
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · แฟนตาซี
200 Chs

Chapter 157 There is a situation!

The shape of this dagger is very unique, with a blade on one side and sharp serrations on the other side.

Just as I was studying the dagger, there was a sudden knock on the door!

I quickly put the dagger into the black space ring, then walked to the door and opened the door. I saw Feng Nianke standing at the door. I smiled and asked, "It's so late, is there anything wrong with Miss Feng?"

Feng Nianke whispered: "Damn it, there's something going on. When I came back from outside just now, I saw eight people opening a room downstairs. Although they spoke fluent Chinese and the ID cards they took out were also Chinese, I can Definitely, eight of them are from the island country! Why do the people from the island country pretend to be Chinese? Guess."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? But how do you know they are from the island country? The island country people look similar to us. What if you got it wrong?" I invited Feng Nianke into the room and said.

"No, before leaving this time, Uncle Chu told me the difference between the islanders and us." Feng Nianke said while sitting on the chair.

I poured a glass of water for Feng Nianke: "Who is this Uncle Chu?"

"He is the 'Chen' among the eight leaders of Huanyu Pavilion. Don't ask so many questions. Let me tell you the difference first. The skin color of people in our country is slightly dark bronze, while the skin color of people in the island country is lighter, similar to lemon yellow. . The eyes of Chinese people are slightly slanted, but their length is similar to that of Europeans and Americans, while the eyes of islanders are closer to the nose. The teeth of Chinese people are flatter, while the teeth of islanders have protruding large teeth. Are these points sufficient to prove it? Those eight guys almost all have these characteristics, so I think they are from the island country."

I sat on the stool on the other side: "Oh, this is really interesting. If they are people sent by the island country, it would be a coincidence. We are all gathered in a hotel."

"Yes, so I want you to pretend to be a waiter and go over to try it out."

"Why should I go? Wouldn't it be better to just let Yu Zhiyuan go invisible?"

Feng Nianke pouted: "I am the commander of this operation, you all have to listen to me, or I will file a complaint when I get back, hum!"

I rolled my eyes helplessly and thought to myself, forget it. This afternoon, when the footbath water was not poured on my head, I knew something bad was going to happen. Sure enough, they came to my door. Already? But when it comes to playing a waiter, you really have found the right person! This boss used to be a waiter!


Ten minutes later, at the stairs of the seventh floor.

Feng Nianke helped me tidy up the bow and said, "Go. 0917."

"But, what excuse should I have to knock on the door?"

"That's up to you. I'm very optimistic about your wit and changeability."

I was helpless, so I walked to the door of 0917, took out the 100 yuan from my pocket for robbing the gorilla in the afternoon, knocked on the door and said, "Hello, sir, could you please open the door?"

The door was quickly opened, and a man about thirty years old stood at the door and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Hello, sir, I just found a hundred yuan at the door. Did you drop it?"

He touched his pocket and said, "It's not mine."

Looking at the calluses on his hands, I condensed my eyes slightly, smiled and said, "I'm sorry to bother you. Please go to bed early. Good night. If you need anything, you can call the front desk directly." After that, I turned to the front desk. Go to the stairs.

When Feng Nianke returned to my room on the fifth floor, Feng Nianke asked, "How is it? He is from the island country, right?"

"I didn't see it. The looks of the islanders are very similar to ours. It's difficult to identify them by appearance. But I found other interesting things. There are a lot of calluses on the other person's hands." I chuckled and took a sip of tea. .

"Cocoon? What does that mean?"

I stretched out my palm and said: "There is actually a lot of knowledge in the cocoons. Look at my palms. There are some calluses on the raised parts. Generally, people who practice martial arts have a lot of calluses on their hands, especially those who often practice weightlifting." , People who do pull-ups will have very thick calluses on their palms. I don't usually do these two sports, so the calluses on my hands are relatively less."

"This doesn't prove anything. I read in a book that farmers often use hoes and have a lot of calluses on their hands. Are farmers also martial arts practitioners? Hehe... I hate you, please explain to me."

I shrugged my shoulders: "Of course I know that. Farmers often use hoes, shovels and other tools, and there are many calluses on their hands, but there are no calluses on the backs of their hands and the raised joints of their fists! And the hands of the person in room 0917 But there is! Under normal circumstances, those who have calluses in this position must be martial arts practitioners, and they are worn out by hitting sandbags frequently."

"You can tell so much from just one face-to-face meeting?"

"There's more." I smiled and said: "There are two colors on that person's face, with the bags under the eyes as the dividing line, the upper part is darker and the lower part is whiter. What does this mean? I give you a mask, and you can wear it twice a day. Wear it for fourteen hours, and then do strenuous exercise. You will sweat a lot every day. Within a few months, you will find that two colors appear on your face when you take off the mask. The position where you wear the mask will not be affected. If exposed to the sun and often soaked with sweat, he will definitely be whiter than the exposed parts! Although the marks on his face are not obvious, you can still see some differences if you look closely. Guess who will What about wearing a mask all year round?"

"Well... I remember that ninjas on TV like to wear masks all year round. But now that we are in the 21st century, it's time for ninjas to change their attire, right?"

"I don't know about that. You have to ask the ninja yourself to find out."

"Damn you, you're so smart, I know it's right to ask you to do this! So tell me, what should I do next?"

"Next, you go back and rest, and I will monitor those people. They are very likely to be the targets of our mission. It is estimated that they have just arrived, so we must closely monitor them to see what their actions are."

Feng Nianke glanced at me: "I'd better go with you, I'm afraid you can't do it by yourself, right?"

"It's okay. I'll just go find the gorilla. You can go back and rest. Okay, stop chatting, otherwise they might all slip away and you won't be able to catch up." With that said, I opened the door and left. He went out, came to the door of the gorilla room and knocked on the door. After a while, the gorilla opened the door with a curse: "Boy, this is the seventh time you have disturbed my sleep. If there is nothing important to say, I will definitely twist it." Break your third leg!!"

"Come on, come on. Get up quickly and follow me. There is something important. The islanders are here."

"I'm cǎo, I thought they were trying to steal my eggs. It's such a small thing, why don't you just go and do it by yourself? Do you have any sense of fairness to disturb my sleep at night?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get dressed quickly. There are many people on the other side. If they split up, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up."

The gorilla let me into the house and said while getting dressed: "There are many people on the other side, why don't you ask Jin Peng and the others to help?"

"There is no tacit understanding in cooperating with them. Besides, it is so late and there are too many people and it is easy to attract the other party's attention."


I sat downstairs with the gorilla and waited for more than an hour.

At around 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, four people were found walking out of the elevator. One of them is the person I just knocked on the door and saw!

If they are ordinary tourists, they must be very tired after arriving in this city today. Why are they going out in the middle of the night? It's obvious they have a problem. I poked the gorilla who was napping next to me, and pointed at the four people. The gorilla understood, pretended to look at his watch, and said to himself: "Fuck! It's already past eleven o'clock, why is Lao Chen still here?" TM didn't come over? Brother, go out and have a smoke?"

So the gorilla and I were one step ahead of them, pushing the revolving door and walking out.

Standing at the door, the gorilla took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed me one. After lighting it, we pretended to have a conversation and started smoking while standing at the door.

The four people came out and walked in one direction. The gorilla and I followed far behind.

This walk takes more than an hour. The gorilla asked: "Xiaolong, do you feel a little strange?"

"I feel it. It seems that the other party has discovered us a long time ago. Now they are leading us to a remote place. It seems that they are going to take action."

"Then let's do it. I'm just flexing my muscles. Are you sure those people in front are really from the island country? They can't be mistaken, right?"

I shook my head: "Probably not. My guess is about 70% correct... There is a small forest ahead. I estimate that if we start, we should be here. Gorilla, are you ready? Everyone How about we bet a hundred dollars on who can finish it first?"

"One hundred is too small, I bet ten thousand."

"But I only have one hundred yuan with me. Let's do this. If I lose, the money will be given to you later... I'll go?! Why are people missing?" I looked in front of me and found that the four people seemed to have evaporated from the world. , all disappeared!

The gorilla said: "I heard that among the ninjutsu of the island country, there is a kind of invisibility technique. You can use props to blend in with the surroundings to achieve the effect of invisibility. Among them, pretending to be a big tree is their specialty. If we enter the woods, we may be killed at any time. How about being stabbed in the cold? Can you get in?"

I shrugged my shoulders: "Your defense is so high, why are you afraid of cold knives? Now that people have discovered us and have taken the initiative to use ninjutsu, let's do it. I also want to earn 10,000 yuan from you. Tweed." As I said that, I walked towards the woods.

As soon as I entered the woods, I suddenly felt a sense of crisis! I just heard a few blasts of wind coming from the front left! I quickly turned my head to the side!

'Clang, clang, clang! ' Three sounds, and through the moonlight, I found three gleaming sleeve arrows stuck in a big tree behind me!

The gorilla very obscenely rushed towards the direction where it had just shot the sleeve arrow! I quickly shouted: "Hey, don't grab it! I discovered that first..."