
Desolate Descent (Abandoned)

A college student in his mid twenties struggles to make a living as he had just been fired from his job, with thoughts on his past and present plaguing his mind, he doesn't pay attention to the massive truck coming straight for him. He has been transmigrated into a different world But wait, what's this? No op system? No Wishes? Nothing? Find out how Kael will survive in this new world where death and war is a common occurrence, he will have many fateful encounters and meet many new people in this vast expanse. The question is if he is up for the challenge. ! Warning ! This novel contains depressing topics that include: Self-Harm Dark Thoughts Suicide Rape and many more If you'd like to support me, Patreon is the best way! https://patreon.com/Ace_Inferno Ps, I'm relatively new to writing so please tell me your thoughts on my novel if you can!

Ace_Inferno · Fantasy
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10 Chs

New World

Kael's consciousness swam through a sea of darkness, his thoughts fragmented and disjointed. Time seemed to lose all meaning, and the boundaries between reality and dreams blurred. Then, with a suddenness that left him breathless, he awoke.

Blinking against the harsh, unfamiliar light, Kael found himself lying on a bed of rough, straw-like grass. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and damp earth. He tried to sit up, his body responding sluggishly as though waking from a deep slumber. It was then that he realized something was profoundly different, he felt a strange detachment from his own limbs, as if he were controlling someone else's body.

As Kael struggled to his feet, his gaze fell upon his surroundings. He was in the midst of a war-torn landscape, where crumbled ruins and charred remains bore witness to a history of violence. The sky was a perpetual canvas of swirling gray clouds, and the distant echoes of battles could be heard in every direction. The world before him seemed to exclude an aura of unrelenting despair, an echo of the turmoil he'd left behind.

Confusion gnawed at Kael's mind as he took a couple of steps forward, his new body feeling both foreign and strangely familiar. It was then he realized the absence of something that should have been there, a voice in his head, an interface, a set of cheats or skills that usually happen when transmigrating.


Frustration welled up within him, a potent mixture of anger and helplessness. He clenched his fists, His fingers digging into the palms of his hands.

It wasn't fair!

He was thrown into a war-ridden world full of chaos without anything even remotely special to defend himself with. He had expected- no, he had hoped that this new world would offer him some respite from the pain that had consumed his previous life. As he looked at the battered landscape, Kael's frustration turned to bitterness. The war, the suffering the unrelenting harshness of this new reality.

The world was mocking him.

He felt as though he had been abandoned, cast into a realm that cared nothing for his struggles or his past.

Amidst the turmoil of his emotions, a resolve began to solidify within Kael. If this world offered him no gifts, no shortcuts, then he would forge his own path through sheer will alone. He might not have been granted the tools others took for granted, but he still possessed his mind.

Or whatever was left of it

His spirit refused to back down, he is then renewed with newfound vigor of this second chance at life. With a determined glare, Kael squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. The challenges of this new world may have caught him off guard, but he would adapt, learn and overcome, no matter the odds stacked against him. And if he had to claw his way to survival through blood and sweat, then so be it.

Navigating the unfamiliar terrain with cautious steps, Kael's eyes took in the desolate landscape. The broken remnants of what might have once been homes and market stalls lay scattered around him, like the scars of a world torn asunder. His new body's senses felt heightened, every rustle of leaves and distant thunder registering with vivid clarity.

As Kael walked, his frustration began to give away to a begrudging curiosity. He had to admit that this war-ravaged world had a certain strange beauty to it, a testament to both the resilience of nature and the people who had endured such tragedy. His steps led him to a rise, where he could see across the barren expanse.

In the distance, a town came into view. The architecture bore an unmistakably medieval style, with stone walls and towering turrets. Smoke spiraled into the gray sky from chimneys, and the town seemed to huddle within its walls as if seeking shelter from the storms that plagued this land, the atmosphere was one of both grim determination and fear.

Kael's attention was drawn to a group of soldiers making their way back towards the town's gates. Clad in weathered armor and carrying weapons that seemed as much a part of them as their limbs, they moved with a practiced coordination that fit with their veteran like aura. Their expressions were a mix of exhaustion and grim resolve, their eyes haunted by the horrors they'd likely witnessed.

As they passed by, Kael overheard snippets of conversation, they talked of skirmishes at the front lines, of a dwindling food supply, and of a shadowy figure known only as the Warlord who held dominion over the region.

Intrigued by the soldier's destination, Kael decided to follow them at a distance. With newfound resolve, he moved stealthily, his steps silent on the uneven ground. The town gates loomed closer, revealing an entryway that seemed to bear the weight of both history and hardship. The sun's feeble light cast long shadows, emphasizing the town's aura of somber resilience.

As Kael entered the town behind the soldiers, his senses heightened further. The sounds of blacksmiths at work, the hushed murmurs of townspeople, and the occasional laughter of children created a feeling of slight warmth amidst adversity. The buildings, constructed from stone and wood, exuded a sense of age and history, structures that had stood witness to both triumphs and tragedies.

With keen eyes, Kael continued to observe, piecing together the town's dynamics and the way its inhabitants interacted. The townspeople seemed wary, yet a sense of distinct unity prevailed as they went about their daily tasks. As the soldiers dispersed, Kael followed his instinct, a desire to uncover the truths lurking beneath the surface compelling him to move forward.




