tryed to open the box anyway she could "ooo i cant, why is that, have you fiddled with it" getting more cross with every comment

"no honnest" he said lowering his eyebrow "look ile show you how to open it"

"oh aint that wizard i got a bloody paper weight" she said in a desgruntled manner

"not necessarily donna watch this" he went to turn th rudy like gem ontop " its a tryexiline dead lock box donna you can put what you like inside and the box protects it untill the end if time it basicly ruined the seccond hand market in the 34th century"

the doctor turned the gem that donna described as a ruby and it hissed with rushing air from inside that started to put a haze in the main console room of the tardis

"is it supposed to do that doctor"

"no theres something inside here kept in status youve gotten lucky Donna" he was put on the back foot at this point not sure what was inside the box as it was opening

the console room was hazy with smoke donna was moaning that the doctor should put a fan on, but he was bolted to the spot not moving staying very still and intently looking directly into the box

"Doctor are you alright" she said with a nervious tone "youre scaring me"


Donna looked puzzled by the doctors odd command

"inside this box is a killing machine unlike andy cyberman or dalek" said the doctor while stareing into the box

donna looked "oh its lovely doctor how is that little thing a danger to us its tiny i just want it to go on my christmas tree"

the doctor said nothing and without hessatation he snaped the lid shut and turned the gem as fast as he could to reseal the box

"we need to drop this box on a world void of life" while rubbing his sore eyes

"you better not of broken it space man" donner said in an annoyed tone

"donna im sorry but it has to be done that was a weeping angel" he paused for only a moment "a baby weeping angel, id hate to be the person who put it in there just think how annoyed the parents are considdering what there cappable of"

"doctor it was a stone baby, like one of thoes cherub things" not quite understanding why the doctor was on the back foot all of a sudden

"i know donna im sorry you cannot keep it, that was a weeping angel baby id say it was put in there to visit another world and grow up"

"that dosent sound to bad" she said with a hint of sorrow and careing in her voice

"no donna, weeping angles are the stuff of knighmares that knightmares tell other knightmares to scare other nightmares, they only move when youre not looking at them as there quantum locked and freeze into stone as a defence mechinisum to protect themselves" he explained with a straight face as not to convay the fear in the room that he was putting there "they either kill you for fun or zap you back intime and feed on the tempral energy left in youre wake"

"oh lets get going then" donna said with urgency in mind

the doctor turned his focus to the tardis control console and started to plot a corse to an uninhibited plannet, the tardis began to moan and groan whiring up and clunking as the doctor took his hammer to the stabalisers

"youre going to break that one day" she said with an annoyed tone

" never" shouted over the doctor from one side of the console to the other
