
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Life is a Race

As the morning rays fell on my face I woke up from my sleep and started to get ready for a new day.As I made my way towards the dining room I saw all of the maids present and setting up the table.

"How was your sleep young master".

"It was great Agnes and thank you and everyone else for preparing this wonderful breakfast for me".

"It's our duty young master you don't have to be grateful for it."

"Okay, Agnes you remembered yesterday's discussion right."

"Yes young master I remember it."

"Okay then after breakfast I will be back to my room and you can go and talk to the butler."

"And please remember to leave an empty food tray and utensils in my room after the breakfast so that my illness can appear more geniune giving an impression that I can't even leave my room."

"okay, young master."

After the breakfast I went back to my room and covering myself in a bedsheet and pretending to be asleep.Sometime afterwards

Agnes came to my room with the Head Buttler

who looked quite upset due to coming to my room.The Head Buttler observed the room for a while and began to speak"It appears that young lord is really sick or is it the poison acting once again since young lord has not been completely cured of it."

Saying that The butler came closer to me and placed his hand upon my forehead to see if I was having a fever or not.As the Butler's hand was placed on my forehead I activated my appraisal skill and looked at his status window.

Name: Edmund(Damages Mana Heart)

Class:Knight king

Job:Tundra Knight









Talent:Water Body(A),Sea Heart(A),Mana Affinity (B)


Passive:Mana control(A), Endurance (A), Swordsmanship (S),Water Breathing (C),

Wave Riding (B),Wind Coat(B),Flight(C), Observation (C)

Active:Water slash(C),Water Bomb(B), Whirlpool sword(B), Water prison(B),Tsunami wave(A),Tidal sword(S#),Sea King's Domain(Ss#),Wave cutter(S#),Water splicer(Ss#),Jet Sword(Ss#),Wind shield (C), Pressure wall (B),Storm sword(S#),Hurricane Sword(SS#), Typhoon's arrival(SS#)

Divine protection: Godess of the Seas

#due to injury the status has been lowered and the person is not able to use the skill that are marked as such.

After observing his status window for a while I was astonished by the number if skills he possessed leading me to truly believe that he was one of the best knight's of the duchy in his prime.

I soon started to copy his talents and skills quietly.I copied his talent that increases affinity towards water attribute and the skills that were S grade and higher since these skills will come quite handy when Eleanor tries to master her second attribute afterall she is also a wind and water user and a swordsman as well.These skill might allow her to master the two attributes easily leading to an earlier transition to king class professional.Soon the Copying of skills was finished and after sometime.

The Head Butler removed his head and spoke with a grin on his face"It seems that it the poison that is acting once again.I am very sad to say this miss Agnes but there is nothing I can do why don't you go and see a doctor or healer inside the city they might be able to help the young lord alleviate his condition."

"What about the castle's healer and Alchemist Edmund,why don't you call them".

"They might be able to help in treating the young master."

"The castle's healer and Alchemist are very busy Miss Agnes they don't have any time to treat the young lord "

"What nonsense are you speaking Edmund,Is their work more important than young master's life."

"In this castle Yes Miss Agnes their work is more important than young lord's life.If nothing else then I will take my leave and take care."

Saying that Edmund leaves Arthur's room with a smile on his face and leaving everyone in the room with a frustration on their faces .

After Edmund's leave I immediately sprinted up from my bed and said with a smile "It was done beautifully Agnes,The plan was a success."

"I am glad that it worked out well young master but you should still act like you are sick before we leave the castle gates."

"Thanks for the warning Agnes."

"Let's head out."

After getting ready we went towards the castle gates to head towards the city.

Jeffrey with other guards following behind us.First we went to different healers and Alchemist to not arouse any suspicion.

As we were passing through one of the potion shops my gaze went to little girl dressed in rags crying side of the shops.

Her features suggesting of an orc probably from the fox tribe as evident by how she looked.I wasn't able to move myself from walking away from such sight and as if supernatural power gave me a little push i went towards the little girl and asked "Hey,why are you crying."

Hearing my question she looked up and looking directly in my eyes she started to tear up "Mama,My mama is going to die."

"Why will your mama will die little girl."

"Because everyone says she is sick and going to die."

"Brother,I worked hard and even begged people on the streets to collect money for her treatment but even then I dont have money to buy medicines for her.The prices of medicines have increased once again and if mama doesn't receive her treatment she will die."

"Brother I will do anything just save my mama."please,brother I don't want mama to die."

Hearing her plea I also remembered my mother,even though I couldn't help her atleast I can save this little girl's mother."

Thinking that I immediately hugged the little girl and asked even though from other's perspective it would look like a young woman hugging her child and crying"How about this first you tell me your name then we will think of a way to get your mama the treatment that she needs."

"My,my name is Alice brother."

"Okay Alice why don't you work for me and I will give you a salary and from it you can buy yourself some potions for your mother ."

"Here your first salary for the first day."

Saying that I gestured towards Agnes and She immediately placed a gold coin in Alice's hand.

Seeing the gold coin in her hand Alice started to cry even louder"Tha,Tha,Thankyou brother."

After crying for a while she stopped and rubbed her eyes with her hands.

"Brother wait for me little after delivering the potions for my mother's treatment I will come back immediately."

"Alice why don't we go to the potion shop together."

"I also happened to be going there to buy some ingredients."

"Okay,okay let us go brother hurry."

We followed her to a herbal shop in a nearby alleyway.

The store's signboard read "Elric Brothers Alchemy workshop -15 years later excellence". Seeing the signboard a certain Anime's name passed through my mind but discarding such stupid ideas I went inside the shop.

Please comment on this chapter to give me your thoughts about it.More power stones more chapters.

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