
Demon Prince's Lowly Servant

Lila Davies, a young human girl, finds herself in the midst of a world transformed by the rise of supernatural beings. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and warlocks wield powers far beyond anything her kind can fathom. In this new reality, humans like Lila are often seen as the most pathetic, underestimated, and overlooked of creatures. Lucian Evans, the formidable king of the Demons. Demons, with their abilities to shape reality with a mere thought, are considered the most dominant among all supernatural beings. Lucian is not only incredibly powerful but also possesses a striking appearance that makes both men and women gaze in admiration. His every action is meticulously calculated, leaving no room for error, and he always remains one step ahead of his adversaries. Undoubtedly, he stands as the most formidable force on Earth. Yet, destiny has its own plans. Even the most feared entity can find an unexpected connection with someone seemingly insignificant. What unfolds when fate brings them together on an unexpected day?

Zoe_Reader_101 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The Auction

Lila's POV

I welcomed death in open arms yet it did not seem to come. Instead, my mind wandered off into nowhere as a dream unfolded in front of my eyes. The same chilling voice from the previous nightmarish vision returned, but this time it was different. It was not a mere whisper; it roared with anger and malevolence. I did not understand it yet there was a different feeling other than power and malevolence I felt from the aura radiating off him. It was the feeling of safety - that I would never be alone, even if I was trying not to be a wailing freak in front of him. Note the fact that I am a wailing freak because his presence was exuding an aura of fear and I wasn't even glancing at his face.

"Why aren't you looking at me, la mia dea?" the voice whispered, this time producing a soft melody - each word soothing me, contrasting this nightmarish realm.

"I-I-I can't," I stammered, somehow finding that being sucked from a vampire was more relaxing than talking to a blood-curling stranger.

"Why can't you, amor meus?" the creature asked.

Squinting my eyes, I could identify the tilting of the creature's head as he genuinely pondered my question.

"B-B-Because you are a supernatural," I stuttered as his piercing eyes penetrated my soul.

"From now on," the figure declared, "Lila Davies has the right to address me by my real name."

"W-W-What's your real name?" I inquired, curiosity burning in my thoughts.

"Just to let you know, the vampire who even had the audacity to suck your blood will be punished," he informed.

With that, the eerie, mysterious, and undeniably powerful stranger (his aura palpable even from several miles away) - a presence that had both unsettled and strangely comforted - vanished without a trace.

My eyes fluttered upon as it dawned upon me where I was - the place located just behind the auction with its only access is from the auction's place back door.

"Now," a gangly man with a slim figure appeared out of nowhere.

Immediately, I recognised his species - warlocks. With his long dazzling white beard that hung from chin, it was relatively simple to identify him - not could be same for others.

"What do we have here," he smiled the most ugliest grin the world could ever seen, "Look what the cat drag in the bag - a pathetic human being that I won't hesitate to make it my slave."

As he belittled my kind, a spark of fury aroused in my chest. I could not be identical to a pitiful creature and if I die - I would die of a good cause.

"Listen you idiot," I growled, waggling my finger upon him, "I don't care if your kind is "better" than us but I can tell you that humans are not as abhorable as you think. Without us, you "superior" people would become as rotten as hell."

The expression inscribed on the warlock's face was hilarious. He then took deep breaths, probably trying to calm him down but not before giving me the deadliest glare that could send the strongest man into a breaking fit. 

"You better hope that someone buys you because otherwise you are dead. To me!" he shouted, his wrath transmitting an aura of fierceness.

My insides squirmed as I awaited my punishment.

"Take her to the dungeons and whip her 7 times using the most heaviest," he declared at the soldiers at the door.

Two surly-looking soldiers with muscles that were as colossal as my brain sauntered to over where I was standing and picked my up by my legs. I was dangling upside down as I could felt my blood rushing towards my skull. I did not dare to defy these people as I was certain about what would come next - more punishment. To secure my life, I decided to become an obedient pet, even if I had to be tossed by my owners like a rag smeared with dirt.

"Please, someone. Just end my existence right now," I whimpered, my thoughts a desperate plea to any creature that might be listening.

It was as if someone had taken notice. As soon as those words escaped my mind, the rush of blood to my head, which had been dizzyingly overwhelming, suddenly vanished, leaving me in eerie silence.

Who's there?" I cried out, my voice trembling with fear, convinced that I was trapped in a hallucination.

"Silly girl," I heard one of the guards mutter in response.

So, it seemed I was right. No one could have heard my desperate plea. But the fact that I felt no dizziness, even though I was in such an unusual state, left me even more perplexed and unnerved.

I was pondering this question over and over again before noticing the dungeons were right in front of where I was standing. The guards heaved me over to the strapper and placed a firm grip on the whip. My eyes widened in fear as dread filled me. This was exactly like my old boss.

"Calm down," I soothed, "It's not like you haven't experienced this before."

The next thing I knew was excruciating agony. Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt pain that was unbeknownst to all creaturekind. However, I was a determined woman and I was definitely not going to capitulate towards this enemy.

"Think of Tommy," I repeated.

Another bang! Another bang! Those few moments felt like eternity as my body took form in a horrifying way. A bottomless scar was etched on my stomach as blood gushed in. 

"Another part of your punishment," the guard gave me a crooked smile, revealing his nasty teeth, "You are not permitted to sleep in the bunk beds or even eat breakfast or dinner. Enjoy your night." 

He strutted out of the dungeons, with his buddy hand in hand laughing about some jokes. Tomorrow was officially the day when they start the bids for me so I was definitely unprepared. My hiccups were covered by my cries as the deep scar remained embedded in me - serving a remainder of what I am and what my kind stood for - idiotic, powerless weak.

