
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Operation Meteor part 2

Observing Agnes successfully luring the assassin lord out of the castle, Matilda couldn't contain her excitement any longer. Her eyes gleamed with determination as she turned to Eleanor.

"Elli, it's time for work. Let's see who can take down our opponents first."Eleanor glared at Matilda and said"I don't want to compromise the mission because of your antics Matilda ".

Saying that she swiftly left for the roof.

Matilda's eyes darted around, searching desperately for Beatrice, hoping for her support in this chaotic situation. However, to her dismay, Beatrice had already vanished, fully engrossed in fulfilling her assigned task.Matilda left with no choice followed Eleanor to the roof top.

Assassin D's PoV

It was my usual night nothing interesting to do just keeping watch at castle gates and keeping an eye for anything unusual.It seems the guards are having a party tonight as they have been drinking for quite a while.

As I was observing the guards without my notice a dagger was placed in my neck.The attacker said with a seductive voice if you want to live keep quiet to which I nodded.After seeing my nod the attacker said good and immediately used the dagger to land a blow to my head and I fainted

Assassin E's Pov

As I was observing the guards and their merry making a shadow covered my mouth and before I can scream and say anything something hit me in the neck and I passed out.

Assassin F's Pov

As usual I was doing my duty diligently then I saw one of the maids of the young duke walking towards somewhere and I immediately started to follow her and before I could realise anything I felt pain coming from my head and I passed out.

Assassin B PoV

In the land of the Orc Federation, I, Aurora, was born. My twin sister, Luna, was born beside me, and our names symbolized our connection.

Luna, like the moon, and I, like the moonlight. Our everyday world was filled with joy and laughter, but abruptly, everything came crashing down when debtors arrived at our home demanding money.

I was only twelve years old then, and I couldn't grasp the gravity of the situation.Our father, plagued by a gambling addiction, had borrowed money from the underground casino owners. The interest rates charged by these loan sharks were exorbitant, making it impossible for our family to repay even if we wanted to.

To make matters worse, the war with the Lunaria Empire caused food prices to skyrocket. To prevent our family from starving, our father made a desperate decision—he sold us to slave traders.I can still hear the echoes of my mother's cries as we were torn away from our home.

She fought with our father, but the deed had been done. Through an illegal trade route,we were transported to the Lunaria Empire, where the Guild purchased us. It was there that our living nightmare truly began.

We were trained, beaten, and tortured to mold us into killing machines, but we clung to our beliefs.We refused to take part in the killing of our fellow training partners, which only led to more beatings and confinement.

Despite the hardships, we endured and eventually graduated from the training class, becoming operatives for the organization. Even now, we refuse to accept assassination missions that target the innocent. Our focus lies in gathering intelligence, using our skills to serve a purpose beyond needless bloodshed.One small source of happiness remained—I remembered our home address, allowing me to communicate with our mother through letters.

During recent exchanges I found that she has already divorced our father and currently living with grandmother.

It brings my heart to peace to know that she is still alive, even if we are separated. However,I can never forget the nightmare that holds us captive.Currently, we are on a mission to keep a watchful eye on the young duke, aiding our team leader in his potential assassination if the need arises.

Initially, I wanted to reject this mission, but the lives of both Luna and myself were threatened, forcing us to accept. At least we remain together, supporting and protecting each other in this treacherous path we tread.

Deep down, I hold onto the hope that one day we will find a way to escape this cruel existence, reclaim our freedom, and reunite with our beloved mother.

As I delved into the depths of my memories, a sudden tap on my shoulder sent a shockwave through my body. Startled, I instinctively surged forward, taking a few swift steps to create distance.

My heart pounded in my chest as I turned to confront the uninvited guest, but before I could fully register their presence, a searing blow connected with my abdomen.

Agony ripped through me, stealing the very breath from my lungs. I gasped for air, struggling to process the intense pain radiating through my body. Blood spewed from my mouth, staining the ground beneath me.

The world seemed to spin as my vision blurred, making it difficult to focus.In the midst of the chaos, a powerful grip seized hold of my head, and with a brutal force, I was thrust downward, hurtling towards the roof.

The impact was bone-shattering as my body collided with the solid structure. The roof caved in beneath the sheer force, leaving behind a visible dent as my consciousness slipped away, swallowed by an enveloping darkness.

Assassin A PoV

Today, like any other day, we were carrying out our surveillance on the young duke. However, the tranquility was shattered when something unusual unfolded before our eyes.

One of the maids entrusted with the care of the young duke abruptly emerged from the mansion, disappearing into the cloak of darkness. Reacting swiftly, our team leader pursued her, his urgency palpable.

As I glanced towards my sister, a familiar maid who had always been by the young duke's side approached her. Before I could even utter a warning, a merciless blow struck my sister's stomach, causing her to double over in pain.

Panic surged within me, and I lunged towards her, desperate to protect her. However, my desperate dash was abruptly interrupted.A sword, adorned with a vibrant cyan glow, materialized from below, its deadly arc sending me soaring through the air.

The impact was jarring, and as I struggled to regain my footing, disoriented and shaken, the same sword swung once more, this time striking me with its hilt. Darkness enveloped my consciousness as I succumbed to unconsciousness, unaware of the events unfolding around me.

thinking about aurora's plot i remembered urban novels where always one of the female lead's father is a gambling addict or some female lead's father is so greedy that he is able to compromise with his daughter's happiness for his career success.I used that trope here I hope you all like that

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