
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
455 Chs

Chapter 119: Fateful Reunion part 4

[Nar point of view]


Dana screamed loudly, obviously angry at what was happening. Of course, it's understandable, she thought Diana was dead for a long time, and when you know that someone you care about is alive and has been sent to a dangerous place, everyone will react the same way.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to go in her place, but in the end it's for the best" [Rumia].

"Some saintess you are! Sending my little sister to a dangerous place!" [Dana]

"Hey! Watch your mouth! Saintess Rumia herself wanted to go, and yet I am the one who suggested that Diana go instead" [Jean].

"So it was you. I thought you said you treated my little sister like your own, is that how the Amlethian nobles saw their families, a disposable tool!" [Dana]

"Watch your mouth! You may be Diana's older sister, but I won't hesitate if you continue to ridicule us" [Jean].

"And what are you going to do, sure you're strong, but not strong enough to beat me one on one" [Dana]

"Hey now, please calm down!" [Nar]

I intervene quickly. I don't want a fight to break out all of a sudden. Everyone has had a long, tiring day and the last thing we all need is another stressful event. If anything, this isn't how I imagined meeting Dana. I thought she would be a sweet girl, like an adult version of Diana, but this is a complete 180-degree turn from my expectations.

Saintess Rumia ask for Dana permission to touch her hand. Dana doesn't seem to mind that much, so she herself hold Saintess Rumia hand. This obviously causes Jean and the other to snap a bit. Alas

"This is... Sigh... Fine, but I'm going into the dungeon too, and there's no one to stop me" [Dana].

"I'm glad you understand so quickly. You're not such a bad girl" [Rumia].

"We're the same age, why are you treating me like a little girl?" [Dana]

"Because you kind of are" [Princess Siti].

"Big talk coming from a princess who noticed something wrong because of my little sister's efforts" [Dana]

While everyone is confused about what just happened, Sas and I explained that Saintess Rumia simply used a reverse Memory Dive spell, which means she simply shares her memories and thoughts with Dana. I guess she's showing Dana the memories from this morning, where the five brothers freak out when their little sister suddenly disappears from their lives. It's just my intuition, probably because Dana suddenly stares at one of the brothers with an eye that reflects empathy.

Since we are on the subject of entering the dungeon

"How long will it take for us to get the special pass?" [Sas]

"That's strange, I'm sure it shouldn't take that long... In fact, you should have received it about an hour after I submitted the request, unless..." [Princess Siti]

"But His Highness, the king of this land, is well last night!" [Mara]

"Calm down. There are several reasons that it could be delayed, but let us just keep it as a possibility" [Nar].

I'm sure all of us are thinking of the same thing. Something happened to the King which makes him forgetting about the special pass, likely because of the false hydra, but of course, like I mentioned, there should be other reason, but, everyone can't help but thinking that might be the case.

Princess Siti wanted to go and confirm it herself, but Dana intervened.

"Don't do it. If something has happened, no one will be able to help you. Saintess is dead tired and my little sister is in the dungeon, and if what you mentioned about the false Hydra is the truth, and if you get caught, no one except Saintess Rumia will remember, and that will put even more strain on her to heal us all" [Dana].

"For once, you think with your brain instead of your emotions" [Sas].

"Drop dead you gloomy guy" [Dana]

As Dana mentioned, that's the best thing to do. Rest and wait for now. Everyone is tired. Just look at the children, especially Neloufa, Tio and Marianne, who are trying their best not to fall asleep. The two princesses are on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, but the ones from the opera house and the church are supporting them well. The five brothers quickly offered to let us sleep in their inn for free tonight, and considering how tired everyone is, no one said no, except Sas, Dana, and me, since we wanted to go to the dungeon right away.

Just as the three of us about to depart, a knock from the door is heard, and with it, bring a smile to us all

"We're back! Siti is here with us!" [Diana]

"Finally... I'm tired..." [Siti]

"I can't wait for my surprise, come on, show me the surprise Sister Khamisah!" [Diana]

"Well, you just have to look at her. It's right in front of..." [Khamisah]

"DANA!" [Diana]

"DIANA!" [Dana]

Before Khamisah can finish her sentence, the two sisters recognize each other.