


'Fury of the Ice Lotus' a slightly underwhelming name. Truth to be told, if anyone heard the name of this technique they might not be really interested on knowing more about it, after all, what could a mere lotus do right? Even if you add a pretext of an element it shouldn't make much pf a difference, but for someone like Sieg, who personally caught a glimpse of a small part of the technique, certainly wouldn't think so.

'Fury of the Ice Lotus' is a technique based on quickness, so far according to the glimpse that Sieg saw, if one mastered the said technique, then just a single slash could contain the fury of a thousand petals that are as sharp as a blade. Not to mention that this technique suits him so much since it has an innate ice element attached onto it, the technique also synergize with 'Cold Moon Peak Ki Manual' since it requires a vigorous, thick and pure Yin Ki from the user to be executed.

The technique is divided into stages, just like the completion rate for the previous techniques that he got, in order for him to enter the 'Initial Mastery' stage, he needed to perfectly execute 10 strikes in under 5 seconds, which a very tough challenge, not to mention that 'Initial Mastery' stage only consist of 10 percent of the overall technique itself.

These informations made Sieg very happy, although his future training would be stressful, he didn't expected that he could encounter such a lucky chance inside this place, but then again it is the main point of this event so he figured that such chances should be normal.

"Well, this doesn't matter too much yet, I'm still on soul form so I wouldn't be able to train this technique due to lack of ki, I also need to receive the whole inheritance so that it would considered as a success. Well, I guess off to the new mission then." Sieg stood up with a determined look on his indifferent face. He pushed his door opened and went out of his temporary shelter inside the city.


Sieg treaded on his path towards the next location, he walking for about a week now and almost nearing his destination. As time went on, he noticed that his surroundings are becoming more and more foggy and his auspicious peaks could be seen in a distance, there were groans and roars of Wandering Souls nearby but since he won't get much from killing one, he took long way around them.

It didn't took very long before he could almost see the place marked on his mental map, he was about to continue when a loud commotion happened towards his left side. He turned his head and felt a bit curious about it so he decided to peek.

In yet another land cavity lies 5 figures, two of them resembles Wandering Souls and three of them resembles human soul forms. They were locked in a fierce combat with the three human soul forms on the defensive. On normal cases, three against two should be unfair, but in this situation when one of the Wandering Souls came in a form of a winged beast that spits ghastly fire everywhere, while the other looked like a obese bear, even though the humans have advantage in numbers they still find it hard to deal with them.

"Ji! Any luck from your side?" One of the humans asked in a distressed tone.

"Nope! Gwen and I can't even hit the feathers of this fucking thing!"

"Well do something about it! There's two of you, I alone am facing this humongous bear that is at least three time bigger than me!" The same human grumbled in grievance.

Sieg who is watching from the sidelines widened his eyes as he heard these voices, they sounded incredibly familiar but the fog makes it hard for him to confirm his suspicions. He stepped closer towards the land cavity, the three human silhouettes became clearer for him.

"It's them!" Sieg smiled, he didn't expect to see his companions in here. Of course, he was talking about Gwen, Zhu Fang, and Ji Potian. He couldn't believe that they managed to find each other in this massive place and were even hunting together.

While he was feeling a bit nostalgic about this reunion, the three were experiencing, what possibly, the worst week in their entire lives. No matter what happened, they would almost certainly be ket with countless of Wandering Souls wherever they go, they tried going the long way around them, sneaking past them, intimidating them or even just staying in one place in hopes those souls leaving without noticing them but none worked, they will, miraculously, be found out no matter what they do, and they will be forced to fight them even if they couldn't get anything from them anymore.

Gwen and Ji Potian were facing what looks like an Undead Vulture, some part of it's body were already rotting, it was coated in a black feathers with white eyes, beak, claws and three long tail feathers, no matter what the two did it won't land onto the ground and would continuously breathe a mixture of black and white fire over their location.

Zhu Fang was in an even tougher spot, he was faced with a massive Three-Horned Bear that's at least three times his size, surprisingly despite it's massive frame, it's movements were quick and decisive making Zhu Fang stressed out because if he missed a beat, then he would end up being a food for this bear, and he certainly didn't want to.

"Gwen look out!" Ji Potian roared in distress. She was on the middle of the air since he evaded the fire breath earlier when the vulture unexpectedly performed a dive in a flash heading directly towards her, it's speed was too fast that even if Gwen landed onto the ground a beat faster, she won't be able to defend or escape this onslaught.

Her life flashed before her eyes at this moment, she couldn't help but smile wryly as she asked herself 'Is this...really how I would die?'.

Everything in her vision seemed to slow down, she noticed that Ji Potian was trying his beast to reach out for her, Zhu Fang turned around and was also charging towards her location to save her not minding the impeding doom of the bears claw on top of his head. She wanted to say 'Save yourselves' to them but she found out the she couldn't even mutter a single word. Why, simple.

She was terrified as well.

The vulture's huge frame came closer and closer, it's fierce eyes were locked down on her, it was like the bird was telling her that 'this is were you die'. She grimaced, it seems like this is really her end, normally her last thoughts should be about her family, but strangely enough it wasn't them.

She felt a yearning, she remembered a lonely figure of a man with white hair standing with his back facing her. "How weird." She says, it seems like the imagination of a dying person is stronger, that's because she could almost see the figure she was yearning for in flesh. She raised her hand to grab him and what happened next stupefied her and the two guys.

"Hmph!" A quiet snort echoed around the land cavity followed by the sound a clanging chains.

Sieg miraculously appeared in a heartbeat and threw a claw towards the vulture's beak, and sent the other one towards the paw of the bear. Sieg's eyes burned with killing intent, one claw penetrated the beak of the vulture, and the other was wrapped towards the paw of the bear. He made two different pulling motions and dragged the claws fiercely.

The vulture, who was previously diving, was thrown off track by an irresistible force, same happened to the massive frame of the bear. Sieg's pull was so fierce that he arms crossed in front of him. The two large figures flew directly onto each other and without any suspense at all, they crashed to each other exploding into a bloody mess due to the fierce momentum of Sieg.

All of this happened in just mere seconds. Zhu Fang froze while still in a running stance, Ji Potian as well with his hand reaching in front of him and Gwen failing to land properly and fell butt first on the ground. Silence permeated over the whole land cavity, the three human soul forms looked at the new comer who took care of the Wandering Souls like kicking a pebble.

Gwen's heartbeat were in chaos, she couldn't avert her gaze into the human soul form in front of her, strangely enough, the figure in her imaginations seems to overlap the current image in front of her. Her eyes felt a bit hot and tears poured non-stop, she covered her mouth with her hands to stop the sound from escaping but ultimately failed in the end.

Sieg slowly turned around and walked towards her with a smile on his face as he said: "Are you hurt anywhere?"