
Devouring Phoenix Emperor

After jumping from a cliff, Aeryz found himself alone in a black void. In that place, he could have spent a day, a year or eons. Without his five senses, the answer was unknown. But then… **Procedure Completed** **Skill […] has been acquired** **Teleportation to another world in progress…** AN: Cover is not mine. Also, I will publish a chapter every Friday and Saturday.

RecklessSabreOne · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Skill Upgrade

To protect my identity as a Phoenix, I have concealed my aura which also prevented others from sensing my power. Hence from an outside point of view, I am someone with zero magic affinity.

In my previous life, I've read some Chinese novels about cultivation to forget about the outside world and just enjoy the story. And if I were to explain my situation in a cultivation novel, I would be using a 'Realm Concealment Technique.'

"Too bad." A misty cloud enveloped her body as she continued, "You would be dead before that happens."

When the mist faded away, a majestic wolf could be seen. Unexpectedly, its fur colour wasn't light blue anymore but white like a vanilla ice cream and its glowing blood-red eyes stared at its opponents like a grim reaper would when coming to collect a person's soul.

"Damn it! She is definitely at least an A-rank mage!"

"We shouldn't have provoked her!"

"It's too late now. The guy beside her cannot do anything so we have a chance as long as we fight her together!" the wolf man said.

Though weaker than mine, the aura released by Afi was still impressive, forcing the group to take their true form.

In opposite, the other wolf's appearance couldn't compare to her at all. In comparison, it was smaller in size and didn't look as majestic as her. A peasant couldn't possibly rival a queen.

As for the demons, they didn't undergo much change, The only thing different was their completely black eyes.

After their transformation, it was clear that their strength had increased twofold!

Such a significant increase… and even with that, monsters are considered the weakest between humans and other races?

How strong could the others be?

To initiate the fight, she used the same fireball spell. But this time, its size was at least five times larger and its speed much faster than before.

Too slow to escape, they could only face her spell head-on. The two demons seem to have a supportive class as, together, they created a glass barrier.

At the impact, as a smokescreen blocked the view of her opponents, she could only wait at a safe distance in case there was a trap.

However, who would have thought that after the smoke faded away, the wolf man was already far in the distance, running away at full speed and abandoning his two friends unconscious on the ground.

"Just you wait! I'll get my brother to beat you up!" the man shouted.

Seeing that she was about to run after him, I said, "Leave him to me."

That guy was already far away so it would be quite difficult for her to catch up to him. However, with my wings, it was child's play.

"How are you so fast?!" Sensing my presence above him, he panicked and increased his speed even more.

But even without putting much effort, he seemed to move as slow as a snail.

Since I still haven't practised my ancient fire magic, it was now a good opportunity. Mysteriously, by focusing a little, it was as if I have always known how to use it.

Like a thunder, blue fire struck the wolf from the sky.

"Aaargh!" he shouted in agony. "Please, spare me! I will give you anything you want!"

The fire was so powerful that it burnt his skin, leaving his internal organ open to see from the outside. Only when he stopped moving did I extinguish the fire with my will.


<< Skill [Speed Boost] has been acquired >>

Oh, not bad.

No wonder his speed increased by a large amount when he sensed my presence.

When flying back, I tested out my new skill. It felt like the wind was pushing my back which slightly made me faster.

If in the future I were to have thousands of skills that can boost my speed thanks to [Devour] and use them at the same time?

No one would be able to catch up to me at that time!

Afi has already turned back to her 'human' form. When I arrived at her side, I didn't waste time and absorbed the two demons unconscious on the ground.

<< Skill [Glass Protection] has been acquired >>

<< Skill [Glass Protection] has been acquired >>

<< Skill [Glass Protection] has been upgraded to [Glass Protection+] >>

"Afi, attack me with the same skill that you used against the group."

Sensing her hesitation, I patted her head. "It's alright. Trust me. Just attack and use all your strength."

"Fine…" After transforming back into her wolf form, she lunched the same fireball as before.

Just like the two demons, a glass barrier appeared before me. This time, though, it was thicker.

Under her spell, it still broke but the fireball power has lessened so significantly that I didn't feel anything when it hit me.

Maybe it's because my physical defence is higher than the two demons but it was clear that [Glass Protection+] has higher defensive protection than the original spell.

"Are you alright?!" Back in her human form, Afi hurried toward me but stopped on her track when seeing that her fireball did not affect me.

"As expected of my master," she smiled.

Afterwards, we departed for the town. With her riding on me, it only took us a day to get there.

Just like humans, these people were able to build a civilisation. Their houses were like those in medieval times back on Earth. Some were leaving while some were entering the lively town through a gate guarded by two soldiers.

The only thing we had to do to enter the town was put our hands on a magic crystal to check whether or not we are criminals and when we were finally inside, we directly went to an armour shop.