

"Down to Earth

Keep on falling when I know it hurts

Going faster than a million miles an hour

Tryna catch my breath some way, somehow.."

murmuring the song Aurora went past the Empire State building, looking at the vast buildings and awing at the human ability of transformating nothing to everything. 

"Hey! Aru you're late today." a common voice came to her.

"Yes Mr. Smith, actually, I wasn't a bit well.. but guess what? Work can't wait for people like us."

"You should have taken a break then. Were you not well since yesterday?"

"Well... not really Mr. Smith, I was alright till I left the shop after closing it, then... on the footpath.. I got really nervous.. it was so sudden.. Mr. Smith, it wasn't my first time going back through the same route right?" 

"Aru, calm down. What happened? Tell me."

"Mr. Smith, while I was walking back to my home, after crossing the streets and entering to the lane, you know it's a bit dark there, somebody tried to snatch my bag! I was so shocked that before I could think of a way to how to tackle that snatcher, I realised that trying to take it back from him isn't a good idea and that maybe I should just punch him, and in that moment I saw a fist on my way. Closing my eyes, I prayed to God to save me."

" One large Latte please." "Oh! add one chicken-bacon sandwich too" added the customer.

"Sure! Ma'am." closing the clinking cash-box she returned the change.

"What happened then? Did you got punched and then knocked down?"

"No... a guy. A guy saved me! He grabbed that fist and then knocked him down. He was about to take out his gun, which was in his side pocket! At that moment I couldn't understand of whom should I get scared? The snatcher or this man."

"Enjoy your meal ma'am."

"Of course the snatcher Aru! Is that even a question? The man was of good manners, that's why he didn't ignore you and helped you."

"Yes... I mean no.. I mean yes he helped me, and no how can I not get scared of him? Have you ever seen anybody trying to take a gun out and shoot? Is that even normal? Anyway, he dropped me at my home. You know, I tried to get out of that car, because I didn't wanted that man to know my address. Don't you think it is unsafe when a dangerous man like him gets to know my address? Do you think he'll follow again?"

"Oh goodness! Aru, get over all these things! He can also be a good man. Now, you tell me who comes down running to save another person in this world? I don't think so he'll remember you're address, maybe he's a really busy person."

"Yeah! you're right. Maybe he won't remember anything."