The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the worn streets of the town, Kael continued to wander, his thoughts a swirl of contemplation. The realization struck him that he had nowhere to sleep, no means of food nor water.

As he walked through the town's alleys, his gaze swept over the buildings, seeking any sign of an opportunity to make a living. But the shops that lined the streets seemed to offer little beyond the basic necessities, and the taverns excluded an air of camaraderie that Kael felt an outsider to. It became apparent that the soldiers who marched through the town held a unique position, one that not only provided purpose but also a good source of income.

Kael's mind weighed his options.

The notion of joining the army was strange and unfamiliar to him as in his previous life he would never even dream of risking his life for merger monetary rewards.

Kael's steps led him to a building that stood out from the rest, its exterior adorned with faded banners bearing the emblem of the town's militia. He felt a sense of nervousness as he pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit interior.

Inside, he found himself in a modest room that served as an impromptu recruitment office. A woman sat behind a wooden desk cluttered with maps and scrolls, her eyes sharp and assessing as they locked onto Kael's figure, the air was thick with the scent of parchment and wax.

The woman's gaze lingered on Kael, her expression guarded yet curious. 'What brings you here stranger? wanting to join the army?' She inquired, her voice carrying a hint of authority.

Kael freezes up a bit due to his nerves but he still manages to speak. 'Y-Yes, I've just arrived at this town and I'm actually in search of a job, I've heard that joining the army might be a good way to secure a stable source of income.'

The woman's gaze remains fixed on him, as if she were assessing his sincerity. 'Huh, I've seen my fair share of newcomers, but you look different, almost like you don't really belong here' The woman narrows her gaze a bit before saying. 'Ah but that doesn't matter much now does it? anyways do you have any experience in fighting? it could be with a sword, spear, axe. Hell it could even be magic, or have you perhaps made a contract with a higher being?'

Kael is overwhelmed by this sudden surge of information, There's actually magic in this world! Kael himself couldn't believe it as there wasn't anything close to such a thing in his previous world, although something caught his attention a bit.

"Contracts and higher beings."

'Miss, can you explain to me what a Higher being is, and what do they have to do with Contracts?'

The woman grew a bit confused as she began to explain 'What? don't you know this is common knowledge? if a person is born without any magical affinity, there are usually only two options for them, the first is to become a foot-soldier and train your body instead of your mind, and the second option is to seek out a powerful being and create a contract with them, gaining power at a cost.' The woman then smirks at Kael 'Its Anora by the way.'

Kael nods and shakes her hand as he says 'My name is Kael, and I don't really have much combat experience at all.' Kael then thinks of a reason to cover up his inability to fight. 'I was a... uhh Farmer in a different village... so I don't have much experience with any of the things you've just listed' Kael casually lied through his teeth.

Anora then sighs slightly and then tell him 'This is fine, but you must undergo proper training and magical evaluation to determine what role suits you best.' Anora then brings out a tan sheet of paper that Kael assumes to be a contract.

'Just sign here with your blood and you'll be enlisted into the army, you will be given proper living quarters and will be given daily rations, training starts early in the morning so don't be late.'

Kael nods and slits a tiny cut on his finger where blood drips out, he takes a quill and dabs it in a bit of his blood before signing the contract, Anora hands him a key to the barracks.

'Have fun Kael, I look forward to your future achievements.'




Stepping out of the recruitment office, Kael's mind buzzed with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. The weight of his decision to join the militia settled upon him like a mantle. The sun had sunk below the horizon, casting a reddish glow over the town, and the sounds of the bustling streets began to fade as he made his way towards the barracks where the army soldiers rested and readied themselves for the battles that awaited them not so far away.

The barracks loomed ahead, a solid structure that seemed to exclude an aura of dread. As Kael entered, he was met with the sights and sounds of soldiers going about their evening routines. Some sat hunched over wooden tables, cleaning their weapons, while others shared hushed conversations in groups, their faces a mix of exhaustion and camaraderie.

Kael's gaze swept over the scene, his own determination strengthening with each step he took. He knew that the fresh start he has been looking for is right in front of him, and he needs to train not only his physical strength, but also his mental strength. Tomorrow's training loomed, a crucible through which he would prove himself and earn his place among these battle-hardened soldiers.

As he looked around the barracks, his attention was drawn to a row of cots against the wall. some were empty, while others held slumbering figures wrapped in blankets, Kael's mind raced as he searched for an unoccupied cot, his body aching for rest after the events of today.

Finding a suitable bed, he settled onto the cot with a sigh of relief. The rough fabric of the blanket beneath his fingertips was a tangible reminder to the situation he is in. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath, allowing the great relief of rest to take the majority of his thoughts.

As he lay there, thoughts swirled through Kael's mind. The experiences from his old life and this new one seemed to blend together, strange enough he feels as if he's lived in this world all his life.

As the barracks settled into a quiet rhythm around him, Kael's thoughts turned to the future. Tomorrow was a new day, a day that held the promise of growth, a chance to prove himself and fit into this world, eventually without him knowing he drifted into a restful sleep.