
I Love Him..

Me and girls are having time that suddenly the lights go off.. and all are just stay stunned about this what just happend.. how can electricity of down like this..

' hyy what happened..' ' is it someone cut the wire or somthing..' ' dude swtich one the light dude.. it's new year.. we can't celebrate like this..' ' what is this what happening..' ' I am scared i am afraid to the dark..' ' baby just hold my hand I am with you.. Nothing going to happen to you..' ' we can left home.. I feel regret to come here..' all are started to yelling and some people are panicking about this..

I on other hand don't know what to think.. it is safe.. it is someone again whom comes to me.. I don't want to think.. but I don't want that anything happen to anyone because of me.. they are here for celebrate there new year..

But can whoever it is know that I am here.. is he following me.. should I have to leave.. or should I have to find him.. but how can I find him in this dark.. and this all crowd.. is he have any intention.. if he do.. than we all are in danger. And we have to left this place as possible as we can.. when I about to tell this to Mia.. than unknown voice cut me off..

" Ohhkky guys.. I know all you are scared.. but don't be.. it's time.. it's going to 12 in the morning.. and this year's is gone and we can enter new year new day new life.. new begging now everything.. but we friends are still same.. our love is still same.. but yeahh we do are going to next time to this friendship to more develop this love to be more grow and old like years.. I know I am talking all rubbish so I just stop here.. before westing more time.. just find your partner to spend your new year and new day... We have only 30 Seconds.. and your time is starts right now.. " he said. I don't know about others. But I feel big relive that we all are safe.. there is no worry about it.. but than other thing the way he said.. find partner.. now I am got worried.. what to do.. it is matter to have partner with anyone.. well I don't think so.. I am fine by with my friends.

And that make me shock more. When I see that when I find that no one is seating besides me anymore.. and girls are already ditch me to find there man.. that thinks make me stood up.. and I started to walk where I don't even know..

I do dump on people.. but I do quickly apologize to them.. and I reached I don't know where.. but I know that there is no one is here not that rush.. and I know everyone is finding there pairs so I am safe here.. that thinking I find my cell phone.. and started to search network to book cab.. so I can do home..

" So it's time guys...




And like this everyone is started to yelleding with him..

" 7...



4..." And don't know what happend that same time someone did come to me.. and and my whole attention is on my phone.. but whoever is that person.. he push to the room.. and it's to dark.. than I can't tell who's he.. but before I protests..  he lock the dorrs. And push me to the door hard.. I do get hurt. My back is littrly got thump and make me yeled in pain.. but he don't care about this.. he did one think to shut me up is.. lock his lips with me..

And I other hand to push him.. but that same time the counting is stop.. and everyone yelled and shouted happy new year and this whoever person is.. hold me tight.. and kiss me hard..

I try my best.. and take my whole strength to push him.. but than the way he is kissing me.. I don't want to turn on.. but that makes me weak.. I don't want to kiss him back.. and I did not kiss him back.. but than suddenly life switch on.. and I push hard so he back of make some distance between us. And look at person ready to slap him.. he's none other than him..

" What the hell Nickolas.. " before I said more.. he again connect his lips with my.. and this time he did kiss me roughly or anything.. he did kiss me so much passionate that make me weak.. and I did give up.. and I did pull him towards me.. and kiss him back..

And we both are moan.. and I don't want to end this things.. I don't know what is I am doing but I don't want stop it.. and end this kiss.. the way he is kissing me.. Makin me feel special I don't want to stop him or make him to back off.. I know it is not right.. but my heart said other thing.. my body react other way.. I don't want him to come near me.. but my body want his warm touch.. my body don't want to stay away from him.. but again the way Mia said..

And than its click me.. what she said.. Ari.. my sister.. she have obsession to Nickolas and I don't want to broke her heart.. if I have to chose between Nick and her.. I alway chose her.. she is more important than him.. and if that means I have to break my heart.. that I am happily do it for her.. thinking all this.. I push him away to me.. and I know I am doing it not right.. but I don't have other choice to doo..

One thing is I done is frist is I slap him hard.. and he did accept it.. when I did it.. and I got angry when he smile when I slap him.. dude what it he.. is he dumb why he is smiling at this.. didn't it hurt him.. or should I slap him one more time so he get in reality that I slap him..

" What the hell Nickolas.. how dare you to kiss me.." I said to him.. I do want to know this why he did to me..

