
The First Good Luck

The morning of our graduation, I woke up got dressed and went to the salon.

How would you like to have your hair done today my dear? the hairdresser asked me.

I'd like to have it blown dry, and set to curl. Not too tight, only soft flowing curls.

Okay dear I would do that for you, let's wash your hair first and then we could set it.

I went to the back of the saloon, for my dry shampoo. Your hair is silky soft, so I'll use a big curler okay?

Yes, I'd like that. While waiting for my hair to curl, the stylist helped me with my dress.

A pink chiffon floral dress by forever 21. "You're going to look so fresh girl", she helped me get in it with ease. The curls I got was so pretty, "I love it", I held the hand of the hairdresser, paid my dues and gave her some cookies. I made them, it's homemade. Oh, thanks deary. Come again soon, and Good Luck on your future as a Graduate.

I was excited to see my classmates, teachers and friends, most of all my Carl.

Are you ready!? my Mom and Dad drove me to school. My dress flowing as I got out of the car.

We'll find a parking spot, so go on ahead, my Parents told me to wait for them at the event hall. I waved back to them, and went inside. The flowers are over flowing at the entrance, with garlands, stringing from the doors, an orange tree in full bloom welcoming the commencement participants. I felt like its going to be a good day. A lucky day for everyone, who endured to finish University.

A crowd taking pictures, was waving and shouting towards me, Jill come over here!, my whole class looking so handsome and pretty in their suits and dresses, with light makeup on for the Ladies, and boutonniere's on the chest of proud Men holding flowers for their parents as a thank you for every thing they've done to make this day possible. I joined them at the 2nd row to the farthest right, 2 aisles, 10 rows of 10 chairs each per row, with a total of 200 students graduating that day in the Arts department.

I searched the hall for a special someone I've been waiting for ever since I arrived. My classmates crying and chatting about their plans while I was nonchalant in my chair hoping to see Carl, he was still in a wheelchair when he came inside the event hall. My heart thumping as I saw his clean, side swept hair, white crisp shirt, and black trousers. His coat laid on his arm, and his necktie making him even more dapper.

He waved towards me as his parents wheeled him to their chairs. He told his Mom, he would say hi to me before finally setting on his chair. 10 minutes before the start of the commencement Carl went to me. I was blushing when he said.

You're looking awfully pretty today Sweetness!?, "I want to just eat you up", he whispered to my ear as I crouched down to his chest, I kissed him, and pinned a boutonniere. "A red rose for my love", I told him.

He kissed me back, and we hugged for 5 minutes when the announcer on the microphone told everyone to settle on their chairs. We let go of our hands and said see you later. He blew a kiss at me, as if saying "You're so sexy my Love".

Our names were called one by one, everybody watching gave us applause each time we bow on the stage, as we are declared graduates. My Mom cried when my name was finally called, she fixed my cap and tassel, as I shake the hands of my Dean, Principal and guest speakers, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I bowed and my tassel signified me a graduate.

Carl, clapped loudly and whistled too. It was his turn, and he gave everyone a shock when he got up from his chair. He surprised us because we thought he couldn't get up, from him being in bed rest for weeks. He waved his arm, like a strong Man about to fight in a ring. His giddy attitude turned the mood from somber to ecstatic with joy and laughter. He even danced wacky like a crazy person on stage, he took his last picture with the guests and arranged his tassel from right to left. He went off stage with his gown blown by the wind.

The announcer congratulate the students and parents, and we had a celebration by throwing our caps high up in the air, as we earned our degrees.

After a lot of picture taking, my parents and Carl's parents got together. We ate lunch, at the cafe near the hall. And before we went home, Carl and I walked together.

So what's next for us? I asked him.

We stay together, plan together, find our life together. "Stay with me", he said.

We kissed for the longest time, not wanting to let go. Our folks waiting on the cars.

Call me when you get home safely?

I promised him "Yes, I would".

hey guys,

why is it so sad to say goodbye to friends? makes me remember my own graduation :p

leave me comments okay?


harayucreators' thoughts