
Dimensional divergence

A extremely horny, hopefully funny,gender bender, improvised fanfic. This fanfic was made to spite a friend of mine and I thought it would be funny to try and plan as little as possible Schedule:1-2 chaps weakly(lately my health is getting worse so maybe less) Horny:yes Funny: hopefully Good: probably

Iampettylmao · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Ch:1 the emo vs a fucking nuke

when you read this take your time pls






"Status" I said to my student Dave.

I smirk as he shivers. 'i really think he shit himself this time last time it was super funny.'


"Stop squeaking dumbass"

After a few minutes of awkward silence I ask "is your nephew going to that party after the royal fuckers win again"

He replies with "hey we might not win this year but yeah"says Dave

"I hate it when people say we when their not on the football team "he smirks"I know"

"btw how's raj doing now that his old shitty marine uncle is a first sargeant

Mr 4th highest

don't unwad those panties yet cuz I'm sargeant major of the marine corps" I just had to brag

"you know what all mighty sir Sargeant

major you and Raj's teammates would be great friends" he said backhandedly

"Why thank you-. Wait are you calling me immature well I can be" for this one I put on my big boy voice "I Sargeant Major Of The Marine Corps here by sentence you to an hour in the gas chamber with no gas mask unless you go get not * wink*drunk with me "

"Hahahahahaha " he laughed as we walked to the bar

(get to the good part uncle Correy)

alright little man so about 3 hours later I saw a big portal and screamed "GET DOWN ENEMY ATTACK" as hundreds of white eyes ran at us drunk white eyes

Dave shot one of them with his ak-47 right in the head but it just kept running at us without it's brain and remember they were in the 3rd dimension (wow) but your all mighty uncle tripped into the portal and Dave had to save him well long story short

I was confused


"Where the hell am I... oh my holy shit"

{Alright my involuntary future husband this is a system I made for you so you don't kill your self say status for your stats say shop for a shop and hopefully you'll find the rest well your probably thinking why don't you just tell me it's because I like drama yeah I almost forgot to tell you that your body is currently locked go to the portal in front of you so you can unlock it and don't be dumb just because I'm here doesn't mean your immortal I can make nuke appear and gods dissolve my power isn't yours make sure to be friends with Leonel morales I got to go before that crazy man of a human figures out I'm here}


I see a huge ball of something I feel like belongs to me then like 90% goes into John and 5% goes into someone named Kane and the rest to able his brother they were the trainers for the royal Family and after checking that they were alive and that they still had there eyes john had brown eyes,Kane had blue with one eye brown and able had the opposite left brown right blue and to be sure I checked mine my abyss black eyes that swallow all life all glint of hope as I stare I remember why I joined the Marines

I remember those eyes of my mother as they were ripped out her head i remember those screams of my father as they castrated and fed him his balls for what war?

I remember the feet of the Marines sent by the empire shoot through my still alive parents killing them as there eyes go lifeless the parents that adopted me since before I could crawl my dad's eye's fell lifeless with his last words he said to me was "Correy give them hell for me little man happy 18th birthday" I remember the eyes as the Marines contemplated killing me

I vowed that if I live I will send my fist down the mouth of the whole royal family I only snapped back into reality after Dave kicked me in the head

"Wake up man your here not there not anymore" he screamed

"How'd you know what I was thinking"I stuttered in my grief

"I've known you since the organization"

He joked"Kane and able found the rest of our platoon from boot camp and they are waiting for us" I can't remember much after that but going into a portal seeing a knight and a spear a prison and my memory is not so fuzzy around this Time.


"Corry what now "

"Shoot them" I say distracted looking at the screen in front of me


Name:Correy orrosta (runic meaning:chosen of war or chosen of death effect:double stats when fighting to the death or in war )

Titles:black death(Gained by killing 100,000 people)

Typhus plague(kill 50 thousand)

War criminal:(kill 1k people with every type of weapon including spears,knifes, swords,guns,axes,every part of your body,etc)



Hp:2 (peek of normal human {1})

Force:50 (10= Leonel after he gets all of his force nodes)

1=peak of normal human ↓




Charisma (how well you manipulate someone)=3

Defense(reduction of damage)=3



"They took our guns" said dave

That got my attention

"Use your fists and take there weapons, have we found out what era we are in?"

