
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Mana initiation ceremony part 2

I regained consciousness after what felt like an eternity, slowly lifting myself up from the ground. As I stood, I found myself on a white platform, surrounded by a building that seemed to belong to ancient Greece. But something was off—the structure was adorned with depictions of humans in various yogic postures and meditative positions.

The temple gate featured a carved image of a human figure in deep meditation, with seven holes aligned with the seven chakras.I stood there, initially shocked by the strange combination of Greek architecture and yogic symbolism, yet also amused.

Intricate Sanskrit inscriptions adorned the top of the gate, reading, "Satyen Dhāryate Pr̥ithvī Satyen Tapate Raviḥ.

Satyen Vāyavo Vānti Sarvaṁ Satye Pratṣṭhitaṁ." I understood what the gate was trying to tell it said

"Truth sustains the earth, truth heats the sun, truth blows the wind. Everything is based on truth".

I know it very well but understanding something and accepting something is entirely different and everyone has his own version of truth but Deep down, I knew that sometimes truth could often be absurd and difficult to accept and sometimes most painful no truth has always been a bitter pill to chew but nevertheless the only path forward for both myself and the world.

Lost in my contemplation, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, drawing my attention away from the enigmatic temple.Turning around, I was startled to find another person standing there.

More accurately, it was a person who looked exactly like me before my reincarnation. Confusion washed over me as I questioned the impossibility of this encounter. I had already died and been sent to another world, living there for five years. How could this happen? I tried to stay calm and composed.As I turned to the person that suddenly appeared I asked, Arthur: Who are you?

Person: I am you, Arthur.

Arthur: No, that can't be possible. I have already died and been sent to another world. How can you claim to be me? Arthur was bewildered and before he can ask anything else the person says:

Person: Arthur, I am here to help you. I know you want to awaken your chakras, and I can assist you in that journey. But why stop there? I can guide you to awaken an even more powerful chakra node than you initially thought. Hearing the figure Arthur fell into a dillema should he trust this stranger who claimed to be him.Arthur feeling hesitant asks: Can I trust you? You claim to be me, but this is all so strange. The person replies in an enticing voice:Trust me, Arthur. I can help you awaken the crown chakra, the symbol of enlightenment and divine strength. With its power, you can become a being of tremendous power and wisdom. As the figure drew closer to Arthur, the pendant hanging around Arthur's neck started to glow with an intense radiance, emitting a pulsating heat that sent warning signals to his senses.

The pendant's luminous display was a mysterious phenomenon, leaving Arthur perplexed and uncertain of its significance. Yet, deep within his being, an alarm bell rang loudly, cautioning him against placing trust in this enigmatic doppelgänger.

Unable to ignore the peculiar glow, Arthur mustered the courage to confront the figure before him. With a furrowed brow, he questioned the figure's perception of their surroundings and their shared predicament.

In response, the figure spoke with an eerily calm demeanor, their voice resonating with a mix of familiarity and persuasive influence and a bit of strangeness."Arthur, I see you don't trust me completely but the temple is before us," the figure began, his gaze fixed on the ethereal structure.

"I also see the pain and frustration that dwells within you, as well as the intricate web of dilemmas that bind us. Trust me, and let me guide you on the path that will bring us both the ultimate resolution."

Despite the figure's words, Arthur's heart remained divided. The warning glow of the pendant persisted, a visual reminder of the uncertainty that clouded his judgment. Sensing Arthur's lingering hesitation, the figure locked eyes with him, his gaze penetrating and unwavering.

"Arthur, I implore you to listen," the figure continued, his voice carrying an undercurrent of compelling persuasion.

"Allow me to assist you. It is the best course of action for both you and me. Together, we can find the answers we seek and transcend our limitations."

Arthur's eyes widened in disbelief as he absorbed the figure's words. A surge of conflicting emotions washed over him, mixing grief and anger.

He swallowed hard, his throat constricting with the weight of his sorrow. Slowly, he found his voice, his tone laced with a hint of desperation.

"Anything else... do you see?" Arthur's voice trembled, betraying the depth of his pain. He braced himself for the figure's response, a glimmer of hope flickering within him.

The figure's gaze bore into Arthur's soul,his eyes seemingly able to penetrate the deepest recesses of Arthur's being. With a disconcerting calmness, he spoke again,his words laden with a chilling certainty.

"Yes, Arthur, I see your hidden anger, a festering wound born from the tragic death of your beloved mother," the figure murmured, his voice a haunting echo in the ethereal space.

"But fear not, for there is a path to appease your thirst for vengeance. Listen to me, Arthur, and follow my guidance precisely. Together, we shall ensure that those responsible for her demise pay the ultimate price.

The sinners will meet their fate, their lives forfeit."As the figure's words echoed through Arthur's mind, a tempest of conflicting emotions swirled within him.

The pain of loss mingled with a burning desire for retribution. He could feel the anger simmering just beneath the surface, its intensity threatening to consume him whole.

A bitter grimace contorted Arthur's face, a reflection of the turmoil raging within his heart. His fists clenched involuntarily, nails digging into his palms, as if seeking an outlet for the seething rage.

A storm brewed in his eyes, flashes of sorrow, determination, and a hint of righteous fury intermingling.He took a deep breath, attempting to steady himself amidst the tumultuous maelstrom of emotions.

A singular resolve emerged from the chaos, a flicker of purpose amidst the darkness. With measured determination, Arthur met the figure's gaze, his voice resolute."Tell me," he uttered, the words infused with steely determination.

"Guide me on this path you speak of and I shall bring justice to those who have wronged my mother. No sin shall go unpunished, for their deaths shall be the price they pay."