
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Pendant's Power part 2

After entering my room I started reading a book about the culture of this world while waiting for Agnes and others arrival.

Before long came a knock on my door and response to that I said "Come in".

Agnes with other maids swiftly entered my room.As they arrived I gestured them to close the doors and the windows and put a silence spell in the room.Beatrice after completing the spell spoke"Everything is ready young master".

Hearing Beatrice's voice I went towards Eleanor and said "Your hand Eleanor".

Listening to my demand Eleanor offered her hand to me.Taking her hand I activated my skill Copying(SSS) and immediately Eleanor's status window materialized before my eyes and from there I copied the talent Wind prodigy(A).After copying was done I gestured towards others to present their respective hands.

"Me first,Me first"Saying that Matilda came forward.Taking her hand I started copying Flaming Heart (A) and Feiry bones(B) from her.

After Matilda in the same manner I copied Umbra body(S) from Beatrice and lastly from Agnes I copied Lightning Heart(A) and Thunder viens(S).After copying was done I spoke to Agnes"Agnes there are four attributes whose affinity I can increase right now they are Fire, Thunder,Wind and Darkness.Tell me which suits you the most".

"Young master the wind attribute will be most suitable for me as when there is lightening it is always accompanied by the wind".

Hearing her reply I nodded and gently placed my hand on her head and activated my skill Bestowal(Ex).As soon as the skill was activated the pendant started to glow with a bright light in shades of green and soon the light covered both Agnes's and my body.

As the light faded there appeared a symbol of wind on Agnes's forehead which soon disappeared inside her body.As the bestowal was completed wind started to circle around Agnes's body,blowing on her face and her hair started to rise and dance with it but it soon subsided after some time informing us that the task was finished.

"How is it Agnes,Can you feel anything different"I asked her if everything was alright.

Hearing my question Agnes replied "Let me first experiment a bit young master only then I can tell if my affinity has increased or not".

After replying to me Agnes started to feel the wind attribute mana arround her and soon the wind started to dance around her as she instructed and she started to control it as she wished. Subsequently completing her experiments she replied a small smile appearing on her face "It's incredible young master my affinity towards wind attribute has increased tremendously and now I am able feel and control it like my thunder attribute. "

"Agnes Now will you be able to become king class class professional in a month."

"Yes young master with talent you have bestowed I will definitely be able to become one it might even take even less than three weeks if I were to train with my life on the line"

"Good,Good now Beatrice what attribute will you choose."

"It will be best if you increase my affinity with thunder attribute young master as it will increase my agility and two main advantages of an assassin is always their stealth and speed"

Hearing her reply I immediately placed my hand upon her head and started to transfer Thunder Veins(S) and Lightning Heart (A) to her.As the transfer progressed the light from the pendant surrounded us once again.

As it subsided this time instead of wind,thunder started to flick in our surroundings and a thunder mark appeared Beatrice's forehead which disappeared shortly afterwards.When the bestowal was completed I turned towards Matilda and Eleanor and asked what attribute will they choose to which Eleanor replied

"Young master the water attribute will be most suitable for me"

"I would like to have earth element as my second attribute young master"says Matilda in a playful tone.

Listening to their demand I couldn't help but chuckle and replied "But right now I can only increase affinity of the four elements that I said earlier".

"So how do you really increase someone's affinity young master".

Listening to Matilda's question I said"I can copy someone's talent by touching them and bestow them to other people as I desire for example before I copied the talent of everyone present here and bestowed it accordingly to the demand mentioned by Agnes and Beatrice so for me to grant you two affinity towards earth and water attribute first I need to come in contact with someone who has talent in these attributes respectively so that I can copy from them and bestow it upon you two".

Listening to my answer everyone's mouth seemed to hung open after coming to her senses Agnes's said "Young master this is very dangerous and powerful skill and I would like you to not mention it anybody even if you completely trust them infact you shouldn't have told us about this because this power can change the power structure of the world,it can create armies more powerful than any other army the world has ever seen and can have devastating effect if not used correctly".

After saying her words Agnes turns towards the other maids and said"You all will not talk about it to anyone and especially you Matilda I want you to keep your mouth shut about tonight's matter."

"I won't do that Agnes."says Matilda in a relaxed tone to which Agnes snaps back and replied"I am not joking Matilda it's serious".

Hearing Agnes sharp reply Matilda finally understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Okay, Agnes I will keep that in mind."

Seeing the atmosphere so tense Beatrice comes in and treid to ease it by saying"So young master if you want to increase attribute affinity of Eleanor and Matilda towards water and earth attributes respectively you need to first come in contact with someone who is talented in these two attributes."

"Yes you are correct Beatrice."

Listening to Beatrice's voice Agnes calms down and Suggests "Then young master you can probably copy Sophia's talent during your next meeting with her as she is one of the best earth attribute mage that I have ever known."

"What about water attribute from where I should copy it."

"You can copy it from the Head butler young master as he is well versed in water attribute skills."

"But how will I come in contact with him without arousing any suspicion."

"I have an Idea"Matilda says in a cheerful tone.

"So what do you have suggest Matilda."

"Young master you can fake and illness and the Head butler would have no choice but to visit you as he is the castle's nominal caretaker."

"And when he comes to check your condition you can conveniently come in contact with him and copy his talent."

Hearing Matilda's idea everyone started to think if it was feasible and soon came to conclusions that it can be easily done.

"So tommorow I will fake my illness and Agnes you will inform the Head Buttler about my situation."

"Is that sounds good to you Agnes".

"Yes young master it is good."

After that we continued to chat the finer details of the plan and soon it was midnight.

Agnes looking at the clock suggested "Young master it is already late you should go back to sleep."

Hearing her say that we concluded the meeting there and everyone left the room while I went back to my bed to continue my sleep waiting for the next sunrise.

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