
Demon Prince's Lowly Servant

Lila Davies, a young human girl, finds herself in the midst of a world transformed by the rise of supernatural beings. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and warlocks wield powers far beyond anything her kind can fathom. In this new reality, humans like Lila are often seen as the most pathetic, underestimated, and overlooked of creatures. Lucian Evans, the formidable king of the Demons. Demons, with their abilities to shape reality with a mere thought, are considered the most dominant among all supernatural beings. Lucian is not only incredibly powerful but also possesses a striking appearance that makes both men and women gaze in admiration. His every action is meticulously calculated, leaving no room for error, and he always remains one step ahead of his adversaries. Undoubtedly, he stands as the most formidable force on Earth. Yet, destiny has its own plans. Even the most feared entity can find an unexpected connection with someone seemingly insignificant. What unfolds when fate brings them together on an unexpected day?

Zoe_Reader_101 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

My Real Owner is a Monster

Lila's POV

"What do you think you are doing human?" the guard snarled, as his pushed his way forward from the Demon Prince.

"It's fine," a voice reassured, its warmth unexpectedly causing Lila to blush, "I will deal with her once we arrive in my chambers."

The Demon Prince's voice was smooth and inviting, with a hint of power and sensuality that left her both flustered and intrigued.

"Y-You sure, my highness," the guard stammered in the presence of royalty, "This worthless girl had the nerve to look up to you in the eye."

"Of course," the Demon Prince snarled, his hands clenching so tight that they turned pale and his aura began to swirl around him at the speed of a hurricane, "Guards, leave us."

Without hesitation, I instinctively retreated a step, grateful for my visit to the library earlier that day where I had learned about some of his powers. It granted me a slight sense of the type of torment he might unleash upon me.

"I am not going to hurt my own servant," the Demon Prince gruffed, probably in an attempt to soothe me.

My attempts were futile in calming my nerves. My heart still raced with fear, and the thought of what he could do to me persisted in my mind. Wait a moment – Did he just refer to me as his servant? I found myself deeply perplexed, realizing that I needed to seek confirmation. My memory remained intact, and I distinctly remembered being purchased by the old man to serve him.

"A-A-Are you certain?" I stammered, struggling to maintain composure and avoid blushing while simultaneously attempting to suppress any signs of fear, although my efforts were proving ineffective.

"Of course you are my servant. Tom just did me a favour buying you when I was on a business trip. If you don't believe me, feel free to call Tom," the Demon Prince grinned, revealing his unsettling immaculate teeth.

I just stood there, in fear, wondering why on Earth was he so interested in me and the fact that I was oblivious to this until today. Tom was merely just like me - a servant to the Demon Prince. No wonder he was afraid of "Boss." No person in their right mind would dare disobey him. 

"You are never to ask me questions ever again," the Demon Prince abruptly growled - his change from being amiable to aloof.

"Right," I thought, "He is bipolar."

"Now go and make yourself useful, slave," he drawled out the last word as if it was a perfect word to describe someone was lowly as me.

Immediately, I patted the dust of my dress which was spotless now that Tom had cleaned up all the blood from the auction place which I still have nightmares about. Then, I began to shuffle in the direction of the castle whilst my feet while bowing repeatedly towards the Demon Prince

"Are you sure you know where to go?" the Demon Prince asked, tilting his head to the side as if he was a dog questioning his owner's movement in gestures.

Technically, he was accurate. I had only spent four hours in this castle, majority of the time remains in where I was diligently folding clothes in the prince's chamber. 

"N-No," I faltered, stumbling over my own words while a crimson red slunk up towards my cheek.

"Here, since it is your first time at the castle. I will be lenient with you. Follow me," he ordered as his cloak swept to the side as his every step made a thundering sound that resonated through the air.

