
Demon slayer:Hiromo revenge

In the Taisho era demons and humans were fighting and their fight continues after few hundreds years,Boy named Hiromo got the same fate as his life will turn upside down when demon killed his parents and sister he will go on path to become demon slayer and to avenge his family members

Burhan_Selimovic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

chapter 2:Swordsmanship training

After his family was killed, Hiroma ran away from home wanting to avenge his family

While running he met an old man named Sakuraki who tells him that he will teach him and so his training begins

After he reached Sakuraki's house, the day passed and the night came

After the morning came Hiromo got up from the bed and tried to call Sakuraki but in the kitchen which is to the right of his room he saw Sakuraki making breakfast

Hiromo is surprised that Sakuraki got up before him and asks him how he could get up so early

Sakuraki replies that it's just a habit and nothing else, while the sun is shining outside and illuminates the whole hill, Hiromo asks him when he will continue training.

Sakuraki cutting the bow says that they have to have breakfast first in order to train because he has to regain the strength he lost from the last training

While they were having breakfast, Sakuraki began to question how he was feeling and whether he loved his family very much

Hiromo said that he loved them very much and especially his sister, when he told him that Hiromo asked him what happened to his family

Sakuraki just got up from eating and stood for ten minutes, Hiromo thought to himself why Sakuraki got up and if he was wrong to question him about the past

Hiroma apologizes to him for asking him a private question, and Sakuraki laughs and forgives him

They had breakfast and went outside, Sakuraki was telling him that the training for the fight would start now

Both of them took wooden swords and stood a few meters away from each other

Sakuraki began to explain to him, telling him that there were five main breathing styles and that the rest were only copies.

Hiromo asked him which one he was using, Sakuraki told him that he was the former Hashira who used fire breathing

Hiromo was surprised, asking what Hashira was, and Hiromo replied that they were the nine highest-ranking demon slayers.

Hiroma became happy but Sakuraki soon told him that he had to work hard to become Hashira

Sakuraki said that he would explain everything later and that now he should focus on training

Sakuraki told him that he must hold that sword firmly and one foot must be forward

Hiromo listened to him and did so, but he didn't know how to proceed, so Sakuraki told him to wave the the wooden sword and do it 100 times.

Hiromo,looking at him in amazement, says if he is joking or if he is serious, and with a smile Sakuraki tells him that he is serious

Sakuraki told him that he will return to the house while he is practicing, Hiromo says that he will succeed before he even enters the house, but that did not happen because after waving 20 times, Hiromo got tired and stopped.

Hiromo says that he can't do it anymore but he remembers his mother's words and with a smile on his face he said that he won't give up

5 hours have passed since then and with the last swing of the sword he fell to the floor, breathing rapidly and saying that he finally succeeded

Sakuraki came out of the house looking at Hiromo lying down, Sakuraki laughed telling him to get up but Hiromo says that he can't get up from fatigue

Sakuraki laughed and said not long

After a few hours, Hiromo returned and immediately fell asleep, the night passed and Hiromo got up at dawn and told Sakuraki to continue training

Sakuraki agreed and they went outside again and told him that he was going to learn fire breathing today

Hiromo asked how he was going to do that, and Sakuraki said that he would have to take a deep breath first

Hiromo says it's fine and starts breathing deeply while Sakuraki takes the wooden sword and tells him to attack him

Hiromo attacked him but was stopped by Sakuraki, Hiromo continued to swing his wooden sword but he easily dodged everything

After that Hiromo swung another one but Sakuraki blocked it and a second later the sword was knocked out of his hands

Hiromo couldn't believe it and began to question whether he was really old or pretending to be old

Sakuraki said you have potential but it won't be enough to beat him let alone any other demon

Afterwards, Sakuraki left his wooden sword and told Hiromo to continue training

Hiromo asked what he would do when he was done, and Sakuraki replied that he would fight again and that if he wanted to beat him, he would have to learn to use breathing styles.

Sakuraki entered the house and Hiroma gave him a surprised look saying that he was wondering what kind of fire breathing it was

After a few minutes, he continued to swing the wooden sword as the wind blew and the sun shone brightly

He waved the wooden sword for over an hour and then Sakuraki came out and asked him if he was ready now

Hiromo said yes and went to get the wooden sword, Hiromo asked why and Sakuraki entered the house and brought a real sword that was completely orange like fire

Sakuraki tells him that he will use his sword that he used to kill demons when he was young

Hiromo took the sword and said that he already felt stronger but asked Sakuraki if it would be unfair because he has a real sword

and Sakuraki smiled saying that he can use fire breathing because he perfected it

Hiromo just watched and then he got into a fighting pose, Hiromo took a deep breath and as he did Sakuraki saw an aura he was ready to do fire breathing with

Sakuraki immediately started to attack and Hiromo managed to block most of his attacks and Sakuraki was surprised

Sakuraki thought to himself if Hiroma would be able to stop this attack, he moved towards him and swung his wooden sword quickly.

A second separates his sword from his body but suddenly Hiromo takes a deep breath as Sakuraki says that maybe he will use one of the forms

Just when the sword was about to hit Hiromo, he dodges and Sakuraki says that he didn't expect it

Hiromo took another deep breath and swung his sword, saying his move

"Fire breathing first form: burning fire"

Hiromo almost hits Sakuraki but he manages to block the attack with a wooden sword and he falls to pieces from the force of the blow.

Hiromo, looking at the wooden sword that was destroyed, can't believe that he used fire breathing

In that celebration Sakuraki smiles and starts crying saying how proud he is of him and hugs him

As soon as Hiromo heard that, he immediately thought of his father, who used to tell him that whenever he felt a tree.

Hiromo hugs him tightly and cries as he says that he is grateful to him for helping him and that he has been like a father to him all this time.

The day ended and a new one began, when they got up, Sakuraki told him that if he wanted to become a demon slayer, he would have to pass the so-called final selection.

Hiromo is confused and tells him that he is hearing about it for the first time and asked him what should be done at the final selection

Sakuraki explained to him that the final selection lasts seven days and whoever survives seven days will officially become a demon slayer.

Hiromo asked him how he would do if he didn't have a sword, and Sakuraki handed him his sword again, saying that he could take it and use it as long as the sword lasted.

Hiromo couldn't believe what happened and started to cry again while thanking him for entrusting him with his sword, which he used to kill demons for years.

Sakuraki told him that it was all right and that he gave it to him because he trusted him as his best student

After a few minutes, Hiromo got ready and left the house, saying that he would be back alive and waving to him as he left.

Sakuraki waved happily and cried again and said he believed he would come back alive