
Delicious Night

The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Alkaffy_21 · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


They arrived at a Mansion. Its position at the foot of the mountains made the building look even more beautiful to the eye. Emily was amazed. This was the first time she had seen such an artistic and beautiful building up close.

Several people greeted the car he was in, they were dressed like servants, very much like in a fairy tale—she thought. One of them opened the car door to greet them. "Welcome back, sir."

"Yes. Please take this woman to her room."

"Yes sir. Come, Miss, come with me."

"Hey, how about our agreement?"

"We'll discuss it after lunch, just rest first."


"I don't like to be disputed, as I said earlier," he said as he walked away.

"Hey! I'm not done talking yet!"

However, the man was indifferent and left just like that.

"Come on, Miss."

Emily finally just complied, she got out of the car and followed that person into the Mansion. The other maids bowed as she passed, much to the drama—she thought. Even so, she could still clearly see several pairs of eyes staring at her with distaste—disgust to be precise.

The mansion wasn't that big from the outside, but it was a lot bigger inside than Emily had expected. It could be that the area of the bathroom here is much bigger than her boarding room—she thought.

"This is your room. If you need anything, please just ring the bell."

A room with an area of more than 20 meters left Emily stunned. She never even thought she would sleep in such a beautiful place, a 5-star hotel was just as beautiful as her room.

"Thank you."

"I forgot to introduce myself. Introduce, I am Sarah, the caretaker of the Oliver's family mansion."

"N-nice to meet Mrs. Sarah—"

"Just call me Sarah, Miss."

"But you are much more—"

"Sorry to interrupt, miss. There are only superiors and subordinates here, so please follow the rules or it will be me who gets in trouble."

"S-fine, Sarah."

"Then I'll excuse myself."

Sarah walked away, leaving Emily in that big room. She walked through her room, everything was flawlessly beautiful.

From the balcony of her room, she could see a vast expanse of gardens, all almost perfect according to her dream house.

Her phone vibrated, a message came from Rosela. Immediately she read the message.

[Mil, Are You Okay?]

[I don't know. Good and bad are relative nowadays.]

[Who is that guy?]

[When we meet, I'll explain later.]

[Should I go to the police? He doesn't seem like a normal guy, you have to be careful.]

[No need, I'm fine."]

[I'm really worried, Mil. Where are you now?]

Emily smiled wryly. She didn't even know where she was right now. How could she tell Rosela? After all, she was worried that her friend would get carried away with her personal problems.

[Share location, let me go there.]

[I'm fine, don't worry. If there's a chance, we'll meet later.]

[Argh! Everything was because of me. If only that night you hadn't run into Steven, none of this would have happened.]

[Hey, this has nothing to do with you. Anyway, you're good there, don't accept that trash guy if he asks to come back. Watch out!]

[Take care, Mil. Let me know if there's anything, I'll try to help.]

[Thank you. Bye, Rose]

[Bye, Mel.]

Emily sighed. She tries to accept her current fate, becoming a mistress only because of a mistake.

She cursed her past stupidity. If that had never happened, maybe she wouldn't have been experiencing this—she thought.

The breezy wind and the soothing scenery of the eyes could calm her down. Slowly drowsiness came, her eyes closed, enjoying the wind until he finally fell asleep.


Emily felt someone gently stroking her hair, occasionally that hand tickled every inch of her skin.

She blinked her eyes until they finally opened completely. How shocked she was when she realized where she was right now.

As far as she could remember, earlier she had slept on the sofa on the balcony, but now she was lying on the bed accompanied by Jonathan, who was now looking at her with a grin.



"Not. Hurry up, I'm hungry."

The man walked out, leaving Emily still sitting on the edge of his bed. His eyes widened when he saw the sky was already dusk, meaning he slept long enough this afternoon.

A maid led him to the dining room. He didn't say much and just pointed the way at Emily.

"Please, Miss."

Emily smiled wryly. What this maid was showing was just a formality. She was sure in her heart that the maid must be looking down on her, all of that could be seen when their eyes met by accident.

"Thank you."

The maid opened the door, showing how luxurious the dining room of the Mansion owned by the famous Oliver family throughout the country was.

"Quickly sit down! I'm hungry."

Emily didn't answer, she just did what the man told her to do—sit quietly while the maids served them food.

"If you're hungry, why don't you eat first," she muttered angrily.

"Don't grumble, hurry up and eat!"

For a moment, they just focused on their respective meals. Actually, Emily didn't enjoy her food, but she thought now was not the right time to indulge her tongue. The most important thing was that her stomach was filled to the brim.

After finishing their meal, Jonathan took her to another room which was not far from the dining area. The difference was that this room was simpler but had a beautiful view because it directly faced the mountain.

Emily was about to look out the window, but Jonathan pulled her hand. "You're like a dog, love to look in the window?"

"Because the night view outside is beautiful, do you have to be a dog first to enjoy the scenery?!" She protested.

"You can enjoy it to your heart's content, but later. Now, sit down."

Emily obeyed Jonathan's orders, sitting right in front of her master. Yeah, master, for her now Jonathan has succeeded in usurping her rights as an employer.

"Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," Jonathan said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for.

Emily grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. Her hand immediately grabbed the pen and scratched it on the paper that had been affixed with a stamp.

"Here, already."

Jonathan grabbed the paper, then it was his turn to inscribe pen strokes on it.

"See, already. Now everything is clear, isn't it?"


"One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen," he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that Emily had signed.

Emily stared blankly at the window of the room, she was like a bird that was now trapped in a golden cage.