

“I’m pregnant!” I cheerfully said the good news to my husband when he got home. But my beautiful smile was gradually erased because of its reaction.

“How did you make sure of that?” He asked in a cold way.

I was literally stunned to hear, how could he ask such a thing? He’s my husband, he’s probably the father!

“Because you’re my husband, aren’t you?”

“But I’m not sure I’m the only one who used you,” he smirked and looked at me as if I were something disgusting, “you’re always leaving for how many days, and do you expect me to believe that? Are you kidding me?! “ he walked past me and went straight to the kitchen to drink some water.

“Just because I went outside everyday, doesn’t mean that I’m dating someone, you’re the father!” I cried.

“Brianna, stop me with that card of yours?! As much as I’ve slept with someone, not one of them got pregnant! Then now you will tell me that you are pregnant?! Are you really kidding me?!” this question angers me.

Yes, I know all the cheating he does behind my back. He has many women, he sleeps differently. I know everything, but he never heard from me. Because I was afraid of losing him, I was afraid we would break up as a family. Especially now that we are having children.


“Stop it Brianna!” He shout that made me nervous too much. “Stop this nonsense! If you are pregnant, then congrats! But don’t let me be the father of someone else’s child!” the pain, the agony of feeling what he was saying.

He left me but stopped eventually and faced me.

“Finish your imagination now, because what you want will never happen! Don’t expect a happy family from me. Don’t ever dream of being with me. You’re disgusting!” he said and left me for good.

Every day we meet, he doesn’t say anything that will make me feel better, and he has never treated me as his wife since we married.

It hurts…

Really painful…

But, I’ll patiently wait, just don’t let him lose me…

After his words stabbed me, I had no choice but to cry. I’m used to it, but it still hurts. It really hurts…

I’m still hoping that one day he’ll learn to love me. I hope to be treated properly by him. I’m not giving up hope…

He cheated on me several times until now, and he hits me when he’s drunk, but that’s okay. And now he refuses to acknowledge that I am pregnant by him… Still, I care about him, so I stayed… I’ll stay regardless because I’m his wife. He would still come home to me even if he had another woman. I was the one with whom he married… Even he is opposed to this… We’re still together.

I sobbed my way back to my room. He also does not want us to be in the same room. How did I become pregnant? Something only happens to us when he’s drunk. However, no one seemed to intervene the next day. He went back to being cold.

I’ll keep waiting…

“I will wait for your attention and love… My husband… I’m sure you’ll accept that this is your child. Maybe you’re just shocked right now. ”
