
Chapter 3

He woke up, it was just any normal day, but then he saw his little sister next to him still sound asleep, she then wakes up.

She gets up with an energetic bounce, somehow getting to a standing position just after she woke up, and with no warning too. "Hello, brother!" She said as if she had just had an energy drink (Which by that I mean with a lot of energy, too much energy). "Hi…" Matthew whisper back, very tired. "Come on, big brother!" "Okay, Bliss..." He said almost wishing she was a little less energetic than she was right now.

Matthew stands up, and instantly regrets that decision, by falling down. Bliss just laughs at him, and he makes my fingers into a little gun, and pretends to shoot her, but she falls to the ground, and she stops breathing. Matthew got up from his laying down position and he run over to her. He couldn't see her stomach going up, and down, he started to panic. He then sees her take a massive breath in, and he sighs in relief. She then starts to laugh, and she sits up.

Matthew lets out a sigh of relief and starts to laugh with his little sister. The two continued to laugh for a short period of time before they hear a massive scream, the exact same one as Bliss made…

Matthew and Bliss ran over to the sound, running at the fastest speed that they could. He had to go a little slower because of his little sister, but other than that, they went as fast as they could.

They arrived there within a couple of minutes, and they saw that it was Bliss in the monster's arms. They then saw Matthew, running into the battlefield, it looked like the same events were happening the days before, but this time the events happened differently to the real-life version.

The fake Matthew, then had his magical sword appear in his right hand. The whites of his eyes turn black. His sapphire blue eyes turned to a deep red, ending up a close colour to the once white parts in his eyes. His very pale skin turned to a dark grey, and his hair went from his dirty blond, turned into the brightest blue you could ever see in your life, but this just changed with a couple of milliseconds, and it didn't fade in like all of the other aspects of his body (which all took about ten seconds to fade in).

Matthew and Bliss looked in shock at the fake Matthew, and looked to each other, only to discover that the real Matthew's hair was starting to turn into the vibrant blue that the fake Matthew's hair was. Bliss screamed, but Matthew covered her mouth to muffle her voice as much as he could possibly do before, the monster and the fake Matthew, heard Bliss. Luckily, the monster and the fake Matthew didn't hear Bliss' scream of horror.

Matthew then took his hand off of his little sister's mouth and pressed his index finger against his own mouth, making the gesture to stay quiet, his sister complied.

The real Matthew and real Bliss then turned back the scene that was unfolding in front of them. The sword that the fake Matthew was holding then, turned into a pitch black sword, instead of the normal silver metal, and the handle was normally a sapphire blue, the same as his eyes, but that too turned black…

Bliss went to scream again after looking at her brother and seeing his eyes the same as the fake Matthew's, but Matthew covered his little sister's mouth before she even had the chance to scream. Turning to his left, Matthew saw his little sister's eyes go wide. The real Matthew emitted an evil chuckle before he put his index finger on his own mouth once again. Matthew then made his left hand into a fist, then sticking his index finger out, and sliding his index finger along his neck, as if to say; if you don't stop, he would kill her. With that, she stopped immediately, and she ran away.

Matthew ignored his little sister and turned back to the scene that was out from behind the bushes Matthew was hiding behind. Matthew then closed his eyes, and he felt like he was teleported, and when he opened his eyes once again, he saw his little sister, but he couldn't control his body, but he could feel the anger in the other Matthew's soul. The other Matthew then ran at the monster, and his little sister, and he jumped at his little sister.

Once he grabbed his little sister, he ran away from the monster. Matthew then closed his eyes once again, he felt himself teleport and when he opened his eyes once again, he found himself next to the fake Matthew and, he saw his little sister next to the fake Bliss.

The fake Bliss and the fake Matthew, stood still, not moving a single muscle, as the real Matthew and Bliss started to get up from their laying down positions. Bliss was the first one to stand up, and when she saw Matthew, a knife appeared in her hand, the exact way Matthew got his sword.

Matthew looked at his little sister in terror, as she started to walk up to him. Matthew then said: Sis! Don't do this! Please! I love you!!! Still, Bliss continued to walk up to her older brother. Matthew started to back away from his sister, and as much as this hurt him, he had to do it to survive from his sister's fatal attack.

As Bliss swung at her older brother, she just felt tired of all of his lies, and fake happiness towards her. This was her breaking point. As Matthew stepped further back, he started to feel like he was going to fall over a rock or something stupid like that. Then, Bliss' clothes turned grey, with a thick yellow stripe going through her chest, going all the way around to the back. Matthew looked at his little sister shocked. He couldn't understand why on earth Bliss' clothes would turn from her normal pink to a dark grey with a stripe of the brightest yellow in it.

After Matthew stared at his little sister in shock for a couple of seconds more, Bliss fell to the ground grabbing her top. She screamed out in pain, making Matthew block his ears with his hands. Bliss ran over to Matthew, falling on her knees. Desperate, to get help, she started to say some weird spell, and then Matthew saw the world go from it's normal colours to a white at the edges of his vision.

Bliss continued to say the spell, and Matthew's vision started to get a bigger, thicker white line across the edges. At this point, Matthew started to panic, more than before. Matthew could see his little sister start to glitch, like an old video game that was trying to work on a new tv, but it's just impossible.

Bliss started to scream in pain but all Matthew could see was the same grey and yellow top, this time her eyes turning black. Matthew looked behind him to see another Bliss.

Matthew started to look everywhere, only to see more and, more version of Bliss surrounding Matthew. Matthew started to panic, he didn't know what on Earth was happening to his little sister.

Matthew put both of his hand on his head, starting to scream! He looked up at Bliss, seeing all of the copies of Bliss laughing at Matthew.

Then… it all went white…
