
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

chapter 77 : Threads of Rebellion and Forgotten Memories: A Pact Forged, A Friend Lost

Within Lenard's expansive library, the gaze of Finn, Elaine, Lenard, and Timothy, accompanied by his little fox, converged upon an elderly man whose eye was concealed by a cloth – Cassidy.

The elderly figure wore a gentle smile, addressing Finn, "Greetings, King Zaloz. It is an honor for me to meet you."

Finn, recognizing the revelation of his true identity by the rulers of Hentesa, nodded in acknowledgment. He extended a hand towards Cassidy and inquired, "And you are?"

"I am Cassidy, my lord, King Amadeus's right-hand man. I have been sent here by the king to propose an alliance between our two kingdoms," Cassidy replied.

Finn, with a subtle nod, invited the man to take a seat. Lenard, seemingly engrossed in his mug of wine, paid little attention to the unfolding events. Cassidy settled beside Finn. Though Elaine and Timothy considered excusing themselves, Finn urged them to remain before addressing Cassidy.

"So, what is it that King Amadeus is proposing?" Finn inquired, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Cassidy. The atmosphere shifted, and Cassidy's expression turned somber as he began to speak.

"My lord, we do not see the need for war, but unfortunately, the war has already started. Countless lives are going to be lost, all for what? Just for us to fish out a single person. A person who is supposed to be a threat to the gods, the same gods that use us as tools. We are no longer safe in our own kingdoms because of the sacred preachers that the gods have placed to watch over us. If you act in a way the gods do not approve of, then the preachers will take the crown away from you. Meaning that even our kingdoms are indirectly run by gods. Aren't you tired of their rule? We humans tend to believe that we are free, but in all honesty, we are not. We are all trapped in invisible cages. Our destiny is to die for a cause that is not our own. What have the gods done for us, huh? The human race has been in conflict against each other for so long, and now I believe it is the time we all need to unite and fight, but not against one another..." Cassidy left his sentence midway, fixing his gaze on Finn, who wore a look of slight shock.

"But against the gods," The revelation that they were considering rebellion against the gods hung in the air. Finn's completion of Cassidy's words left Elaine and Timothy visibly startled. Going against the gods was deemed suicide, given the immense power they wielded, particularly through the church. The sacred preachers, formidable in strength, rivaled or surpassed kings. The hierarchical structure, comprising cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, and the laity, emphasized the church's influence. Two male and two female cardinals and archbishops, along with ten bishops, held the full sacrament of holy orders. A hundred priests and two hundred deacons rounded out the church's force. While the force of the church might seem smaller than that of the kingdom, the reality was different many knights were devoted to the church, and if the church commanded it, they could turn against their kingdom. The intricate web of loyalty and power entwined the fate of the people with the church, posing a formidable challenge to any who dared to challenge the divine order.

They all grasped the perilous nature of opposing the gods—a path akin to suicide. Yet, amidst the shared understanding of this grim reality, Timothy found himself strangely inclined towards challenging the divine. A few months earlier, such a notion would have been met with laughter from him. However, his journey to the forsaken land of Concilia had altered his worldview. The abandonment of Concilia by the gods, left to wither and perish, served as irrefutable evidence that divine entities cared little for human lives. To them, all lives were expendable, even their most powerful pawns were discarded when their purpose was fulfilled. "The old gods must die," Timothy murmured, the words escaping his lips involuntarily, echoing through the room and catching the attention of everyone present.

Cassidy, keenly observing Finn's doubtful expression throughout the meeting, noticed a profound change after Timothy's quiet proclamation. The doubt in Finn's eyes vanished, replaced by a chilling resolve. Cassidy's thoughts raced, "That boy..." He then turned his attention back to Finn.

"Zebha accepts," Finn declared the moment their eyes met. Cassidy nodded in acknowledgment, and for the remainder of the meeting, plans were forged to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.....


Upstairs in Ver's room, a somber atmosphere enveloped the space. Ver, perched on her bed, shared her heartfelt concern about Timothy's transformed persona. As she began to elaborate on her observations, Jake, leaning against the door with crossed arms, interrupted her with a decisive forehead slap, emitting a dismissive "pah."

In the ensuing silence, Jake divulged his theory that Timothy's memories of their friendship had been wiped clean on the day he emerged from the scroll. Ver's eyes widened in realization, grappling with the weight of this revelation. The room echoed with unspoken questions about how to help Timothy and whether such assistance was even possible.

Jake, seemingly contemplative, suggested a daring plan—to venture into the Astral realm in search of Timothy's parents. He believed they might hold the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Timothy's memory loss. Ver, voicing valid concerns about their limited experience in Astral wandering, swiftly objected. Despite her reservations, Jake wore a mysterious smile, leaving Ver to wonder if the idea still lingered in the depths of his contemplations.

As the room held its breath with uncertainty, the duo faced the daunting challenge of helping their friend traverse the labyrinth of forgotten memories.