
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
455 Chs

Chapter 393: Ball event part 1

It's an informal meeting between the young royalty and nobles from different countries. While the adults are busy with the project, the others have asked Kara and Mara to host a ball to get to know each other better.

It's being held at the castle after Aunt Amleth gave her permission. It's not a big one, just one that's done in a hurry but still looks nice. The food, drink, and atmosphere are indeed that of a ball.

I don't really mind the sudden invitation, but my plan is to literally take a sip of something to drink and some of the castle's food to take home before I help the researcher, as they wanted my input on how to further upgrade Werehouse. After all, so far only witches can communicate with Werehouse.

"Thank you all for coming today" [Kara].

"May this be a good sign and for a better future for all of us" [Mara].

While the two princesses are finishing their speeches, I take some food and start chatting with the usual group. Auger and Stacy join us as well. The only one missing is Neloufa, because she isn't a noble and therefore wasn't invited. Good. Good. We don't want to give her any unnecessary headaches. Besides, even if we invited her, she will reject it because she wants to practice for her performance tomorrow. My part is only a small one, and I help more in the background, and I already have it down, so I am confident that I can relax a bit.

"Your dress is really pretty!" [Stacy]

"True. Make me jealous!" [Tio]

"It's really a high quality one." [Auger]

"Is it a living dress like your usual red dress?" [Adnan]

"Yes" [Diana]

"I see. To think that one of such beauty is also a living dress" [Marianne].

"I wonder what the price will be" [Tio]

"Definitely priceless" [Kara]

"That is, if she wanted to part with it" [Mara]

"You all know the answer. Never" [Diana]

Just because I want to skip the ball doesn't mean I didn't wear my best dress. The dress made by the beauty fairy Aidna is undoubtedly the best of them all. Soothing pink with pearl, glistering all over. The decorations, the golden line that is nicely put on the dress, the frill end. It's just a mesmerizing work of art! Definitely one if not my best dress!

The ball event may have started, but since they all knew that I wanted to go and help the researcher, they say goodbye to me. However, this makes the others think that I am free to socialize, therefore

"Will you dance with me, Lady Diana?"

"That's a beautiful dress! Lady Diana, may I ask where you bought it?"

"Lady Diana, about the invitation to my house on Philip, will you attend it?"

"Lady Diana, will you take my hand to dance?"

"Lady Diana, how about we go for a walk together? It is a perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other better".

And I am surrounded! Well, no problem. I told them that I had an urgent matter to attend to, so I had to leave immediately. While some of them understood and looked a bit sad, some didn't and insisted on dancing anyway! How rude! Don't you know any ethics! Even I am sure I am better!

"Sorry, but she really has to go" [Adnan].

"There is no need for you to insist on a dance or a walk with her" [Auger]

"Adnan! Auger! Thank you very much!" (Or I will blow them away with my wind magic) [Diana]

(That face... She's thinking about blowing them away with her wind magic, isn't she...) [Tio]

(Which is why the two of them are holding the other back) [Kara]

(It's also for their own safety.) [Mara]

(That, as well as our own) [Marianne]

(True... Still, I pity Diana in this matter) [Stacy]

Thank goodness they're here, though, as Adnan and Auger are the ones holding them back, somehow, the others turning aggressive. I just don't understand... I mean, I can kind of guess what happened... They must have thought that Adnan and Auger wanted to prevent their chances of being alone with me, or some romantic thing like the first one dancing with me. At least Kara is enjoying it a bit, secretly taking a note for her novel and helping us at the same time.

"What are you, her knight in shining armor?"

"Knight in shining armor? Please, I am the strongest of us all, so I don't need one" [Diana].

"Well, that is indeed the truth. She is the strongest among us" [Adnan].

"Actually, for your own good, how about you back off" [Auger]

"Why did I feel like I was some kind of villain?" [Diana]

"Then how about some contests? If I win, how about a quick dance with her?"

"Nope. I don't want to. Bye." [Diana]

"I see. The Vars family is just a name after all, she's afraid for a duel and thus, has to refuse a magical duel against me..."

"YOU'RE ON! If you win, you can have that stupid dance! If I win, prepare to be blown away by my wind magic!" [Diana]

"Sigh..." [Kara]

"At least we try" [Adnan]

"My apologies" [Auger]

"Don't worry, no one blames you" [Marianne]

"Still... How about I be the judge?" [Mara]

What is Mara planning now? Hopefully something good, and something that will allow me to get back home as soon as possible, while at the same time making sure that some random person I don't even know is embarrassed in his inevitable defeat, until his grandchildren in the future will laugh and be embarrassed.