
The truth about heroes

"Now that you are informed about the different kinds of heroes, that I know of, let me tell you about-" Before Shin could continue talking Valdel raised his arm and gestured Shin to stop. 

"Wait a minute! You're telling me that I'm being controlled?! You're telling me none of the things that made me, me, are mine, to begin with?!" Valdel who was finally able to digest a bit of what was said started to panic. His mana was going out of control and pouring out of his body. Zwei and Nika tried to calm Valdel down but they were unable to get near him. 

Watching what was happening to Valdel made Shin sigh. He was expecting Valdel to have better mental resistance than that, especially knowing that Ren was with him. Still, he remembered the time he figured out a bit of the truth, wasn't he also the same. 