I spoke to any one who would hear "we seem to be in the middle of the crusade and you killed one hundred thousand people during your deployment"said john the fellow jokester of the group we haven't talked much but we're pretty close

"134,678 wait You can see this!" I said amazed

"I mean yeah we all can not to mention it's just like those games we used to play like go to the shop " I listen and click on the shop feature " sick there's a filter option in the top right click on that "he said seeing that the shop is loading he says "it seems that even with magic loading is still a problem" and without missing a beat once it loads he says"click on currently buyable"the list shortens to 5 things (current force coins:134.6

1.inspect see status of all things{gets less accurate the stronger the opponent is to you and only shows skills} 100 coins

2.telekinesis {uses 2 force to move 10 kilos}20 coins

3.teleport uses 2 force per meter 13 coins

4. All mighty skills: skills don't change depending on dimension (100 coins discount first time using shop=free)

5.zone maker: allows the creation of zones (125 coins)


"Buy the first four and use teleport to get out of the cell and grab the keys from the sleeping guard down the hall

And we're free" said john

I noticed that the shop used my kill count as the currency but divided by one thousand so David spoke before me

"The only problem is that the only way to open the door is to have two people open gate''

"We'll pretend that Correy escaped when a guard comes and we'll have him kill him with the sword around the guards hips" responded john

Hearing about the sword makes me look around giving up on figuring out the system

and besides us being in the cell there was a guard asleep with his head on a table sitting in a chair his sword around his hips and a knife on the table , he's wearing very sturdy armor with a huge shield on his back probably about 50 pounds

behind him is a open door with the armory inside

"I'd do better with the glaive in there"I say pointing to the armory " then that should be the plan "says john he's interrupted by the heavy steps of a guard

I panic buying the skills all 4 and teleport into the armory and steal the guards keys from through the door frame close the door and grab a glaive using the inspect skill

(Old glaive: sharpened by the skulls of men and oiled by the blood of soldiers

50% more damage after every consecutive hit, easily improved)

A heave a silent cheer as I see the status 'yes it is different for weapons'

The heavy steps of the guard woke me up from my cheers to another screen

(Quest:kill 100 crusaders

Save the imprisoned prince

And kill a guard with just your thumb

Rewards extra rewards from zone administration and exit the zone )

I see this and smile drop the glaive and open the door shove my thumb in the eye of the sleeping guard piercing his brain and killing him instantly I move his head back down so you can't see his eyes run back in the armory telling my teammate to scream "HELP A PRISONER HAS ESCAPED HELP" the guard comes running over not bothering to check inside the open armory he yells at the Correy's teammate "shut thou fecking pig mouth you belong in thi-" he couldn't finish speaking as a glaive is sticking through his mouth

(You completed a third of the mission you get a atomic bomb to use in this zone for the drama this is a one time thing) ' I'll be using this'

I think as I open the door

Dave struts out and laughs about how "oh my me you get a fucking nuke you can just instantly win by finding the prince and setting this boy to fire in a week us and the prince will be long gone "

"Uh problem what are we saving the prince from and where is he " rebuked John

" It doesn't matter we're nukin the place

And we'll find him somehow " defended Dave "HELP ME PLEASE I'M TO SEXY AND ROYAL TO DIE I'LL GIVE YOU MONEY"

"Found him " gloated Dave "how do you know it's him"said John grasping for straws "YOU FAILURE OF A PRINCE SHUT THE FUCK UP"screamed a woman

I chuckled while picking up the shield and handing it to John who used it wipe away his tears I walked ahead unlocked the door to the princes "hurry up peasant I have places to be" screeches the prince in contrast the woman who I found out is a thief named mertle is spewing thanks faster than Eminem does lyrics

I open the door punch the prince in the throat and knock him out pick him up and walk away Dave starts hitting on mertle every few minutes we kill a guard untill we hear a lot of footsteps "the prisoners have escaped" we quickly duck inside a room and when they pass we sprint out the door (author's note they stole the clothes of the guards) when we get out side we ask for directions to the exit of the city

