
Diary of a Demon Lord: The Rise to Power

This is a promotional flyer crafted by Azazel, who has used it to fiercely undermine the forces of Heaven, deceiving countless souls into Hell. "Hey, Azazel, how's life in Hell?" "Blazing hot—oh, a jest—I know you're not talking about the weather. There are seductive and beautiful succubi, all kinds of strange jellies, daily horror shows, and grand battles every third day. Betrayal, and, well, more betrayal, stratagems and lies that even Hollywood can't match. Hell is quite nice, hey, this isn't a recruitment advert for Hell, but really, Hell is quite nice."

Xia_0745 · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

The Pathway

What is the quickest way for a demon to reach the prime material plane? Of course, it would be through an unwitting summoner, but Susan, the succubus, didn't have the luck of her former master—the Prince Burd—to be called forth by such a uniquely foolish mortal who barely understands the chaotic nature of demons. Such foolishness is rare, as rare as the chance that Prince Burd might have a change of heart and grant her freedom. Therefore, Susan never expected such good fortune. But, how unfortunate for her master to meet his end on the prime material plane!

Now, bound by her foolish master's last command, Susan must make her way to the prime material plane. Fortune may not favor her, but there is a shortcut she could take.

Her route was as follows: from the Abyss to Sigil, then from Sigil to the prime material plane.

Sigil, the City of Doors, is the multiverse's hub. Whether you're aiming for a particular destination or just relying on luck, chances are you'll find a door in Sigil.

In Prince Burd's castle, there's a blue butterfly-shaped magic brooch, the key to Sigil. Now pinned to Susan's chest, she knows the passphrase and the door's location.

Not far from the castle, behind the molten lava lake, there's a small gate woven from bloodthirsty vines. Holding the butterfly brooch, Susan calls out, "Isn't this butterfly brooch beautiful!"

A portal appears before her, and after stepping through, it closes silently behind her.

In the next moment, the succubus Susan emerges in a desolate alley in Sigil's Lower Ward. As she exits the alley, her fiery hair gradually extinguishes and horns sprout from her head. Her facial features subtly shift to be less alluring, her goat hooves grow blacker hairs, and her wings retreat into her body, becoming small and cute. The butterfly brooch transforms into a blue ribbon tied upon her diminutive wings.

Stepping out of the alley, Susan has transitioned from a succubus to a more discreet demon.

While there's not much difference in appearance between a succubus and a discreet demon, the gap in power and status is as vast as heaven and earth. A succubus's ultimate ambition might be to evolve into a powerful Abyssal succubus or a Hellish Erinyes, depending on their goals and desires.

Succubi are welcome in most parts of the multiverse, their alluring yet destructive nature bringing pleasure and delight to many a man. The minor havoc they wreak is often overlooked in favor of their lascivious bodies. Discreet demons, however, only herald immense terror, for their power and the chaos they cause can only be described as horrific.

Susan casually approaches a tavern at the Lower Ward's entrance—choices are limited in this dilapidated part of Sigil. Planning to stay in Sigil for a while to gather information, she knows this is the City of Doors, where countless entrances exist, some open only at specific times, some leading to unordered destinations. One day, a door might lead to a brothel, a passionate beauty waiting in bed; the next time, the same door might step into the fiery elemental plane, with an equally fiery elemental elder ready to embrace you. Such risks are why it's crucial to verify which door leads to the prime material plane and ensure the exit is safe—at the very least, not in the middle of the Nine Holy Temples.

Walking into the tavern, Susan makes her way to the bar, where a two-headed Abyssal demon is cleaning glasses.

One of the heads notices the new customer, "My dear, what can I do for you?"

"Are you the owner here?"

"Why yes!" both heads reply in unison.

"I'd like to work as a waitress here," Susan informs them.

"Absolutely, no problem at all! Having a beauty like you in our modest establishment..." The head's sentence is cut off by its twin, "No, we can't hire any more waitresses, we already have one. Brother, you mustn't be swayed just because she's beautiful. Thankfully, we have two heads, one can be enchanted while the other remains clear-headed. I'm sorry, miss, but our current waiter is doing a fine job. There's no reason to let him go."

"Oh dear, that's unfortunate," Susan said, drawing out her words while leaning forward to accentuate her ample bosom on the bar counter.

Both heads, all four eyes, suddenly focus on one point.

"I'm begging you, I'm out of work, can't afford food, and don't even have a place to sleep," Susan says softly, her shoulders swaying gently, her breasts undulating with the motion, captivating all four eyes.

"Brother! Perhaps it's worth reconsidering. Our current waiter isn't that good, not good enough. And look at her, so pitiable, with no place to sleep. Oh, and no place to sleep—how marvelous."

The elder head swallowed hard, his eyes glued to the sight, asking, "How is our waiter not good enough? He's kind-hearted, diligent, friends with many customers, and even plays the lute beautifully."

"Yes, all true, but he lacks, lacks such big, big..." The demon gestures in front of Susan's chest, "Oh, they're so beautiful, may I touch them? You don't mind, do you, brother?"

With both heads sharing one body and a pair of hands, the elder is only too happy to remain silent.

"Oh no, no, no. That's too much, you rascals!" Susan covers her chest with her hands and retreats a few steps. "I'm not even employed yet. I'm too worried about my future to joke around."