As I trailed behind the Demon Prince, a sense of curiosity compelled me to observe the reactions of the palace guards. Their expressions varied from sheer astonishment that the Demon Prince had not killed me immediately to evident disgust at the mere idea that someone of my status was permitted to accompany him. On the other hand, the maids and servants, especially the girls, gazed at me with pure envy, perhaps wondering how I had managed to avoid the Demon Prince's lethal wrath.

Whelps! Guess I am just special enough to earn the favour of the Demon Prince!

I'm just kidding! He's likely leading me to some secret lair to finish me off, all while I follow behind, completely oblivious to my inevitable fate.

To my astonishment, he did not lead me to his secret lair but instead to his own chambers.

"Don't get your hopes up," I mused inwardly, "The Demon Prince might just be leading me to his chambers to carry out some appalling deed while I continue playing the obedient servant."

"Ok," the Demon Prince began, nudging me out of my unlimited worries, "Your job is to do everything on that list."

"Hey, that's straightforward," I muttered quietly to myself.

"If it's that straightforward, then get started," the Demon Prince remarked with a chuckle from across the room.

I couldn't help but blame his supersonic hearing. I had barely even whispered those words aloud.

"Hmph!" I snorted in response.

"Mirandus es, cum erubescis," the Demon Prince smiled, his words loaded with a charming smile that could sent girls drooling over his spot-on face features.

Doubting that he had said anything remotely pleasant to me, perhaps even mocking my appearance, I decided to review the to-do list he had so thoughtfully provided. (yep, that was totally not sarcasm.)

As per the instructions outlined in the letter, the only remaining essential task was organizing my sleeping quarters. With that, I ventured into the room adjacent to the Demon Prince's chambers and was utterly taken aback by what I encountered.

My room was a modest space. It bore the feature of reality over luxury, with a narrow bed covered in simple, worn mattress. The room held no furnishings, a small wooden table, and a crooked chair in one corner with a basic writing desk against the wall. The walls themselves were plain and undecorated, with a single, small window which allowed a little glimpse of sunlight. Although the room was far from extravagant and was in a somewhat deteriorating condition, I couldn't help but notice that such conditions like this was a rare luxury for most humans. Sildently, I shuddered at the idea of sleeping in a daunting prison cell so I felt a sense of gratitude towards the prince for providing me with a bed to sleep in.

Remembering my father's words: let's hope fate will be kind by not blessing you with a demon. God those are the worst, I somewhat noticed that I recognised a sense of fortune that the prince bought me.

"Right Lila," I whispered to myself, "Let's go and find the Demon Prince and thank him for everything he has done to me. Then, if I am lucky, question him about my living conditions." 

Why? Because it was a known fact that the Demon Prince loathed humans so the truth that he did not belittle me or sent me to live in the cage was unsettling. Even though I should feel thankful, I can not help but wonder if there was also an ulterior motive underlying his decision to gift me a bed. 

Stepping out of the room, I noticed the Demon Prince was having a serious conversation with a guard by his chamber's door. Not wanting to ruin my luck, I decided to retrace my steps and polish my bedroom so that I don't have to inhale dust every minute.

However, I just had to be caught by him. 

"What are you doing Lila?" the Demon Prince inquired me, ending his conversation with the guard, "Why did you step out of your bedroom for about one minute before deciding to go back?"

"Ugh!" I inwardly thought, "Damn him and his spectacular eyesight."

"I-I wanted to ask M-M-Master a question," I spluttered, my face covered in a red heat.

"Did I give you permission to call me Master?" the prince growled, his fury evident and his eyes switching into a brownish-blue color.

"N-No," I fumbled for words.

"From now on," the prince declared, "Lila Davies has the right to address me by my real name."

"W-What's your real name?" I asked, tripping over the words as his glare deepened.

"Lucian," he repeated, "Lucian Evans."

A cacophony of questions exploded in my mind. I wondered why the Demon Prince had instructed me to address him by his name, contrary to the necessity where all supernaturals referred to him as the "Demon Prince." And the nagging feeling that I had encountered this sentence before added to my growing sense of intrigue and uncertainty.

