
Prologue: Chaos

For centuries, humanity had been in a perpetual state of war. Blood was spilled and corruption spread like a deadly disease throughout dozens of nations. War outbreaks echoed across the land; horrid screams could be heard around every corner as brothers became enemies and sisters turned against each other.

Every prayer for peace that had been uttered went unanswered; it seemed humanity's very existence was at risk, with no hope in sight until finally the only solution that remained was to send them into a simulation where their combative urges might be purged from their beings, if not entirely then perhaps enough to bring some reprieve from bloodshed and despair

The nations of the world reluctantly agreed to this solution and thus Operation Simulation was put into effect. Every person on the planet was placed into one of millions of simulations, each tailored to their own psychological profile in order to effectively reduce aggression and promote a sense of peace among them. But even with this drastic measure it took years before any real progress could be seen; but eventually the simulations began to work.

The world was slowly brought back from the brink of destruction and appeared to be headed for a brighter future. The effects of Operation Simulation were felt across all nations and it seemed as if peace would finally reign. But then, something unexpected happened – some people began disappearing from within the simulations, leaving no trace behind them… It soon became clear That these people weren't disappearing by accident but were forcefully taken by a sinister unknown power.

Fear and suspicion filled the air as everyone worried what this new enemy would do with its captives. In response, the governments of the world hastily came together in a global summit to form a plan to maintain control over their citizens against this unseen threat. They created an oppressive standing army which was given absolute authority to investigate and quash any signs of resistance from its own citizens.

The world quickly became a bleak landscape of darkness, fear and suspicion. Citizens were not allowed to move freely without being monitored by the powers that be or risk being suspected of disobedience and arrested. Those who refused to abide by the rules faced dire consequences or even death. The citizens lived in constant dread of being cast as traitors of their government, sentencing them to a life of misery.

It was a creature beyond the imagination. Its features seemed to borrow from every living thing that had ever existed, combining into something sinister and unholy. Its black eyes glistened with menace as it growled menacingly in the night air.

The people of this land had heard tales but nothing could compare to their terror now they saw the beast itself moving through the darkness towards them. Humanity trembled at its approach but mustered up courage and strength in order to fight it off and survive for another day- not just for survival but also for reward, as these brave warriors knew success against such an unimaginable enemy would bring great  A great revelation had come to pass, yet with it rose an unstoppable force of destruction.

Betrayal was born from the depths of mankind's collective soul like some vile and abominable creature; a sinister harbinger that brought with it a tempest of calamity and despair, for in its wake lay ruin - a dark legacy that no mortal could escape. The end was here: Humanity's traitor had been birthed unto the world.
