

Blearily opening his eyes, the twenty something man sleepily gazed around the dark room. Confused to his as to why he was there. Jolt. Trying to rip at the bonds. Trying to get out of this crazies house. She was fine at the club. She was 5,2 and had a great hourglass figure, she said her name was Finch which went nicely with her lava like hair and deep forestry eyes. I suppose the pines hid a hungry wolf behind all those majestically towering branches. Clank. Clank. Footsteps echoed slowly down the stairs. Growing ever the closer every minute. The building tension made sweat drip crazily down his toned muscles. The creaky door slowly opened, just like out of a horror movie. And out came the girl. Staring at him like a cat lazily observing it's caught and trapped mouse. Gulping loudly he recognised the look in her eyes.

It was from one his dogs that refused to eat for a while. When he finally managed to tantalise it to eat. The look in its eyes matched hers exactly. Maybe even less ferocious.

Dread crept through his body. Freezing all thoughts and halting any sensibility. Whilst realisation flooded through his terrified system.

He was going to die!
