
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

7 days later,part 4

Jeffrey's Pov

As I walked towards the golden wheat restaurant, memories of my youth flooded my mind, contrasting sharply with the weight of the present situation.

In those days, I was a young and handsome teenager, filled with ambition and a drive to succeed. I possessed a natural talent for various skills and worked tirelessly to hone them, dreaming of a prosperous future.

It was during a grand banquet at the Duke's castle, held to celebrate the passing of winter, that I first laid eyes on Lydia. Her beauty captivated me instantly, and our connection was undeniable.

However, our love faced opposition from the grand Chamberlain, who deemed me unworthy as a commoner. Despite his reluctance, Lydia's unwavering determination prevailed, and the grand Chamberlain reluctantly agreed to our marriage.

The grand Chamberlain saw potential in me. He recognized my talents as a skilled knight and believed that with time, I would rise to the esteemed rank of knight lord. It was his plan that, through my achievements and the power I would gain, I could be elevated to the noble class, ensuring a prosperous future for both Lydia and me.

But fate took a cruel turn when I sustained a debilitating injury during a raid with the northern savages. The battle was fierce, with even the renowned head butler, a revered knight of the family, left wounded.

Only a fraction of those who participated in the raid returned, and fewer still were left unscathed. It was a devastating blow, abruptly halting my promising path as a knight.Despite our marriage, the grand Chamberlain's attitude towards me changed.

He never regarded me with the same favor as before. I found myself drowning in sorrow, seeking solace in the bottom of a bottle. The pain of losing my dreams and the sense of purpose that accompanied them weighed heavily on my heart.

During my time stationed in a neighboring city for six months, I met Jonah. Her infectious laughter and warm presence became a beacon of light in my desolate world. We quickly fell in love, finding solace and comfort in each other's arms. Our connection was profound, and it was during this period that our love bore fruit, resulting in the birth of our child.

Though duty called me back to the castle estate, I made it a point to visit Jonah regularly in the nearby town. We had created a life together, a secret hidden from the prying eyes of the world. The joy of being a father mingled with the pain of the life I had lost, creating a bittersweet symphony of emotions within me.

Yet amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I couldn't allow Lydia to discover the truth, to have her world shattered by the revelations that lay hidden. I had to face the person behind the letter, to negotiate the terms of their silence and protect the fragile happiness I had built together.

As I step into the golden wheat restaurant, my eyes scan the crowded space, eagerly searching for the person who sent me the message. To my surprise, there is no one there to meet me.

Confusion and a tinge of disappointment wash over me, but my attention is quickly captured by a familiar sight.There it is, the same little bird perched on a nearby ledge. Its wings flutter, as if beckoning me to follow.

Without a second thought, I decide to trust this peculiar messenger and see where it leads me. Without disturbing the diners around me, I navigate through the bustling restaurant, my eyes never leaving the bird.

The bird takes flight, effortlessly maneuvering through the crowded space, guiding me towards the upper floors of the restaurant. I follow, determined to find the author of the letter.

Arthur's Pov

Agnes, please open the door. Our guest has arrived," I say to Agnes, gesturing for her to do so. The door swings open, revealing a little bird entering the room, followed by Jeffrey.

It's the first time I've seen him up close, and I take a moment to observe him. Jeffrey appears to be a middle-aged man with a lean physique, a clean-shaven face, brown hair, and piercing black eyes. Despite the tension in the room, I can't help but notice his handsome features.

As our eyes meet,I activate my Heart's Gaze skill, allowing me to sense his emotions.Jeffery's fear quickly dissipates seeing me,as he walks into the room his fear quickly transforms into anger upon realizing that the one supposedly threatening him is a powerless young lord whom he always considered beneath him.

There's a brief moment of surprise on his face, quickly replaced by a sarcastic tone as he addresses me, "Ho ho, is it our young lord?" His words carry an undercurrent of anger, as if daring me to challenge him.

I say, my voice laced with a hint of amusement. "No, no, dear Jeffrey, I would never threaten you. In fact, I would like to help you."

Jeffrey's voice drips with skepticism and anger as he retorts, questioning my intentions based on the letter he received. "If the young lord wants to help me, why did you send me this letter filled with threats?".His words laced with bitterness and frustration.

While maintaining a calm demeanor I replied " Oh, Jeffrey, my intentions were never to threaten you. It was merely an invitation."

Hearing me say that Jeffrey starts to speak defiantly "The Duke would be quite interested to hear about this invitation, I'm sure."

I looked towards Matilda and said "Matilda, it seems that Mr. Jeffrey here doesn't appreciate our offer of help."

Indeed, young master. It appears that he doesn't require any assistance she answered.

Smiling subtly I continued to talk to Matilda "Ah, Matilda, your connections within the maid circle are renowned. I wonder, could you discreetly discuss Mr. Jeffrey's current predicament with your esteemed friends? It appears that he's quite confident in his ability to handle things, but I'm curious if others might offer a different perspective on the matter."

Jeffrey realizing the implications of my talks with Matilda hurries" Young lord, I apologize for my earlier words. Please, don't take them seriously. It seems that I have had a bit too much to drink."

After listening to Jeffrey's explanation I said , (softly, with an undercurrent of threat) Ah, Jeffrey, words spoken in haste can often reveal more than one intends. Let's ensure that our future conversations carry a different tone, shall we?

Jeffrey nervously replies"Yes, of course, young lord. I didn't mean any disrespect."

With a smile on my face I continued" Very well, Jeffrey. Let's put this misunderstanding behind us. There are matters we must discuss, and I believe we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement."