
The First Option Part 7

A call from Carl's Mother woke me one day, we were dating for 3 months already.

Jill, can you visit us today? Carl is not feeling well, he is coughing and coughing and can't breath well, he might need a calm presence and a friend to be with, before we take him to the hospital. I listened with concernment and wrote down her instructions what to give him as food, or medicine, and what not to.

I told her I'll be there as soon as I can.

He was pale in color, his coughing is serious and he was also hicupping non stop. I felt uneasy just by looking at his chest lifting lower and higher, I can feel his pain in his chest. He doesn't really get sick easily Aunty Yoli explained, so we didn't know why. Maybe he got tired from all our outings, and the places we go to like hiking and riding bikes, and staying late talking in parks, just being together makes him tired his body is weak but he really loves me so he just does his best to keep up with me. I was sad I cried and told him, please get better, I won't ask for anything else from you, or any dates that'll make you exhausted. He patted my head, Jill don't worry it's just an asthma attack "I'll be fine in a few days", Go home your Mom might get worried. I hugged his head and kissed his forehead. I'll stay with you a little longer so please get well fast.

We admitted him to the nearest hospital, the doctor said he contracted pneumonia, so he had to stay a few nights for observation. I was thinking of all the dates we had, including going to the swimming pool, and the beach, he might have a cold while we were there. I was blaming myself for what happened to him. His Mom, Dad and Sisters were not speaking to each other, maybe they know something else I don't know. I asked the doctor if he has any underlying ailments, and check to see from his test results and

X-rays examination.

I was spent and feeling tired, when the doctor came back, he said, Carl, has Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), basically it is a hole in the two upper chambers of the heart called Atrial, it's caused by a birth defect, or an undeveloped heart when he was a fetus. At his age it should have closed during his childhood, but with his case it is undetected, maybe he just dismissed the symptoms and did not have his heart checked. He can't be doing so much physical activities. So when he gets an infection there would be signs of difficulties for him like slow and heavy breathing, he might be wheezing and pale in color, and if he doesn't take any medication right away it will lead to broncho pneumonia, as like he was in this state. He might get better or he might need surgery, it will all depend on how fast he will fight this infection. He will be transferred to a room now, his tests are here you can proceed to the nurses station for assistance. Thank you Doctor, his parents both said. I think I will go home now Aunty, Uncle, please take care of Carl and I will give him the time to recover before talking to him again. They held my hand and we hugged, be careful dear.

I left with a heavy heart as I walked the steps towards the Hospital grounds. I was crying like a child when I got home and hugged my Mom tightly.😭

continue to the sad part in The First Option Part 8....😓
