
Ice Hulk

Chris was shock by what he saw. Was they any mention of any ice zombies in marvel. Chris couldn't recall. He took out a suit case quickly and put on his suit with his eye mask.

He turn to see where the zombie reach in the hotel. After locating most of the zombies at the w second floor Chris blurred and reach it in a flash.

( what should I do now I can just blast these people. ) Chris thought as he effortlessly dodge the zombies attacks.

He tilted his head as he frown. Suddenly a huge explosion occur outside. Chris frown even more.

" Let secure the upstairs first." Chris disappear and reappear outside the hotel after blocking the elevator and stairs do nothing go up or down.

A frozen city enter his view as he reach outside.

(His it like the normal contagious virus like in the movies. Basically everyone is a zombie.) Chris bent his right knee as he lift of cracking the ground beneath. He flew high in the air to get a sky view of the area and saw an army of ice.

*Bang Bang * Chris turn his head toward the gunshot and saw two police officer shooting at the army of zombies.

"Shit " Chris said as he flew toward them with extreme speed. (Something wrong) He thought.

He flew Infront of the two police and lift them up to the roof of a near by building.

"Do you guys know what happen." Chris ask

"No we were just patrolling and got storm by them luckily we escape to here. " One of the police men answer.

Chris nodded at his response and flew toward the zombies population was alot. While flying over the city he saw no other individuals not affected even the babies.

He reach the most populated area of zombie and surprisingly it the lab his father shut down today.

"Please don't tell that it is a crazy scientist that is made at my father for stopping the project" Chris hoped as he enter the building.

As he walked through the front door he was sent flying out.

(How the hell did he push me away. Strange I can't remember Gorn city or this event in the original marvel universe. By any chance all this is happening because of me being here ) Chris leisurely thought as he got up.

The lab to was rip of and thrown in the air. A giant blue man came out with bulging muscle and blue skin. It had long white hair and a complete white eyes.

"Okay I have to admit that look like Ice hulk with long hair. Well I think it a man thou. " Chris mutter as he watch the ice man.

The ice man also saw Chris and rush toward him in a mad frenzy.

Chris tried to dodge but he was hit with a huge chilled as monstrous pressure send Chris flying into the opposite building.

(Sh*t shouldn't I be Op in this world where did this freak with Strength as strong as hulk come from.) Chris thought as he got back to his feet. After a good stretch he picked up his phone from his pocket and dialed Fury phone which he got after hacking SHEILD.

#Yow Fury I'm in a little problem#

# I know you know I been monitoring you for a while too. I will send Agent Nat to you. Plus I advise you to come back to tour city soon.#

#What do you mean C..#

Chris frown when he heard the call ended before he finished but he decided to focus on the Ice hulk. With that one hit he felt enormous about of ice power entering his body. If any one other than him got hit they will be either crush from the outside by his physical hit or freeze by the inside.

Chris left the boy through the whole he created to witness did something that made him sure he was an Ice version of hulk.

Chris ignore Ice hulk for a while until he enter the lab. With a blurred he vanish.

After two hour speed searching for everything in the lab he understand that the scientist was testing in both The mutant DNA and hulk which they got from his fight in New York. This explain why they look the same body wise.
