
Deep down inside i know i'm crazy

นักเขียน: whitebandit
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What is Deep down inside i know i'm crazy

อ่านนิยาย Deep down inside i know i'm crazy โดย ผู้เขียน whitebandit ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel....



Crown of Glass

Seraphina's eyes widened at the sight of crimson on her doorstep as she came to a halt. The deep red stain, stark against the pale stone, sent shivers down her spine, a foreboding omen she couldn't ignore. With trepidation gripping her heart, she stepped closer, her breath catching in her throat as she recognized the unmistakable scent of dragonfire. Fear mingled with curiosity as she traced the crimson trail with her fingertips. It led her through the winding corridors of the ancient castle, its echoes whispering secrets of forgotten tales. The palace walls seemed to hold their breath, as if in anticipation of the imminent revelation. The trail of dragonfire led her to a secluded chamber, hidden away from prying eyes. As she pushed open the heavy doors, her gaze met a scene of awe-inspiring beauty and danger. There, bathed in the flickering glow of candlelight, stood a majestic creature—an elegant dragon, its scales shimmering like molten gold. But it was not the dragon that held her attention; it was the figure beside it. A man, tall and regal, with piercing eyes that mirrored the intensity of a tempest. His presence commanded the room, and Seraphina knew in her heart that she was standing before the Crown Prince himself. He approached her, his voice low and mesmerizing. "Seraphina, daughter of the Glass Weaver, you are chosen by destiny to be my bride, the one who will unite our kingdoms and bring balance to the realms." Conflicting emotions swirled within her—fear, fascination, and an unexpected attraction that ignited like a flame in her chest. She had dreamt of adventure and purpose, but this path was far more treacherous than she could have imagined. With the weight of her decision pressing upon her, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the journey that lay ahead. As she reached out to touch the Prince's outstretched hand, she knew that her life would be forever changed, entwined with the destiny of dragons, and the fragile yet unyielding threads of love that would bind their fates together.

karmaisakhaleesi · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Dunia Fantasi Verdantria

Dunia Verdantria adalah tempat di mana harmoni alam dan teknologi quantum bersatu dalam keseimbangan yang menakjubkan. Alam masih menyatu erat dengan dunia, menciptakan lanskap yang indah dan beragam. Dari gunung yang menjulang hingga lautan yang luas, setiap elemen alam memiliki peran dalam membentuk kehidupan dan peradaban. Di tengah dunia yang kaya akan keindahan alam, negara-negara terletak dengan karakteristik unik mereka. Kota-kota megah dan pusat penelitian berdiri sebagai simbol kemajuan teknologi, sementara daerah pedesaan masih menjaga kesederhanaan dan keseimbangan dengan lingkungan sekitar. Energi sihir yang mengalir dalam udara memberi hawa yang magis kepada dunia ini. Energi ini juga menjadi daya penggerak teknologi quantum yang mempercepat kemajuan peradaban. Teknologi canggih menghiasi kota-kota, dengan teleportasi, komunikasi quantum, dan teknologi energi bersih menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, Verdantria juga memegang nilai-nilai yang kuat terkait dengan keharmonisan. Konflik etika muncul saat teknologi mengancam keselarasan alam. Terdapat perdebatan tentang bagaimana teknologi dan alam seharusnya berinteraksi, dan karakter-karakter di seluruh dunia berusaha mencari keseimbangan yang tepat. Ketegangan antara teknologi dan alam ini menjadi latar belakang dari cerita yang mengikuti perjalanan karakter utama. Dalam prosesnya, Verdantria terungkap sebagai dunia yang kaya akan kompleksitas, dengan berbagai budaya, nilai-nilai, dan sudut pandang yang berkontribusi pada harmoni yang tak terduga. Dengan lanskap alam yang memukau, kemajuan teknologi quantum yang menakjubkan, dan konflik etika yang menarik, Verdantria menjadi dunia yang menyentuh imajinasi. Dunia ini mengajarkan tentang pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan antara teknologi dan alam, serta bagaimana semangat keharmonisan dapat membentuk peradaban yang berkelanjutan.

Seventen · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


Ava Falcon, a top agent with a shadowy government agency, embarks on a high-stakes mission to thwart the plans of Dmitri, a notorious arms dealer. Alongside her trusted partner Lucas, Ava encounters Jason, an enigmatic agent who claims to be from a covert task force. Together, they uncover Dmitri's plot to sell a prototype EMP weapon, setting off a series of intense confrontations. Despite a temporary victory, Dmitri escapes, leaving Ava and her team to face the devastating aftermath of their failed mission. Months later, Ava is summoned by Director Hale for a new, classified assignment: infiltrating a rogue faction within their own ranks. To her shock, the faction's leader is revealed to be Jason, who had faked his death and now appears to be a traitor. Ava and Lucas, adopting new identities, join the faction, only to discover that Jason had been working undercover to stop a larger threat orchestrated by a higher authority. As trust is tentatively rebuilt, Ava, Lucas, and Jason uncover a conspiracy reaching into the highest echelons of the agency. The true mastermind is Director Hale, who plans to use stolen technology to launch catastrophic attacks. The trio formulates a daring plan to take down Hale and the faction, culminating in a fierce battle at the faction's command center. Jason redeems himself by subduing Hale, bringing an end to the imminent threat. Despite the victory, the team is left to grapple with their losses and the corruption within their ranks. Determined and united, Ava, Lucas, and Jason vow to continue their fight against the forces that threaten their world, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead together.

Danish07 · กีฬา
20 Chs


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating