
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
455 Chs

Chapter 9: Helping Kara and Mara part 2

The medicine procured by the chief mage of the kingdom goes through several stages of testing. The best possible ingredients and materials are used, the latest medical advances are employed, and the safety is attested to not only by the Ministry of Magic, but also by the Church's Healing Department and the Adventurers' Guild. To top it off, Queen Amleth herself will examine the medicine before it is approved for use on her daughter, which is why

"Are you mocking me, little girl!" [Chief mage]

Scary, he is scary indeed. These are the same eyes that the guys in the village make when they fight with each other, often resulting in death. The rude looking guy and the guards next to him show me the exact same eyes. Cold eyes, disregarding life

"You're feeding Kara and Mara poison!" [Diana]

I'm not sure why Aunt Amleth and the others trust him, but I obviously won't. He's bad. Really bad. The blessing in me wants nothing more than to eliminate him. Is the same feeling I get when I look at the dark cloud surrounding Kara and Mara. Is he related to THE THING?

The situation is tense as Aunt Amleth, Nar, Sas and Jean question the medicine the rude-looking man has brought. It's poison, I emphasize, and I won't move from the bed just so he can poison Kara and Mara. I begin to hug Kara and Mara tightly, and somehow that makes the guard angry with me, and he tries to separate me from Kara and Mara by force.

"Diana, can you explain why this thing is poisonous?" [Jean]

Jean tried to take on my side

"Because my magic said so!" [Diana]

"Sorry?" [Jean]

Jean sound inconvenience, but she is still willing to trust me. Aunty Amleth looks in distress. I'm not sure what is going inside her head. As for Nar and Sas

"Diana, allow me" [Sas]

Sas approaches me and starts to pat my head. He put his forehead on mine and started chanting before he said

"Sensory share" [Sas].

(I will secretly share your five senses with me and Nar, now then, perform your magic once again on the princess) [Sas]

His thoughts are now connected to mine. It feels like he is whispering something directly into my mind. It's strange, like the buzzing you sometimes get in your ear, only this time it's something even deeper and in the form of words.

Nar and Sas may be big bullies and meanies, but I had more faith in them than in that rude-looking guy.

Once again, I use the same spell I used on Kara and Mara, and this time, since I know what I am looking for, the result is immediate. Since Sas said I am sharing my sense with him, I'm sure he came to the same conclusion as I did.

"You bastard" [Nar]

Even before Sas said anything, Nar started to hit the rude-looking guy. Strange. Does he also use sensory sharing? I'm sure the answer is no, so how come he knows what's going on before Sas tells them anything?

Unhand me, just because you get special treatment from Her Majesty doesn't mean you get to do anything!" [Chief mage]

"I trust Sas, and I don't even need him to tell me anything. I can tell that what Diana said is true. You really tried to poison the princess!" [Nar]

Sas explained to the other what I had found, and in an angry tone, the angelic Aunt Amleth turned frightening, even more frightening than the rude-looking guy. She ordered the others to take him to a prison.

"Poison? Us?" [Kara, Mara]

"True. Maybe even put the curse on you." [Diana]

"What curse?" [Kara, Mara]

"Huh? Don't you have a curse on you? The dark cloud that surrounds you is proof of that?" [Diana]

"Dark cloud?" [Kara, Mara]

"What do you mean, Diana?" [Amleth]

"Huh?" [Diana]

"I can sense it as well, during my time using the sensory share with her. This is much more complicated than I thought before" [Sas]

What actually happened to Kara and Mara? Everyone present is confused

"For now, let us all sit down and discuss this" [Amleth]