
Chapter 3- Brother vs Brother

As Dante stood on top of a building with his white hair blowing with the wind and thunder just cracking in the background, Dante turns around and say "So you are back?" And Vergil stepping throughout the portal replying with a simple "Yes I am"

The Rebellion at hand he points it a Vergil and says "This time I'm gonna get the job done" and run towards Vergil. Not phased Vergil the blocks the attacking Dante with the Yamato and knocks him back with the the handle of his sword. "Not gonna lie brother, your fighting for the humans and now your soft" as he starts to toy with Dante making him filled with rage. Dante starts shooting his infamous guns Ebony and Ivory but was deflected by Vergil with ease.

Dante now getting very serious starts to unleash his weapons like the Arbiter and sends a shock through the building that was so strong all the glass breaks. Taking advantage that Vergil is blocking his eyes so glass won't blind him he uses the Eryx the gauntlets that packs an explosive punch And punched him so hard the building shakes and Vergil was dazed by this.

"That was very resourceful Dante now it's my turn" and he stabs the Yamato into the ground he creates a doppelganger and tag team Dante. As Dante keeps getting pummeled by Vergil he unleashes the weakened version of the devil trigger and gets the upper hand with no problem but Vergil was waiting for him to do that.

"So that's your full power allow me to show you what a true son of Sparda can do" and transforms into his awaken devil trigger and looks like a demon but was surrounded by a blue aura. "What in the fuck" Dante muttered then Vergil punches Dante down into the building that he went 5 floors down. Stunned by this he realized that this may not be a battle he can win

Vergil then jumps onto Dante crushing his ribs sending him to the main lobby. Barley able to move Dante tries to heal but Vergil was not letting him. "It would be my pleasure to kill you Dante and reclaim my throne as the new demon king!" But in that split second a bullet bounced off Vergil's head and was dazed by it

James then says "this is for my squad as he unloads a clip making Vergil take cover while he takes Dante away to fight another day. "Get stronger Dante" he mutters "So I can kill you at my full power"

As James takes Dante to his car Vergil army then starts to appear and James is all alone until Dante heals up. "God may you have mercy on our souls as the demons begin to surround them. With no backup, this situation seems to be something not even the Sarge can't seem to process knowing that he is going to die without taking out the man who took out his base camp.