
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

New found powers part 2

As I left the dining room after breakfast, a surge of excitement pulsed through me. I couldn't wait to explore and experiment with my newfound power.

Making my way back to my room, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me.Gazing out of the window, my eyes fell upon the gardener diligently tending to the vibrant green lawn.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the task at hand. Opening my mind's eye, I focused my attention on the gardener, allowing the floodgates of information to open.

But instead of clarity and understanding, I was met with a torrent of overwhelming data that cascaded through my mind like a raging river. The sheer volume of information bombarded my senses, causing an intense and splitting pain in my head.

It felt as though my brain was struggling to process the vast amount of data streaming in.The intensity of the experience quickly became unbearable, causing my head to throb with an excruciating pain. Gasping for air, I instinctively closed my mind's eye, feeling drained and weakened. My face turned pale, resembling a blank sheet of paper and my back soaking wet, as the consequences of pushing my abilities to their boundaries became apparent.

Unable to fully comprehend and analyze the intricacies of living beings, my brain seemed to protest against the overwhelming task. It was a stark reminder that my power had its limitations, especially when it came to the complex nature of living organisms. The pain and weakness in my leg served as a physical manifestation of the strain I had put on myself.

Recognizing the need to streamline the information, I realized that I had to establish specific parameters and filter out unnecessary details. I pondered over the best approach, searching for a way to condense the information into a concise and easily understandable format.Suddenly, a realization struck me.

Memories from my past life, particularly the countless hours spent playing video games, flooded my mind. In those games, characters were often presented with clear attributes and abilities, neatly organized in a status screen. It was a format I was familiar with, one that simplified complex information.

Drawing inspiration from those games, I devised a set of parameters that would allow me to grasp the essence of what I observed. As I refocused my mind's eye on the gardener, a transformation occurred. Instead of an overwhelming deluge of data, the details took on a structured form, reminiscent of a video game status screen.

The gardener, identified as John, appeared before Arthur's inner vision, accompanied by a set of parameters that defined his attributes and abilities. The details were concise and easy to understand, resembling the status screens of characters in video games.

Name: John

Level: 5

Job: Advanced Gardener

HP: 128/150

MP: 40/48

Strength: 12

Defense: 8

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 6



Swordsmanship (E)

Martial arts (E)


Planting (C)

Active skill:swordslash

Divine protection:Goddess of life (D)


Arthur observed the attributes assigned to John, such as his age, gender, and vital statistics. His health points (HP) stood at 128 out of 150, indicating that he was in good physical condition.

His mana points (MP) were at 40 out of 48, suggesting that he possessed some magical ability. The job of gardener showcased his expertise in maintaining and nurturing plants.

Delving deeper, Arthur learned about John's specific talents and skills. He possessed a talent for martial arts at an elementary level (E), indicating a basic proficiency in self-defense. Additionally, he had acquired some skill in the art of swordsmanship (E), reflecting his capacity for wielding a blade.

The gardening skill was prominently displayed at level B, indicating a high level of proficiency in his chosen occupation. His planting skill was marked at level C, suggesting competence in cultivating and tending to various plants.

Notably, Arthur noticed that John did not possess any titles, which meant that he had not been recognized for any notable achievements or feats. However, a blessing from the goddess of life (D) bestowed upon him a certain divine favor or protection.

The concise and structured presentation of information allowed Arthur to grasp the essence of John's abilities and background swiftly. By distilling the data into familiar video game elements, Arthur could navigate the complexities of his mind's eye and extract the necessary details without overwhelming his senses.

Excited by this breakthrough, Arthur realized that he had unlocked a powerful tool for appraisal and understanding.

Through his mind's eye, he could perceive the attributes and qualities of individuals, objects, and even potential adversaries.

With practice and refinement, he could further harness this ability to gain insights and make informed decisions in his upcoming plans.

After having my experiment successful I wanted to explore more of this newfound powers.

As I walked through the castle hallways, I caught sight of two guards engaged in a conversation. Curiosity piqued, I discreetly approached, trying to eavesdrop on their discussion.

Guard A: "This year's winter is going to be brutal. The temperature is dropping rapidly, and I've heard rumors of barbarians lurking near the duke's territory."

Guard B: "I fear for the people. Will the duke come to their aid? Baron Joseph even requested his assistance just yesterday."

Guard A: laughs "You're too naive, young one. The duke doesn't care about the poor. In fact, he'd be glad if they all perished. He wouldn't have to bother with taking care of them anymore."

Their conversation painted a grim reality, one where the suffering of the impoverished was seen as inconsequential to those in power. It was a harsh reminder of the feudal society in which I now found myself.Opening my mind's eye, I focused on the guards.

Guard A

Name: Robert

Age: 32

Gender: Male


Job: Apprentice knight

HP: 200/220

MP: 80/100


Strength: 18

Defense: 12

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 9


Swordsmanship (D)

Observation (C)

Endurance (D)

Active:Windslash,Wind Guard,Air Shield

Divine protection: Goddess of war(E)

Guard B

Name: William

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Job: Apprentice knight

HP: 180/180

MP: 70/90

Strength: 16

Defense: 10

Agility: 16


Skills: Passive

Archery (E)

Stealth (D)

Tracking (E)

Active:Rapid shot,Eagle Eye,flame shot,shadow dive

Divine protection: Goddess of war(E)

Closing my mind's eye, I continued down the hallways, the guards' conversation lingering in my thoughts. It served as a stark reminder of the injustices that existed in this world, motivating me to harness my powers and skills to bring about positive change. I vowed to use my abilities not only for my own growth but also to stand up for the downtrodden and strive for a better future.