
Fast Forward

Fast Forward to 2 years, almost 3 years since that day, Me and Chloe's 16th birthday 3 days from now. Both of our wolf instincts have kicked in 2 days apart. But mine were stronger. Over the 2 years, Not only did I have to do everything on their lists, I was also tortured and abused. Whatever I did, even if it was the right way, I was slapped, beaten, kicked, punched, everything you can imagine. Over the years, I had to do everything. "Celestia, My shoes need their shine. I can't wear them to school tomorrow if they don't shine." Chloe yelled from her room. "Coming Chloe" I yeller from the kitchen. I had just finished cleaning the kitchen after making dinner. See, I wasn't allowed to eat until they were finished eating, which was usually longer because Chloe and Devon eats slower.

I make my way to her room to grab her shoes. She's of course on Skype with her friends about upcoming Homecoming. "They're over there in my closets" She says, not looking up from the screen. "Is that your stupid sister? The one who allowed your mom and Alpha Chris's wife to die?" Chloe's friend, Macy says. "Yea. But don't worry about her. She's nothing" Chloe said. "Um, Chloe, Which pair of shoes you wanted to be shine?" I ask. "All of them, duh. So I can choose once I have my outfit" She scoffs. I roll my eyes and grab a pair of shoes and start shining them.

I was probably an hour in of shining her shoes when Dad calls me from his room. "Celestia, get in here. My papers and documents need to be organized" He yells from his room. "Coming Dad. Anything else I need to do?" I ask Chloe. "Nope. Now get out. I'm tired of looking at your ugly face" Chloe says as her and her friends Macy and Isabelle laugh. I walk out and head to the end of the hall where my dad has folders, papers, files and documents that are spread across his room. It looks like a hurricane and a tornado torn through here. I didn't want to clean all this up and organize them.

"Dad, this is a mess. This is going to take me all night. And I have School in the morning and I have to cook your breakfast" I protest. I realized my mistake as he got up and backhanded me. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He yelled. "You better find a way or else" He storms out and I start cleaning. I hated being treated like this. But I often blamed myself for what happened to Mom but it wasn't my fault. It was probably 11 at night when I finished. Chloe was already asleep and I could hear Devon getting it on with a girl from school. I gagged in disgust and went to my room to grab underwear and my pjs and jump in the shower. I was dirty and stinky from cleaning.

It felt good to shower and be clean. But I had to get out because I knew Devon would want to get in it after screwing his girl. So that's what I did and when I opened the door, Devon of course was standing there with his stained boxers on. "Why were you in the shower?" He growled. "I was dirty and filthy from cleaning all day." I tell him. He gives me a dirty look and I walk by him, tripping on his foot. He laughs, kicks me in the stomach and goes in the shower. I get up holding my stomach and crawls in bed. I turn over to see a picture of my mom and the necklace she wore.

"Mom, I miss you. I wish to go back in time and fix everything" I tell the picture as if I was actually talking to her. I cry myself to sleep. It seemed only a minute that I got to sleep before my alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning. This was my routine on a school day: Up at 5:30 in the morning, change into my dress, wake up Chloe, Dad and Devon for school and work, ask them what they want for breakfast and how they want it, go to make it, whatever was dirty I cleaned while they are eating, go jump in the shower. By the time I get out, Dad already left for work. Chloe and Devon purposely eating slowly so I won't eat. After they eat, they leave for school, making me walk the 2 miles to school.

I'm surprised my shoes hasn't fallen apart from doing so. Getting to school, I kept my head down while students whispered about me. When I got to my locker, Oliver of course was on my locker kissing Whitney. It made me cringe at the fact that my crush was kissing on Whitney. "Um, Oliver, I need to get to my locker you're on." I whimper out to him. He stops kissing Whitney, she walks away to class and he backhanded me. "You never talk to your future Alpha like that." He growls. I hang my head and get to my locker. A tear slides down my face as I'm tired of being abused and mistreated. Got my books and headed to class. I like to sit in the back of the class to not be seen by the whole class.

I look down to see a note on my desk. I open it to see that it says "I wish I never met you. I hope you die" I knew it was from Jenna. I could feel her glaring at me when I read the note and when I looked up, she was faced to the front. I wanted to scream and yell that it wasn't my fault that Mom and Faye were killed in that attack but I knew what would have happened if I spoke out of line. So I just crumbled the paper and threw it out the window in frustration and laid my head on my desk. I just wanted to escape from reality and forget everything. After a few minutes, I look up to my teacher calling my name. Brian was standing next to him and wanted me to go see him. I gathered my stuff and headed to the front. I just hung my head so I wouldn't be no trouble. "Haha, that stupid girl is in trouble!" The school's jerk, Dom, laughed. I just rolled my eyes and followed Brian out the school and got in his car.

"Why did you come get me?" I asked. "To get you away for a while. I know it's been 2 years going on 3 since that day. And I'm the only one who has sympathy for you." He said. "I just wish they can see that it wasn't my fault." I protested. Chris and my dad were still highly angry that Mom and Faye died and they never failed to let me know about it. "I'll have you home in time for you to get things done before Devon, Chloe and your dad bring down a reign of terror." He tells me, not taking his eyes off the road. Hours passed by and he drove me home. Brian told me he was going to make an excuse for me on why I was home late.

"Where the hell were you!?" My dad yells as soon as I walked through the door. "Brian picked me up from school. Said he wanted to teach me a lesson." I whimper. I show my dad the fake bruises all over my body from Brian teaching me a lesson and "Beat" me for thinking it was all a game. I walk to my room to throw my other clothes on and got to work on dinner. "Vince, come on. Cut her some slack. She's been through this for the past 2 years, about to be 3. With her and Chloe's 16th birthday 2 days from now, wouldn't be the right time to see what wolf she gets?" Brian protests. "No. She's the reason my wife is dead, Brian." Dad yells. "You're not the only one grieving, Vince. She's hurting too. You and Chris don't understand that she froze because she was scared. she wanted to help but couldn't do it." Brian says before walking out the door. "I hope you understand that." And he left.

I didn't realize I was crying when I was making dinner. I had made Mom's famous spaghetti and I made me a plate before making theirs because I knew they would devoured it completely. "Dinners ready." I yell from the kitchen. Chloe comes in on FaceTime with Macy, Dad looks like he's been working on papers and I could tell Devon was on girl #3 in bed because his shirt was off and his pants were stained. I hid my plate so they didn't see and I stood by the sink, waiting them to finish eating. Dad was thinking but didn't say anything. After he was done eating, I started cleaning the kitchen, leaving only the table dirty since Devon and Chloe weren't done eating. Since they were eating ridiculously slow, I went to Devon's room where girl #3 was sitting in the bed, Covers covering her body.

"Sorry. I just came to clean his room up and be outta here" I tell her. She just waves her hand to shoo me away and I get to cleaning. A couple minutes later, Devon comes in, jumps in his bed, tears his pants off and goes round 2 on her. I just finished cleaning and finished cleaning the kitchen. I jumped in the shower, dried off, threw my pjs on and went to my bed.
