5 Boss, to be or not to be? Part 1

Radha's POV:

I am not sure who this man is.

And I have decided not to stop unless I see the end, but, for now I needed to start from somewhere.

The money, the style, the courtesy...

The morning infatuation was put on hold and was replaced by curiosity.

A guy who disappeared to reappear at the right time, at the right place and under the right circumstances is definitely fishy.

Very fishy.

But that curiosity was surpassed by a feeling of insult and an element of anger.

The way this Madhav guy threw around money made my blood boil. What am I, a begger?

When he payed for my treatment and medicines, I felt like barking my heart out , but, this guy was way too smooth.

An open assault would do no good, specially to my own image.

Tanya and Ankit were practically drooling over him and  that car.

GODS.....even with my zero knowledge about cars I knew the machine was expensive.

Everything about this man cried out loud--- MONEY , POWER, MONEY, POWER....

And I know I am in no position to question him at this juncture of life.

Once we left the Cafe, I decided to avoid eye contact and keep the silence intact. I was sure Madhav would come forth trying to explain the morning incidence once we got our privacy.

But this man was weird and how do I put it!!!

Well..... Cunning may be.

He kept a smile plastered to his face and he let me sink in the soft car seat as he drove his super fancy car silently.

Something was odd about this man.

I only needed to find out, what.

The ride, the short walk to the Appartment lift, the ascend.... Everything remained super silent.

Mr. Madhav had his perennial pseudo smile plastered on his face and now and then he supported me so that I could be stabilized whenever my steps faltered.

That smile literally started irritating me....

Fake Fake Fake....

My inner voice cried out.

I snapped out of my repulsive thoughts as an elderly lady opened the door of his Appartment.

Rajo Ai, can you show Ms. Radha to the guestroom?

The middle aged lady scanned me, her eyes finally resting on my plastered chin. She extended her hand to support me hastily while she accused  my host in a clear manner , visibly irritated and angry now.

Baba, don't tell me laddo is injured because of those foolish hocus focus you are so obsessed with.

I could feel an involuntary smile forming but had to cut it short immediately.

The chin hurts.  

Madhav gave a sheepish grin and a casual shrug before he walked on the opposite direction of the drawing room mumbling something like,

I would have done everything in my power not to hurt her...

Strange guy.

Or may be, my ear was ringing.