Knock! Knock! I could feel my patience wearing thin, like a fraying thread inching closer to its breaking point.

"Your highness," a girl peered at him from the top of her eyelashes, "Here is your dinner."

The girl was absolutely astounding. With her hourglass figures, showing off her curves that made me envy her instantly. Cascading strawberry-blonde curls bounce on her shoulders every time she struts inside a place. Not to mention her thin leg that's barely dressed in a denim short was as shiny as a waxed floor.

"Thank you, Anais," the Demon Prince said, appearing more relaxed than ever. His usual tense posture had now given way to a more comfortable and unguarded stance, as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

I don't understand how or why but a sense of bitterness erupted in my chess at seeing the Demon Prince behave so naturally around the girl. 

"Lila," The Demo - Lucian shouted, "Here come and have dinner with me."

"L-Lucian," I cocked my head to the side, "Are you sure?"

The prince nodded his head. In front of him laid a lavish meal that was covered with a spread of delicious dishes, including juicy two slices roast meats, a variety of colorful vegetables, and fragrant herbs and spices. Goblets filled with water were ready for drinking, and an assortment of tempting desserts completed the meal. It was practically a grand feast and there was no way that I was going to digest that.

"Eat Lila. That's an order from your master," Lucian demanded.

With that, I began to pick up a fork and recalled my lessons from my education. "If a supernatural asks you to eat with them, you must comply. Show your manners, do not be overgreedy yet do not eat too little. Sit properly, never talk unlessed questioned and never talk with your mouth open."

"Lila," Lucian stated, interrupting my process of thoughts, "You are eating too little."

This turned me into a tomato, and I was quite convinced that I was on the verge of exploding any moment now.

"Lila, if you find it too overwhelming to handle all of this, it's perfectly alright. You may retire to bed if you've completed all the tasks I assigned," the prince suggested.

Nodding in response, I swiftly made my way to my bedroom and soon slipped into a deep slumber.

My Dream

The same chilling voice from my previous two dreams resurfaced, its resonance sending shivers throughout the surroundings, a palpable fear enveloping all who were present.

"Welcome back, Lila," the figure greeted with a sinister smirk, his smile as radiant as moonlight under the starry sky, casting eerie shadows upon his features.

"I-I-I- Who are you?" I stammered, my curiosity coursing through my veins, though tempered with a growing sense of unease.

"Tsk Tsk," the creature responded with a knowing tone, "Curiosity killed the cat. I'm sure you've heard that phrase."

"I don't care," I retorted defiantly, my fingers clenched into fists, my determination to uncover the truth strengthening.

"Tsk Tsk. Since you've displayed an impressive amount of courage," the figure declared, a hint of admiration in his voice, "I may as well reveal myself."

Slowly, he advanced, one deliberate step at a time, toward me. The tension in the air became suffocating, my desire to unmask the entity that haunted my dreams growing stronger with each passing moment. Finally, when he stood a mere inch from my face, the shroud concealing his identity dissipated, revealing a visage that sent a chill down my spine.

And Guess what? He was Lucian Evans, the prince of demons.

AN: Hi Guys! Thank you so much for reading this crazy story. Wattpad and Inkitt are also available places to read. I love all you guys commitment to this books. Please:

Lila: Vote

Me: Hi Lila! Why are you not scared today? Unlike the other times I had to save you from your “superiors”

Lila: Exactly! No supernaturals today!

Demon Prince: Boo!

Lila: Aaaah

Demon Prince: Hahaha!

Me: This is a friendly space, no scaring each other

Demon Prince: But I was born to be scary *pouts*

Me: No you are not

Me: You’re job is to say: “Comment” with a very big smile

Demon Prince: What if I don’t

Me: I will set you up with a fake bimbo with fake tan skin etc

Demon Prince: No!

Me: Then do what I say

Demon Prince: *Puts on a very weird face expression* Comment!

Lila: Review!

Me: And Follow to see their relationship grow

Demon Prince & Lila: What the heck?

Peace Out

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