

THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE WORK RESPECTED PARTNERS Aj_Arts [illustrator] Itz_novelist003 [Writer] Akari_77 [Quality Team]

Itz_novelist_013 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Tournament Of Finality

"Big Sister,Why did you do that?..." We see a little girl who is around 6 to 7 with red hair & black eyes saying it with an unstable voice while we see another girl who is around 12 standing infront of him holding a handgun her dress & face are drenched in blood her hand's are shaking for what she just did...

Suddenly eyes opened we see Kaori is still in her office she just felt asleep "....." She lefts a deep sigh before saying "I think I am stressing myself for nothing..."


In the other hand we see the cops are still firing but ray is holding those fires effortlessly with his barrier "Magical bullets.....we won't die by them but we can't risk others lives here...we need to get out of here fast" he clarrifies that those bullets would directly affect their soul's but they're the exceptions though it's still a problem because the bullets are hitting the civilians around them he decides to whatever it takes but they need to get out of here as soon as possible "By my saying...3...2....& 1" a big blast happened there smoke filled the air while the nishimura in charge of this mission went right infront of it he sees two bodies laying there he goes closer to spectate those dead bodies but he was wrong "They got away" suddenly he recieved a phone call "what's wrong nishimura?Did you find him" the other side person said the voice is familiar it's kaori "No ma'am they ran away" he answered formally as always.


"I don't know how you gonna catch him you have 48 hours aka 2 days catch him! & Also who is this second one you're reffering to?" [Kaori]

"There was another guy with Prototype-Z...who was helping him to escape" [Nishimura]

"Who is this new face now?whatever I just need the prototype-Z back! If you ever face this other person finish him on the spot immediately! & also before 48 hours" [Kaori]

"Roger that" he says in responce before eventually hanging up on call


"We're out of there" [Ray]

But I was still in a rather confusion it's too much to digest afterall & after all this happened so fast..

"Let's go now,comrade" he says after he get's up from the ground "but where? & What's this comrade again" I asked him in confusion but he just stared at me like I asked something really stupid or something "I mean I told you about the competitions right? & Be used to it because I reffers my friends as comrades" I said in a confused voice "what competition?" I mean it doesn't feel bad to be reffered to as a friend better than anything atleast I knew someone is here beside me as a friend,Ray scratched his back and said "I think I forgot to tell you" he stopped & explaining everything about these stuffs to me "well the five powerful mages association in the world together called "WMA" or world mages association...in every 10 years each country selects 5 representatives to compete with eachother on this tournament but before that qualifications...japan,usa,korea & other country held a qualifications table to select the best in the country" he stopped for a moment & started to speak again "the five competatives have to compete with the competitors of other nations & the one who will win will grant the first relic currently held by the "WMA"..." He stopped & looked at me before asking me "you understand,right?" I moved my head in agreement that I understand "preety much" but in reality I didn't though,ray leaves a deep sigh before speaking again "I understand I am not a good explainer afterall"

"By the way we need to assign our names in the mage association first to participate" "I have a question" I said to him "what is it?" "Aren't you a god?So you can single handedly win this tournament" it's right though the question I just asked if he's a god he can win the whole tournament without any issue afterall.He stopped for a brief moment before speaking again "I am just a descendant of the previous god not god myself without the relic I am nothing more than a human mage"

"Hmm,I understand"

"But I have no identity not a name...will I be eligible to enter this tournament?" I asked demanding to know whether it's fine for a nameless,emotionless existence like me to enter in something like that "no it's completely impossible" i already quite expected that answer though "but if I gave you an identity then?" I looked at him in confusion for what did he meant by giving me an identity "look at this" he shows me an identity card from his pocket the names written is "Ryuta Ishihara" a third grade mage competitor "Before you asked anything I got it from one of the persons pocket who're were killed earlier" I stare at him like i wanna say a single thing to him but that isn't coming to my mouth at all but I only can say "you're insane" "heh, Don't worry I will get my payback from you later.... afterall nothing is free in this world" he say before throwing the card to me "don't you think they would notice it?" He gave me a curious look before saying "who do you think I am?" Ofcourse "you're a god" then leave it to me...let's go for the verifications