" To show you that whom you are belongs too.. better talk to that bastrad and told him to back off.. because whatever you told him.. you think that I am going to make you leave and see you happy with him.. that you are wrong.. I don't give fuck what is going on between him and Ari.. but I dont want that that you sacrifice yourself for his bullshit things.. I mean how many times you do it.. for others.. you already done leaving your career because of this bullshit family legacy.. now I am not going to allow you to do this too... " He shouted me.. and that make me shock how all of this is know and did he spy on us.. how dare he to listening to our person conversation.. he have no right to do that..

" Don't anyone teach you that it's bad to listen others personal conversation.. " I snap at him..

" Really.. it is personal.. whom you are not looking that how dumb you are taking decisions for that bastard.. the way he is playing with you.. and you are ready to do that everything to him.. is that true.. do you have any feelings to him.. for him that you doing things.. tell me hazal.. " he said.. I know he is Angry.. but it is none of his business to act like this.. I know what I am doing..

" Is that why that time you leave me.. and spend time with him.. is that why he is come first and I am the alway last person you care for.. it is hazal.. " he said to me.. i want to said and explan but other hand this is the best.. to say..

He is hiding things for me.. they are after me.. I don't want him to be hurt because of me.. my sister loves him.. I don't want to get middle between in them.. it's better to make decisions.. and I think it is right that. I am ready to sacrifice for this.. if that make me to save them.. I will do anything for that..

" You know this now.. I thought you know that long time ago Nickols... " I said to him showing him my best fake smile to him..

" I thought you are not that dumb Nickolas.." I said to him.. I know maybe that makes him hate me.. even I do hate myself doing this to him.. but I don't have other choice..

" Don't lie to me hazel.. I know what you want.. I just know that you are doing it for him.. but I do know that you don't love him.. you don't have to do this.. we will still find the way.. just trust me give me time.. but dont involved in this think hazal.." he said.. I know why he is saying all this..

" Nickolas..." I said than again he cut me off..

" Don't fucking call me that.." he snap at me..

" I don't care you like it or not.. did you forget that you are person whom tell me that don't call me Nick.. and ither things is what I am going and what I am not.. it's none of your god damn business.. better stay away from all of this.. and I am doing this because I... I love him okky.. I do love him.. and I can do anything for him.. " i said to him.. and when he hear this thing.. I punch the wall to hard that make me jump on the ground. I do scred but other side I do want to stop him.. and treat his hand..

" Before I kill you and your lover boy.. don't ever show me your face... You understand.. how can i forgot you that you are same person who hurt me long time ago.. but thanks to realising me I better never think that it's my mistake or not blame myself for that.. now this mistake I never going to do it again.. " he said.. I want to apologise to him.. to tell him that it's all lie.. but I know why I am doing it.. so I did what he said to me..

" Well thank god you understand.. and kindly.. good night. And happy new year Nickolas.." I said to him.. before i broke down front of him..

I got message that my cab is here.. tears come out to my eyes. And I walk to the house before anyone see me in this state..

I get out in this House.. and walk to the cab.. and get in.. cab driver start the car. And I leave this place.. I do want to leave this place as possible as I can do it..

I do hurt him once again.. I don't know what I did in past life.. but I do know that this time I do it to save him.. to protect him.. I hope he understands me.. I hope one day we both will be once again to be a friend's.. but not right now..

I want to leave everyone to protect them.. but I still don't know who is the person that want me.. first I have to find this before I make decisions to what to do and what not..

I am sorry Nickols to broke your heart.. but I do know now that my heart is Belongs to whome.. it's you.. it's always been you.. and it's alway will be you..

I wipe my tears and than do one think that call Noah.. and than he didn't pick up.. so I thought I will talk to him tomorrow but than again I see he call me back..

" hyyy lena why are you calling me.. where you meet me at the kitchen..." he yelled in phone. and I other hand try to understand in that background music I try to heard what he want to said..

" I am already left.. I just want to say that if you are not bussy can you meet me.. I want to talk to you..." I said to him..

" wait what.. I don't understand what you saying... where you tell me I will be there just don't go anywhere alone.." he said to me.. but I already left.. and how can he know in this background music..

" I will text you.." I said I know that he can't this heard it also so I hang up on him.. and than text him.. and told him that I left.. but I want to talk to him so meet me our cafe opposite of our school.. I will be waiting for him there..

he did texted me back.. and he did get mad that how can I left like this and all.. but than he said he will talk when he will meet me.. so here we go now I want to talk to him.. after that I will go home nad sleep..
