

"We shouldn't be doing this" I whispered trying to catch my breath. "Why?" He replied sliding his dick into my already wet hole. "Because I'm your twin brother's fiancé and this is forbidden, I said dripping wet from my cum. "It doesn't matter, what are twins for, we shared a womb, we could share a wife too" He said with a grin on his face as he doubled his thrust inch by inch tearing me apart... - - - - - About some months back, Kylie Wintour nursed her broken heart like any other women who got cheated on would. After walking in on her husband cheating on her with their real estate agent, same period her parents passed away in a horrific car accident. Her whole world came crashing down as she was mourning and at the same time dealing with a divorce. Not too long she met Devin, everything changed for good. Devin is kind-hearted, charming and irresistibly handsome. He was everything Kylie could ever ask for. Their relationship worked out so well that Kylie thought she had it all not until she met Devon, Devin's identical twin brother. Devon is sexier and hotter. He's everything Kylie has been trying to avoid. Yet, despite her best effort, she finds herself falling for him. Kylie knows that giving in to this temptation would cost her everything - her relationship, and her reputation. However she can't seem to help herself as she had a hot steamy dirty affair with him. How did Kylie feel after this? What happens when Devin finds out? Will Devin ever forgive Kylie and his twin brother? Will her happily ever after be just right? I guess you'll just have to read the story to find out. TRIGGER WARNING: This Book contains matured contents. Read at your own RISK!

Blacmisa · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs



Kim screeched as she pretended to bang her head on the table. 

"It was all a dream? 

You've gotta be kidding me. What happened on your blind date?"

"The date was a dude. He spent the whole evening complaining about his exes, and then he wanted to split the check. I mean split the check down to the penny - as in, I ate more of the appetizer than he did, so he demanded I pay for more than half of it." I rolled my eyes. "He definitely wasn't the guy of my dreams. Or anyone else's," I added somewhat contrarily.

I'm sure my grandma, Kris had meant well when she set me up with Lucas, telling me that she was sure he'd be the love of my life, but he was clearly not the man for me. "Maybe there isn't a man that's right for me," I grouched.

"Please tell me you used the battery-operated gadget I bought you to finish off the work that dream guy started," Kim said. She narrowed her eyes at me, assessing, then said, "I can tell you didn't. You're too grumpy. There's nothing wrong with a vibrator, Kylie. It can ease some of that tension that's been building up for way too long."

"You mean forever?" I quipped.

Kim smiled at me, but it didn't reach her eyes. She knew how sensitive I was about this subject. After all, how many 28-year-old divorcees have never had an orgasm? I felt like the only one.

"I can tell where your mind is going, so just stop." Kim gave me the look that she uses when she means business. "Don't go down this path again. There is nothing wrong with you. That two-pump-and-dump bastard, who was married to you for two years but didn't take the time to learn how to please you, is the one who should be feeling bad about himself."

I snorted with laughter at the name she had called my ex-husband, then started giggling uncontrollably. "You are the one who needs to stop. You're going to make tequila shoot out of my nose. How do you come up with this stuff?"

"I've been saving that one, waiting for the perfect time to zing it." She grinned and lifted her glass to clink with mine.

As I got ready for work the next morning, I was thankful that I had remained coherent enough the night before to drink a bottle of water when I got home. Kim would appreciate me making her have one as a preemptive strike against a hangover as well, even though she was pissy about it at the time. The second pitcher of tequila may have been a bit much.

I downed a couple of aspirin and another bottle of water for the slight headache I had. Then I snuck into Kim's room and quietly left the same items, along with a piece of buttered cinnamon bread and some orange slices, on her bedside table. She looked so peaceful and sweet lying there. It made me wish there was a way for me to make her see in herself all the wonderful qualities that I saw in her.

On a whim, I tiptoed through her girly bedroom and went to her en suite bathroom to grab a zara lipstick out of her enormous makeup case. I drew a huge heart in her mirror. Inside it I wrote, "You make everything better."

Since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to walk to work. I left the 100-year-old lakeside cottage that Kim and I shared and headed down the shoreside of the lake. The breeze off the lake was a little chilly, but the sun was shining, and the lake was calm. I felt great about leaving those little pick-me-ups for Kim.

She was always quick to say that I had saved her life. When she had arrived in colleen Shores penniless and alone, I had taken her in and given her a place to stay. I knew the truth, though. She is the one who has saved me from being with me through thick and thin.

She had arrived in our quaint town just a few months after my parents' deaths in that horrific car accident. They had been taken from this world in the prime of their lives due to a careless drunk driver. I had just left my ex, Richard, after walking in on our real estate agent, Tiffany, sucking his cock in the living room of our condo. We had decided to sell our condo and move out of the city in hopes of finally starting our family. Instead, I moved alone to Colleen Shores to the cute, lakeside cottage my parents had left me.

I suppose I should thank Tiffany because I had been unhappy in my marriage for a long time. It had never crossed my mind to leave him though, because I felt, as my parents had felt, that marriage is forever. Seeing Tiffany on her knees, with her fake tits bolstered up by my bed as she cupped my husband's balls in her nasty hands with their blood-red, cheap, press-on fingernails, and her bright red lips sliding up and down his dick, sealed the deal for me on getting a divorce. I couldn't erase that hideous mental image, no matter how hard I tried to unsee it.