
Demon Slayer - The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Reincarnated... Wait, What?! Kendo champion, physics enthusiast, and hardcore otaku Akio is living his best life until a sudden twist of fate throws him headfirst into the world of Demon Slayer. Now stuck in the body of a young boy with a tragic past, Akio's got to figure out how to survive in a world filled with flesh-eating demons. Armed with his past life's knowledge, a Demon Slayer Mark, and a "Walmart Byakugan," Akio's ready to face this new challenge with his signature blend of humor, wit, and surprisingly effective kendo skills. Join him as he navigates this demon-infested world, one hilarious mishap at a time, all while trying to figure out if Tanjiro's crow is yellow or black. Copyright Notice: I do not own Demon Slayer or any of its characters. All rights belong to Koyoharu Gotouge and their respective publishers. (Seriously, guys, come up with better names for your abilities. "Transparent World"? C'mon, that's so basic. I mean, I'd call it something cooler, like... "Superhuman X-Ray Vision" or "The All-Seeing Eye of Awesomeness." But hey, what do I know? I'm just a lowly reincarnated kendo nerd trying to survive in a demon-infested world.) Published by: Over9000words (Note to self: Find a better pen name. This one's starting to feel a bit... cringe. Maybe something like "The Reincarnated Otaku" or "The Kendo Kid with X-Ray Vision." I'll workshop it.) Book Title: Demon Slayer: The Man, The Myth, The Legend (Okay, even I have to admit that title is a bit much. But hey, it's catchy, right? ...Right? Besides, Over9000words is the one writing this thing, not me. Blame him for the cheesy title.) p.s. Akio doesn't know shit about kendo, he is just making it up to look cool - Over9000words. *Knock* *Knock*

Over9000Words · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 2: Getting Serious... Kinda

Alright, alright, enough goofing off. Time to get serious. I mean, I can't just rely on my "Walmart Byakugan" and some rusty kendo skills to survive in this demon-infested world. Plus, I'm pretty sure the readers are expecting some actual plot development by now. Don't want them dropping this fanfic faster than a hot potato, right?

So, I decided to take my training up a notch. I grabbed my trusty katana (which, by the way, was surprisingly well-balanced for a random weapon found in a dusty hut), and started practicing my katas in the clearing outside.

The sun beat down on my back as I moved through the familiar forms, the blade flashing in the sunlight. I focused on my footwork, my breathing, the precise angle of each strike. And then, I noticed something weird.

Every time I finished a movement, the next one felt... easier. Faster. More powerful. It was like my body was storing up energy from each action and releasing it in the next.

"Hang on a second," I muttered, pausing mid-swing. "Isn't that kinda like... kinetic energy?"

Flashback to high school physics class

AI-sensei: Ahem "Attention, class! Today we're delving into the fascinating world of kinetic energy. Now, who can tell me what kinetic energy is?"

Akio, zoning out while doodling anime characters in his notebook: "Uh... something to do with moving stuff?"

AI-sensei: Sighs dramatically "Close enough, I suppose. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. The faster an object moves, the more kinetic energy it has." 

Akio, still doodling: "So, like, if I run really fast, I have a lot of kinetic energy?"

AI-sensei: "Precisely, Akio. Now, pay attention!"

End flashback

"Okay, so maybe my physics knowledge isn't completely useless in this world," I mused, resuming my practice.

I started experimenting, trying different combinations of movements, focusing on the flow of energy from one action to the next. It was exhausting, but exhilarating. I could feel the power building within me, like a coiled spring waiting to be unleashed.

But then, reality hit. I collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. My muscles burned, my lungs ached, and my vision swam.

"Damn it," I panted, wiping the sweat from my brow. "I guess even reincarnated kendo champions have their limits."

I lay there for a moment, staring up at the sky. I needed a way to control this energy, to make it sustainable. And then, it clicked.


In Demon Slayer, breathing techniques were the key to unlocking superhuman abilities. What if I could create my own breathing style, one that harnessed and amplified the flow of kinetic energy?

