
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

First step towards freedom

I returned to the castle before nightfall, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders.After having dinner.

I gathered everyone in my room to discuss the upcoming operation.

Taking a deep breath, I began, "We need to make some plans for tomorrow night's operation."Turning my head towards Beatrice, I asked, "Beatrice, can you provide me with the current location of the assassins?"

The word "assassins" seemed to send a shiver down everyone's spine, but Beatrice remained calm as she whispered the information to me.

"Two are currently on the rooftop, while one is positioned on the tree to the right side of your room, young master. Additionally, three of them are stationed at the entrances to the castle."

As Beatrice revealed the precise locations of the assassins, I couldn't help but be impressed by her accuracy. However, I needed more information for better preparation, so I activated my heavenly vision.

A world of clarity unfolded before my eyes.With my enhanced vision, I could see two silhouettes perched on the castle roof. I focused my gaze further and spotted an assassin sitting on a distant tree branch near my room.

As I delved deeper into my heavenly vision, I was able to observe the distant castle gates and identify the remaining three assassins by their status windows. Since I didn't know their names, I conveniently named them Assassin A, B, C, D,E and F.

I studied their status windows, analyzing their attributes and skills, in order to prepare for tomorrow's operation with utmost precision.

Name: Assassin A

Level: 28

Class: Senior Assassin

Job: Moon Whisperers

HP: 14,800

MP: 7,600

Strength: 40

Defense: 28

Agility: 80

Intelligence: 76

Charm: 32


Moon Heart (A)

Wild Instinct (C)

Nimble Body (A)

Godspeed (A)

Mana Affinity (B)



Stealth (A),Camouflage (B),Enhanced Reflex (B),Poison Mastery (C),Keen Smell (B),

Night Vision (A),Dagger Mastery (C)


Backstab (E),Lunge (D),Silent Steps (C)

Shadow Manipulation (C),Moon Trail (A)

Moon Strike (A),Disguise (C),Knife Throw (C)

Divine Protection:Goddess of Moon (B)

Name: Assassin B

Level: 32

Class: Great Assassin

Job: Moon Envoy

HP: 16,300

MP: 8,100

Strength: 45

Defense: 33

Agility: 85

Intelligence: 81

Charm: 38

Talents:Moon Heart (A),

Wild Instinct(C),Nimble Body (A)

Godspeed (A),Mana Affinity (B)


Passive:Stealth (A),Camouflage (B),Enhanced Reflex (B),

Poison Mastery (C),Keen Smell (B),Night Vision (A),

Dagger Mastery (C),Moon Body(A)


Backstab (E),Lunge (D),Silent Steps (C)

Shadow Manipulation (C),Moon Trail (A)

Moon Strike (A),Disguise (C),Knife Throw (C)

Moon Shot (A),Crescent Blade (A)

Divine Protection:Goddess of Moon (B)

Name: Assassin C

Level: 62

Class:Assassin Lord

Job: Shadow Stalkers

HP: 27,400

MP: 10,200

Strength: 86

Defense: 62

Agility: 120

Intelligence: 102

Charm: 18

Talents:Mana affinity (C), Precision (B)


Passive: Stealth (A), Camouflage (B), Enhanced Reflex (C), Poison mastery (B), Dagger mastery (A),Shadow Veil(B)

Active: Backstab (E), Lunge (D), Silent steps (C), Shadow manipulation (C), Knife throw (C), Shadow Strike (A), Obsidian blades(A),Umbra Strike(S)

Divine Protection: Godess of Night(C)

As I observed the assassins at the gate entrance I found something peculiar.Assasin D,E and F were comparatively weaker than their counterparts but it soon became clear why it was so as I observed their status window.

Name: Assassin D,E and F

Level: 22

Class: Senior Assassin

Job: phantom


MP: 3000

Strength: 25

Defense: 22



Charm: 12

Talent: Enhanced Hearing (B)



Quick Hands(C),Poison Resistance(B), Lockpick(B), Tracking (C), Observation(C),

Lip reading (C)


Disguise (A),Swift Escape(B), Slippery Shadows(C), Trap Detection (B),Mindful Breathing(C),Elusive presence (C)

It seems that those three are mainly specialised in intelligence gathering and not for assassination.

After observing the assassins closely, I shared their skills and specifications with my maids.

Agnes, taken aback by my knowledge, expressed her surprise and questioned how I knew so much about them. With a small smile, I explained to Agnes about my unique appraisal skill that allowed me to gather such information.

Matilda joined the conversation and acknowledged that now that we knew about the assassins, it would be easier for us to take them down.

However, I reminded everyone that our objective went beyond eliminating the assassins. We needed to ensure that after this operation, we would have some respite to proceed with our future plans.

Therefore, it was crucial to take them down without causing fatal harm, allowing us to gather intelligence about their clients and allegiances. But above all, the safety of everyone involved was our top priority.

I emphasized that capturing the assassins alive would be ideal, but in the worst-case scenario, we should be prepared to eliminate them with full force.

We continued the discussion, meticulously planning the minute details of our strategy. Once everything was in place, I retired to my eagerly awaited sleep, knowing that we were one step closer to our goal.

As the sun rose, its rays pierced through the windows, awakening everyone from their slumber and signaling that it was time to get to work.

I proceeded to freshen up in the bathroom, preparing myself for the day ahead.When I arrived at the breakfast table, I noticed a sense of tension among everyone. Tonight was the night of action, and the weight of the upcoming operation hung in the air.

Despite the unease, I maintained my composure and enjoyed a fulfilling breakfast to fuel myself for the challenges ahead.After finishing my meal, I gathered with my maids and made our way towards the castle gates.

The atmosphere at the gates mirrored that of the previous day, with Peter standing guard. I could sense his slight discontent as he glanced at me, but he still granted us passage without creating unnecessary obstacles.

Exiting through the castle gates, we boarded the carriage and made our way towards the bustling city center. The guards from the previous day continued to follow us.As we traversed the city streets, we wandered aimlessly for a while, enjoying the sights and sounds of the bustling marketplace.

The city was alive with activity, and the vibrant atmosphere provided a temporary reprieve from the weight of the upcoming operation.After some time, we decided to head to the Golden Wheat Restaurant, a renowned establishment known for its delectable cuisine. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air as we entered the restaurant, greeted by the warm and inviting ambiance.