
Demon In Attack On Titan

A boy reincarnated into the world of aot, all alone, with no friends or family, with only a system that promises him unmatchable power. What will be the fate of this boy? Will he be the savior the world needed or the very thing that caused the world to end? First book ever, so please don't judge it like it was written by a pro. If you want the story to be better you can assist me with that, just give me advice and let me know my mistakes.

ChaoticCultivator · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

A System?!

'A system?' Shocked by what appeared in front of him, Akira stopped puking.

'Without any hesitation, Akira said 'yes' causing the system to shine and appear with new words.

[Achievement Unlocked: Killing Your First Entity - Reward 500XP ]

[Achievement Unlocked: Opening Your First Package - Reward 500XP]

[Congratulations For Reaching Level 11]

[Opening Starter Package]

[Congratulations For Unlocking:

One Tomoe Sharingan,

Bloodline Of A Demon,

Ordinary Katana ]

'Sharingan?!' Akira was shocked by the 'prizes' the system had given him that he couldn't even speak.

'Wait, why am I not being attacked? And why can't I hear a single sound?' Realizing that something was off, Akira looked around and realized that everything was frozen, the thugs who were about to attack him were frozen, the blood that was dripping from the skinny thug's chest was still. Has time frozen?!'

[Time Has Temporarily Been Frozen To Protect The Host Safety, But This Will Only Happen Once And Once Only]

"Wha-What you have intelligence?" Surprised by the cold robotic voice in his head Akira couldn't help but fall on his bum.

[Incorrect, I am merely a temporary spirit that gives instructions to the host, I will disappear within 3 minutes and then everything will be up to you, whether you live or die will no longer be of my concern]

'Are you the one who reincarnated me?!'

[Incorrect, the host reincarnated out of pure luck and no one has any intervention in this, I'm merely a spirit that was made by the system, to instruct you on how to use it.]

'So you're going to tell me the rules?'

[Correct, now then

The system was made upon the will your soul gained when you killed that human, if you had not killed him and instead let him force himself upon you, you would have unlocked the "Heavenly System" But instead you unlocked the "Demonic System" The Demonic System Works In One Way And One Way Only, Kill to gain strength, to become more powerful you must take the lives of living beings as long as it breathes it will give you XP, but once you become stronger the weaker the beings you kill the less XP you will receive.

For every 10 Levels you reach, you will receive stats points that can be added to various stats, Strength, Speed Etc, you will also receive a gift package that will assist you by giving you Powers, Items, Etc.

You can also gain more prizes by doing quests given out by the system, of course, these are optional.]

[Now then please equip your rewards so you don't die as soon as time starts again, and also use all your stat points.]

Listening to the system, Akari was shocked and frightened at the same time, Demonic System? Does this mean he's the devil's slave or something? Or does it mean he's no longer human?

He had already killed someone, now he has to accept the power of a demon, or he will be raped and sold off as some sort of slave?!

[Please Accept Your Rewards] The cold voice of the system spoke again.

With no other choice, Akari chose to take the powers. On earth, he was an ordinary human and had not killed or even hurt a single person in his life, but he wasn't a total pushover, he would rather live as a demon than die as a slave.

[Please Assign Your Stats:

| 20 Stat Points |

Strength - 1.5 - Ordinary Human - 3

Speed - 1.5 - Ordinary Human - 3

Health - 0.5 - Ordinary Human 3

Defense - 1 - Ordinary Human 2

Agility - 1 - Ordinary Human 1.5

Stamina - 0.5 - Ordinary Human 1.5


'When time unfreezes my body will be very vulnerable and weak, so I should definitely add to my health.

"System add 10 Points to my health"

[Please Assign Your Stats:

| 10 Stat Points |

Strength - 1.5 - Ordinary Human - 3

Speed - 1.5 - Ordinary Human - 3

Health - 10.5 - Ordinary Human 3

Defense - 1 - Ordinary Human 2

Agility - 1 - Ordinary Human 1.5

Stamina - 0.5 - Ordinary Human 1.5


'I don't know what else I should do? hmm let me see 10 points and 6 stats, my health doesn't need anymore currently so I should give 2 points for every other stat'

"System add 2 points to each of my stats, not to my health though."

[Please Assign Your Stats:

| 0 Stat Points |

Strength - 3.5 - Ordinary Human - 3

Speed - 3.5 - Ordinary Human - 3

Health - 10.5 - Ordinary Human 3

Defense - 3 - Ordinary Human 2

Agility - 3 - Ordinary Human 1.5

Stamina - 2.5 - Ordinary Human 1.5


"System please equip the Sharingan"

As soon as Akira said this he felt agonizing pain in his eyes, like 1000 ants were crawling and biting his eyeballs.

"Dammit!" Biting his lip, Akira attempted to quietly sit through the pain.

'Dammit, the system should have given me a god damn warning.'

As seconds went by the pain began to disappear until none of it was left.

Wanting to see his new eyes Akira looked at the pool of blood beside him and his appearance shocked him, because of all the chaos that occurred he had never got to get a clear look at his face, but now that he could he was surprised as he looked very cute 'No wonder they wanted to sell me off' But looking at his eyes he was surprised again, unlike his calm and adorable face his eyes gave off a cold feeling like looking into death itself.

"Hey, system will I be able to hide these eyes and return to my normal ones?" Akira asked.

[No, since you don't have the Uchiha bloodline the Sharingan will always be enabled, but fortunately for you since it's a starter pack some of its negative effects were deleted, so as long as your not using it, it won't use any of your 'Chakra'. And yes you have Chakra, only a little though, as for how you can get more just hope you get lucky next time you open a package.]

Hearing the system Akira was a little worried. How can he get about in this world if his eyes look like this? But then after thinking about it a little, he shut those thoughts out. He doesn't care if others view him as a monster, he just wants to live his life happily, and if that means others will dislike him so be it!

"Oh, right system, what was that bloodline thing?"

[Host I recommend you not use that until you're in a safe location, [The Bloodline Of A Demon] Will give you a bloodline of a powerful demon that exists elsewhere in the universe. But using it will put you in a coma for at least 2-5 years and the time freeze won't last that long. Oh and also you would have to decide whether or not you want to use it, as of now you can be relieved to know you are still a human, but the moment you take that blood you will turn into something else entirely. You will still have your human appearance, but your personality will differ very much.]

'It seems I should listen to the system's warning, I don't want to become some sort of monster, and I'm sure I can handle myself from here on out, I don't want to kill anymore, and I'm sure the power I've acquired now should be enough to live happily.' Smiling at this thought, Akira jumped up and told the system he was ready for time to unfreeze.

Writing this i can see a lot of my errors, so this book is going to be more like practise, Im going to write and hopefully people can give me adivce which will lead to me being able to make better books.

ChaoticCultivatorcreators' thoughts