I sat up, taking deep, measured breaths. I focused on the rise and fall of my chest, the way the air filled my lungs and energized my body. I imagined the energy flowing through me, building with each movement, ready to be released in a powerful strike.

It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. I closed my eyes and began to experiment, combining my kendo movements with different breathing patterns.

Failure after failure followed. I stumbled, coughed, and nearly passed out a few times. But I refused to give up. I was determined to unlock the secrets of this new power, to forge my own path in this demon-infested world.


Okay, so here's the deal. Remember that physics lesson from earlier? Well, it turns out it wasn't completely useless.

See, every time I swing this katana, or even just move my body, I'm creating kinetic energy – the energy of motion. The faster I move, the more energy I generate. And it's not just about speed; the weight of the object matters too. That's why a heavy truck going slow can still do a lot more damage than a feather flying at Mach speed.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. It feels like my body is somehow storing that energy, like a battery. And then, when I make my next move, it's like that stored energy gets released, giving me a boost. It's like I'm getting a power-up with every swing!

But there's a catch. Just like a battery, my body has its limits. I can only store so much energy before I hit overload. And if I push myself too hard, I end up like a deflated balloon, gasping for air and seeing stars.

So, the trick is to find a balance. I need to keep moving, keep generating energy, but also find a way to control it, to make it last. And that's where breathing comes in.

I know it sounds weird, but in this world, breathing techniques are like, the ultimate power-up. They can make you stronger, faster, even give you special abilities.

So, I figure, if I can sync my breathing with my movements, maybe I can tap into that kinetic energy, control it, and use it to my advantage. It's like... turning myself into a human dynamo!

I started experimenting, trying different breathing patterns as I practiced my kendo forms. Deep breaths, shallow breaths, holding my breath, releasing it in bursts. It was a lot of trial and error, and let me tell you, some of those errors were pretty embarrassing.

There was the time I tried to hold my breath for too long and nearly passed out mid-swing. Or the time I exhaled too forcefully and ended up sounding like a deflating whoopee cushion. Not my finest moments.

But hey, even Thomas Edison had a few failed light bulb prototypes before he got it right, right?

I kept at it, determined to crack the code. I visualized the energy flowing through my body, guided by my breath. I imagined it building up with each movement, like a gathering storm.

And then, one day, it happened.

As I swung my katana, I took a deep breath, channeling the energy into my muscles. The blade moved faster than ever before, a blur of steel slicing through the air. And when it struck the target, a shockwave rippled outwards, leaving a clean cut through the thick wooden post.

I grinned, my heart pounding in my chest. It was working! I was finally starting to tap into the power of kinetic energy.

I still had a long way to go, but I knew I was on the right track. I had a vision, a goal. I was going to create my own breathing style, one that harnessed the very essence of motion and power.

And I was going to call it... Kinetic Breathing.

To be continued...






Whew! That was a wild ride, wasn't it? Akio's got some serious potential, and I can't wait to see where his journey takes us. But let's be real, this whole "reincarnated kendo champ with a Demon Slayer Mark and a Walmart Byakugan" thing is a bit... extra. I mean, who comes up with this stuff?

Akio's voice chimes in from the background: "Hey, I'm right here! And it's not my fault I got the short end of the reincarnation stick. At least I didn't end up as a slime or something."

Fair point, Akio. Fair point. But seriously, folks, thanks for reading! This is just the beginning of Akio's adventure, and I'm sure there's plenty of demon-slaying action, hilarious mishaps, and maybe even some heartwarming moments to come.

AI-sensei interrupts, adjusting their glasses: "Ahem. A gentle reminder that while we appreciate your enthusiasm, it's important to maintain a certain level of decorum. Please refrain from excessive use of slang and informal language."

Akio rolls his eyes. "Lighten up, Sensei! It's a fanfic, not a dissertation."

Over9000words sighs. "Alright, alright. You two behave yourselves. And to our readers, thank you again for joining us on this journey. We'll see you in the next chapter!"