I shook myself to sleep, the only piece of soul left in my was my family. I felt powerless, vulnerable when I endure even the weakest supernaturals but I was not going to show my incapabilities - I had to remain strong. 

The following morning, I awoke to the fresh chattering of people in the stage. A nauseous feeling washed over me. It was the day of my bid. The blood had soaked up majority of my clothes - the clothes that my mother so generously chose for me yesterday. I could not describe the emotion I am feeling but I know that I must resist the obstacles I will suffer - for my family. 

"Now," I heard the announcer declare, "May we present the children that will become our pets."

The audience among us giggled us they scanned us with their shrewd eyes. As soon as any one of us make eye contact, they would simply purse their lips and stare at us with an expression like: "How dare you challenge your superior. I can make your life a living hell." This resulted in most of us glancing towards the ground.

"James Arnold," a steely voice stated.

I could make out a silhouette of a man stepping towards the stage with trepidation. Even though himself looks intimidating with those burly muscles of him, I could deduce that he was panic-stricken out of his wits - just like us.

"400 dollars," a man exclaimed.

"600 dollars," a woman argued, her eyes daring the man to continue their bicker.

Their argument increased rapidly, with each person giving numbers that were too high for me to even consider it - and the fact they were throwing them all away for the boy.

Suddenly, the woman said 750,000 dollars which silenced the crowd. The man gradually lowered his upper body towards his seat - a sign of defeat.

"Going once! Going twice!" the speaker questioned, "Sold to the lady in the front row!"

The lady was seen hurrying down the steps, probably to greet her new slave. I felt pitiful for him as he would now have a master he would not dare to disobey. The lady also seemed evil, her eyes glinting with malice. I can only pray that the boy would return to his family safe and sound.

The children my age suddenly disappeared one by one - all now slaves to someone they must submit. Others returned to the pet master where they would have to suffer a different kind of torture for 24 hours. I could assume that they were upset as we all understand the pet master is a stupid dumbass. However, I can never admit that aloud.

"Lila Davies," a voice cried, jolting me out of my thoughts.

My feet were walking straight in a line, my face turned towards the ground - a symbol that I was obedient.

"Look up Davies," the speaker announced, "We want everyone to see how ugly you are."

Gradually, I lifted my head up, taking in all of the audience - noting who is a witch, and who is a demon. After I made a circle, my face remained fixated at the speaker, portraying hate and loathe towards him.

"So, Davies here has been a very disobedient rat," he snarled, "The pet master has reported that Miss. Lila here has been retorting towards her superiors. Guess what this earned her?"

Silence filled the air as all of the spectators gazed at me in curiosity.

"They were wondering what punishment I had to face at my first day," I thought bitterly.

"She received 7 whips from the strongest whip the pet master owns," the speaker grinned happily, his smile never dripping from his face.

"Ugh! What would I do to take that off?" I thought.

"Now that all of you know how much trouble she is worth, who wants her?" he questioned.

Multiple hands raced up in the sky.

"100," a voice cried.

"Give it to me. 450."

"No. I want some trouble. 1000."

"I will take her for 25,000,000," a voice boomed from the Earth.

My head immediately darted to identify the owner of the voice who was extremely desperate to own me. Guess what? He was an old man. His beard was a matted tangle of filth and his face was a grotesque tapestry of wrinkles and age spots. With only one misshapen leg, he moved like a twisted marionette, a pitiful figure in the throes of a grim existence. 

Just my luck! I got the most pitiful supernatural in the world as my master. Out of everyone, fate paired me with this wretched sight.

"Going once! Going twice! Sold to the man down by the right," the speaker boomed, his face beaming with a jolly smile. All the audience laughed due to the fact that I was sold to someone who was loathed more by humans.

"Come here," the man ushered, his wrinkly, pale face illuminating in the darkness.

Knowing my rules, I did not dare to look at him for a second.

"Guess what Dad?" I thought, "I got sold to a warlock. You guys are millionaires as well. 25 million bucks at your house soon. Hope it will last some years."

"Now you and I will be riding this carriage for about a day."

Shock filled me. He wants me - a lowly servant - to touch his lavish carriage.

"Come on," the man whispered as I shuffled my feet in - maybe I might have a decent owner.

As I observed the interior of the carriage, I was instantly swept away by the design. The interior exuded opulence, with velvet upholstery in rich jewel tones, adorned with intricate golden embroidery. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, creating an atmosphere of luxury and decadence.

I dared not lay even a blemished finger on the luxurious carriage, fearing it would be ruined.

"Let me clean you up. You look like a bloody mess. Boss will not be happy!" he exclaimed, rushing to my side, his nimble fingers weaving spells. (AN: Pun intended)

In seconds, my wounds vanished, leaving only a jagged scar barely imprinting on my stomach.

"H-How?" I stammered, struggling to believe my luck. Perhaps, I thought, I could get used to having him as my master.

"It's necessary. Can't have boss murdering me. I heard he can..." the old man shuddered, his eyes filled with fear of an unknown entity.

Instantly, I shivered as well. Anyone who could instill fear in a warlock must be overwhelmingly powerful.

"W-Why be kind to me? I'm just a lowly servant," I dared to question, hoping to understand his motives.

"Like I said, boss will be mad at me. I hope I'll be well-paid for this," he exclaimed, his finger touching my head. A sudden drowsiness overcame me as I realized I was falling asleep.



Plz read this as it will mean a lot to me. Your support can be rewarded with votes and more. So just please give this rusty book a chance. BTW: Inkitt and Wattpad are also places to read this weird book.

From, a 12 year old girl who wants to write to inspire

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