
My Death

Diary 1:

Greetings to you who is unlucky enough to stumble upon my diary. I really want to just jump straight to the story but couldn't because how can you interest in my story without even know who I am?

My name is Din. A little background info of me you might be interested in is that

I am dead.

That is it. I think that is just enough info about myself to get your attention. It is right? this my first-ever diary was after my death. You, whoever is reading this from who knows when might ask yourself is this a joke? Well… no. I am really dead, but also not dead. Has your brain exploded by now? Ha Ha, I am just trying to play around.

To put things short, I am now in another world. But as any story starts, let's go back to how this happened.

It was a sunny day with birds singing and bla bla bla... f*ck all that. The reality is I was walking home from school and suddenly TRUCK-KUN got me!!!

My god why is my death has to be so generic like all the anime characters? But anyway, when TRUCK-KUN hit me, surprisingly it didn't feel hurt that bad.

I suddenly woke up after that, and the first thing that came to mind was,

"I think I'm dead."

I thought of that because there's only light around me.

I looked down at myself and it seemed like nothing happened. There were no injuries anywhere on my body, and I still have my clothes on me. I waited to see if anything was about to happen, but there was none.

"Hello?" I called.

Nothing happened.

"If in fifteen minutes no one shows up I am legally able to leave," I jokingly said.

Suddenly, a voice appeared,

[Welcome, player. Please create your world.]

A screen appeared with graphics that looked like in a video game. I immediately knew that I am in an Isekai, and without even questioning why this happened to me like other main characters because most of the time even the author doesn't know why an Isekai is necessary. I jumped right into the settings and started playing around.

I can change my physical appearance, which is needed because you know... reasons.

I can also choose what class I am. Let's see here:


Physical class:

Players are able to learn any abilities that are associated with physical strength.

Magical class:

Players are able to learn any abilities that are associated with magical strength.

_____ class:

You are able to learn any physical and magical abilities


Hm? Why is the third class so strange? It doesn't have a name and the description said 'you' instead of 'player.'

"Ah, the system wants me to choose this class I see," I thought to myself. I then messed around more to see anything special. Not much really: just inventory, stats, and shops. Things that are common in a video game. I quickly changed my appearance to something decent and chose _____ class, then clicked [Confirm].

[Are you sure of this class?] the system asked.

"Nonsense, you wanted me to choose this," thought myself. [Confirm] again. After that, another screen appeared.

[Are you ready to start?] there were [Yes] and [No]

I wonder what would happen if I click no, but that would be too risky. So I clicked yes.

[Congratulations on starting the game,] the screen said.

[You have encountered a boss.]

What do you think of the mc? Let me know

Shyerincreators' thoughts