
Demon Slayer - Failed Legend

Legendary Slayers failed to finished off Muzan. Demons are lurking and plotting plans in the present days. This story tells the story about what is happening in the present days

DaoistorUiYv · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

New Recuit

Shun bought Alan to their regional headquarter. Shun waited near the entrance of the medical ward until Alan regains consciousness.

After few minutes,

Alan slowly walked toward Shun with a confused expression on his face.

"Why did you hit me? It hurts. I was scared that I got kidnapped and my organs was going to sell sold." said Alan

Shun smiled slightly, "I must follow the rules, since you are an outsider, I must not reveal the location of our headquarters to you. So the easiest thing was to make you unconscious and carry you here" replied Shun

"I am tired of standing here, follow me to a calm place and then I'll answer your questions" said Shun

"Okay then" said Alan

Shun brought Alan to a beautiful garden. There were multiply small trees and the floor was covered with grass. There were some chairs on the center, which was seems to be hand craved using wood. Shun and Alan sat down. Alan took a deep breathe and relaxed himself.

"This place is marvelous, very beautiful and calm" said Alan

Shun smiled, "I was hard to get permission from Eric to build this underground"

"What!!!!! We are underground? How?" exclaimed Alan

"Our bases operates underground. This way its hard to for the demons to track us. All of this was possible because of our genius Eric" replied Shun

"Wow!!! Who is this genius Eric?" asked Alan

"You'll meet him when the time is right" said Shun

"Ok, I guess. Anyways you didn't tell how the demon king escaped" asked Alan

"This is going to be a long story." said Shun

"You probably know about the legend right? The only problem was a piece of muzan escaped during the fight. As the story says, the slayers thought that they successfully killed Muzan. After the event, the curse that was placed on the master's bloodline was lifted. Demon slayer corp was disbanded. Muzan reappeared after staying dormant for 80 years. Muzan started to rebuilt his power. Then our master's father was able to find out Muzan lives by encountering him face to face one night. He left a clever message to our master before he was kill by Muzan that Muzan was still alive. Then our master poured in his family's fortune to rebuilt the demon slayer corp. This time Muzan has raised his standard and increased his Demon moons to 24. 12 lower ranks and 12 upper ranks" Shun explained to Alan

Alan looked amazed and started to process the information that was bombard onto him by Shun.

"Wow, I am speechless. So if the muzan's army is so powerful how can we even think of defeating his?" asked Alan

Suddenly a man approached towards them. The man was wearing a black shirt and black trousers. The man had a huge scar going across his left eye and was wearing a mechanical looking eye patch.

"Look who its is, its the Lone Wolf, here in the flesh" said the man.

"That face is a new one, a new recruit? This is a special occasion indeed. A new recruit bought by the lone wolf himself, this is rare indeed" exclaimed the man.

Alan was looking confused.

"This is Eric, genius behind our technology" said Shun.

"He is obviously exaggerating, I just come up with good mechanical components to help our fellow slayers" said Eric as he sat down next to Shun.

Alan still looked confused.

"Lone Wolf?" asked Alan with a confused face

"That is his code name as a Elite Hashira" answered Eric

"A elite hashira? What is that? A special rank?" asked Alan, now looking more confused now.

"Do you see this pattern on Shun's face?" asked Eric as he pointed at Shun's face

"That is a demon slayer mark that you get from birth. If you are born with such mark, your body is capable of using multiple breathing styles at once" said Eric

Alan is very confused as he didn't understand anything Eric said.

"Eric, stop confusing him. He will get to know these stuff when he is training. Stop giving out complicated information to him." said Shun as he stood up

"Huh? You are leaving already? We just started our conversation" said Eric

"If you want me to stay, I'll stay but I won't interfere with your conversation" said Shun as he sat down again.

"That the Lone Wolf for ya" said Eric

As they started to talk, there was a commotion happening at the hallway to the garden which grabbed Shun's attention. Shun observed carefully. A lady was approaching the garden, pushing slayers away who were in the hallway. Shun stood up to see who was causing this commotion.