After sometime we reached the building where the verifications were helding right after we made our first step we saw many peoples not Only from japan but from different countries aswell are presented there...."Isn't it only for the contestant's of Japan?" I asked ray curiously "No If others from different countries are willing to participate they're free to do so...nonetheless it would just raise the reputation of the associations for giving strong contenders" I move my head in understanding I saw various people are presented there we move to the counter & first a lady with long black hair & with a calm demeanor approached us "Welcome,to the qualification round of the "Tournament Of Finality" can I see your identity card's please?" We both gave our ID cards after a brief moment of checking "Alright You both are free to go...go back straight to the stadium through the gate further instructions will be provided soon" we both started to walk-in towards the gate like the other's "How did you do that?" I asked ray "Power of a god...I just changed your identity with that guy like someshort of reality wrapping thing" "You can do something like that?" I asked again this time with a slightly shocked tone "I can but my body won't allow me to use it for too many times so I can't use any magic after using such spells or Abilities" I understand it but it's rather a useful thing because afterall we are able to make it to the tournament somehow in no time we reached to the plaza a big hall but a fact a big gate infront of us suddenly a voice can be heared

All of a sudden everyone's attention was on one side on two other individuals a person with dazling white hair & glowing reddish eyes he's wearing a white coat with red stripes & patterns on it.

"That's kaito mizuhara,One of most powerfull mages in the current era...." [Kai]

I just stared at the individual infront of me he seems to be really prideful & less talkative & also arrogant aswell but the thing I noticed rather than that is he's always holding a card....a king in his hands...on the otherhand another new face a girl but I can't see her clearly it's too much crowded but as much as I can I see those two beautiful purple eye's & the silver hair floating by the winds

"Her name is Misaki...isn't she beautiful" [Ray]

I just trying to take a glance of how she looked but I can't in this crowd but then another announcement

"First round for qualifications starting now calling every participants to gather in the plaza!"

"Seems like they're starting this" [Ray]

"Yeah...seems like it"

Then with a brief movement the ground starts to shake & several gates appeared around them

"First round for the "TOURNAMENT OF FINALITY" starts now... rules are clear you will be given 2 days in a post apocalyptic world where you need to collect the source which is a rainbow crystal by defeating the ruler...using any types of magic or weapons are allowed... making teams are also allowed to accomplish your goal but if anyone dies there then it's over...the organization won't be accused on that nor the teammates aswell"

"What a mess....a tournament with these kind of rules won't be easy [Ray]"

"She said we can make teams right?"



"You're really a strange one maybe because you're not used to human emotions yet [Ray]"


I closed the talking without going futhur but a feeling that is yelling at me still about that guy far from where we're standing Everyone started to step on those gates.We as others stepped in one of those in no time I see large building completely ruined & destroyed the sky is glowing blood red as if world has finnaly come to an end with us there were various other competitors seems like the other gates connects in different places on this ruined city...

Me & ray were just making a clear view of the surroundings around us but suddenly another hassle starts we saw a person who has a very muscular body arguing with a blonde haired girl

"You damn women! Did you just refused me?!"

He shouts everyone was scared of him no one was ready to face that guy it's clear by their faces within a brief moment he was about to hit the girl

"Step out" I hold his hand in right time before he could even laid a finger on her

"Now who're you?"

"I said the same to you..." I started to tighten my grip on his hand's

"Bastard!!" He steps back & charges towards me with a murderous red aura around him "Die!!" Before he could touch me I tackled him & stomped his head to the ground knocking him out

"I refuse to die!"

Everyone was shocked like they see something really unexpected or something they never expected their faces were in awe


I didn't understand anything at all before ray came to me & Whispers slowly in my ears

"Comrade,You just no diffed a second grade mage" I don't know what to say but I knew that mages in this class can neither die or be killed but rather than their essence or source are placed in an infinite Dimensional plane inshort their existence is like beyond the concept of dimensions,free from the physical extistence so it's practically impossible to even hurt Them unless....

"Unless you're a higher rank mage yourself" [Ray]