"Yeah mate it's just down the street round the corner when you see the crumpet store y'all will probably see a bloke at the end of the street after the turn walk by him and your free to go but be careful some prisoners have escaped " we thank him and run like hell carrying the prince like a injured person with his head down so know one sees his face before we round the corner I split off from the group tell them to meet me 2 kilometers north from here as they leave the city at top speed I turn into the direction of a big castle and say"I found the pansy's home "then run till I get to the gate


Dave pov

I sprint my fine ass out that dirty ass city run 2 kilometers north and find a place to camp and currently we're making bets on what he's doing "I bet he's planting that nuke "John blurts out after thinking for a minute I agree until I hear something hehe just found dinner


Correy point of view

As I get up to the gates I say to the guard in what seems to be gold armor with a steel sledgehammer on his back

"I'm here to do a follow-up with the royal Gardener" and he lets me pass and escorts me to the garden he goes back to the gate while I do the 'follow-up' yeah no I'm planting a nuke I take it out my inventory I didn't know I had rolled it to the hole I made for it and I set it for 1 day and walked to the gate said thank you to the guard ran like hell out the city met up with everyone got out the blast zone , radiation zone,etc and while we waited we spotted clouds

"That's a fucking bunny not a wolf "says Dave "no that's a god damn wolf" says john *BOOM* "it's now a mushroom cloud "(quest completed:

Kill 100 crusaders{kill 100,000 done}

Save the prince {kill the evil queen and king done}

Kill a crusader with just your thumbs {done}

You are now being transported to the best overseer for your rewards

All I saw was white light

"Damn little one " you did that quick 25 hours that was supposed to be a 4 month zone for 8 people not 5 so you all get 3x rewards and you get a single free reward for killing the most humans in one millisecond which is 1,200,000 "

"What's the reward system "

"First my name is montez


Earth was in the 3rd dimension now it is trying to get to the 4th so zones pop up and like cancer if you don't get rid of it you die or in this case earth dies

You just cleared a tier 4 bronze zone meant for 8 people with 5 so considering your strength is really weak for the zone and you cleared it in less than 2 days you would have gotten the reward for first cleared zone but since you slept for 10x longer than every one your 9th place you get 5 tier 6 treasures 3 tier 9's and 4 tier 5 bronze's and one pick of your chosing btw your can literally ask for anything I gave you the info on tiers through telepathy so ask away "said montez

"I want to use one of my bronze's to get info on magic y'all have magic right?"

"So a force guide"after a minute

"Here this is the best you get for tier 5 bronze just put some blood on here and of course we do"said Mr montez while pointing at the middle of a golden tablet that has the face of a humanoid worm after a few minutes of thinking i say

"Next I'll use the other bronze and take a storage ring that can store any thing" Mr montez smirks 'ha now even the explosion of a nuke can be stored, radiation,ghosts,magic,any random bullshit'

"Trying to store few nukes are we and some poison gas"

"Yeah"I say smirking back

"Good for you I have just the thing as I'm bending the rules a bit I'll be taking all the tier 6's and one tier 9"he says with a don't worry wink

"Alright it's right here for you now you have one tier 9 black reward that's worth a few nukes right there and a free reward any rank any thing you want no limits"says Mr montez

"I'll use the tier nine on the strongest bomb you got "I say

"Alright that's one favor from a tier 7 overseer"says Mr montez

'oh fuck yeah that's way better'

(Uncle Correy's why is that so cool) that's like if you asked me for one of your granddad's crafts (wow)

So then Mr montez hands me the ring with a bomb big enough to wipe out a country

"Next I want a weapon that can change forms with one of my bronzes and I want to use all of my rewards I have left over to get something that can copy the equipment of others 5 times


Montez pov

I gave him the last of his rewards then his eyes started glowing I felt a pressure descend on me stronger than velasco "use his wish to give him a- you know what I'll give you the details

Via telepathy so this peeping Tom doesn't see he says as he looks towards the 4th wall of the room

I do as he says after I make sure that his intentions are not evil

I send little Corry to where Leonel morales is hopefully the kids are as strong as I think they are and why the fuck did that op bitch not know what show don't tell means

You get 3 today to piss off my friend

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Iampettylmaocreators' thoughts